View Full Version : Is it just me...

04-27-2009, 11:50 AM
...or do a lot of the little mixed breed dogs that have poodle in them look a lot more like bichon frise mixes? Everytime somebody at the dog park says its a poodle mix I think they are really bichon mixes. Even my brother's "purebred" toy poodle looks like a bichon. Its got short legs on a long barrel-chested body, a round head with a short muzzle, and a huge nose which I've come to equate with bichons. Maybe the bichon is easier to breed with so some clever byb's switched them up somewhere along the line?

04-27-2009, 04:57 PM
I think that just like any breed, there are always dogs that don't meet the typical standards, and remember, poodles sued to be sturdier than the current fashion has bred them. I knew a purebred miniature poodle Eubie who was as broad and short-legged as can be, even though his papers were immaculate and went back many, many generations. He was also not at all barky or hyper - he was just a great little gentleman of a dog. Needless to say, he was not kept to breed!