View Full Version : What is your pet's WEIRDEST habit?

09-25-2002, 05:45 PM
It's hard for me to pick, as Boo has many. But the past few nights Boo has taken to laying and falling asleep on my back, as I lay on my stomach in bed to read or watch TV.

09-25-2002, 07:54 PM
Daisy is just plain independent, always does her own thing.
Perry is the weird one, I can't figure out why he does this, but every once in a while we look for him and can't find him, and as a last resort we look in our upstairs walkin closet and sure enough there he is laying down on the floor of the closet in the dark looking out towards the doorway. We have no idea why he does this, except maybe he is tired of our company. lol

09-25-2002, 08:34 PM
We try to take Malone with us everywhere that we possibly can. If we leave him in the car for even a minute or two, when we come back he is SQUEEZED :rolleyes: up on the back ledge of the rear window. When he was just a little pup, he had no problem fitting back there, but now he doesn't seem to realize that he's just a leeetle tooo big for that spot, and he holds on for dear life from rolling down the back seat. :D

Miss Meow
09-25-2002, 08:52 PM
Mini sits on the top of his cat tree, faces the blank wall and talks in Siamese-speak to the wall for about 10 minutes. Very weird little boy.

Jasmine and Mini both like eating strawberry yoghurt, I think that's kind of weird too.

Poor Malone, what a funny boy!

The Cat Factory
09-25-2002, 09:42 PM
Hmmmm...well, Peppurr is terrified of his own shadow! When he's cleaning himself, if he sees his shadow he flies about 10 feet in the air:D

09-25-2002, 10:50 PM
Nutmeg's weirdest habits are licking my chin and ear (ew gross!) and eating off my plate (ew gross!). Those are habits we are all working on breaking here at this home! :D

Bassett's weirdest habit is when she gets mad, she runs over to the scratching post and scratches like crazy! At least she takes her frustrations out on the scratching posts and not the furniture!

Tilly's weirdest habit is licking the chin of my boyfriend, like he needs to be groomed. She isn't allowed to do that to anyone else; for some reason he thinks it's cute :rolleyes: :)

09-25-2002, 11:46 PM
Storms weirdest habit is chewing on plastic or paper so that he'll get my attention and sometimes when I can't find him, he's sleeping under my chair on top of all of my shoes.

Sunny's weirdest habit is playing in his water dish. He doesn't always do it but when he does there's about an inch of water in the clean litterbox where the water dish is kept. He also loves to chirp as he runs down the hall. Also if I keep the napkins on the counter, he'll attack them too so I have to keep them on top of the refrigerator.

Pepper's weirdest habit is that he'll drool all over me if he gets too excited while I'm petting him. Another one is that he sometimes snores.

Former User
09-26-2002, 02:05 AM
Casper's weirdest habit has to be that he just might be sitting on the floor, staring me, and staring me for a long time. No matter what I say, he won't move, hardly blinks his eye :rolleyes: Silly boy! (I think he's a sleep ;) )

Kitty then... well, she always has to get herself in trouble by trying to find new places to sleep in, little while ago she got stuck behind a cupboard because of this :rolleyes:
Another weird thing is that she might sit in the corner of the room and not give a hint at all where she is, and we go crazy looking for her...

09-26-2002, 03:51 AM
My chinchilla persian gets sometimes really wild!Vanilla runs around the house, jumps to the kitchen table and starts to scratch the window with all the powers she has! She does this to dressing mirrors too! Isnīt she crazy??:D
Jesperi goes to my wardrope and drags out clothes he likes! His favorites are all kind of pullovers. :D

C.C.'s Mom
09-26-2002, 04:16 AM
Rudie's weirdest habit:
Sleeping on the stairs. Nothing can make him move. It's very difficult to go upstairs if that big monster is blocking the steps!

Eddy's weirdest habit:
She loves to sleep in my husbands wardrobe. Somewhere in a corner on some clothes that he never wears. She loves it.
And I search all over the place as she never ever lets me know where she's hiding!

Cookie's weirdest habit:
Cookie has many. It's a weird dog. The weirdest has to be that she loves to jump into the water. Not a normal jump, but she runs to the shore and make a real dog-bomb (the water is about 1,5 meter below the shore). If there are boats around, they all come and have a look at the weird diving bombing dog.

Dunja's weirdest habit:
She has a diving toy which she got one day. It's one of those orange things that kids go after when they learn to swim under water. I don't know the name of it.
Well, she loves to play with it, throws it up in the air, catches it and has it than around her neck! This looks really weird. It's favorite weird game.

09-26-2002, 10:04 AM
Max's weirdest habit is, that he'll lay on his couch with his head touching the floor, & he'll snore like mad.

Oscar (a tiger Oscar fish) weirdest habbit has to be that when he get mad (for reasons unknown) he'll attack the golf balls in his tank by bitting them, & pushing them around. & hee'll attack this little fake plant by bitting onto it & slamming it into the side of the tank.

My friend cat, Meco, loves to lick to top of shaved heads, He'll go up to my friends husband & geab is head with his paws & lick the top of his head, & her husband can't get away because Meco will dig his claws into his faceif he moves... hehehe... One night I slept over (they live far from my place, so to see each other longer I spend the night over there) on the couch & woke up around 4am to a dream that I was being licked by a cat & then I realized it wasn't a dream, there was Meco licking my head... hehehe

09-26-2002, 12:09 PM
Mr. Rascal likes to bite my hair.......I have never figured out what this is all about. Sometimes he really goes for my scalp so I stop him

09-26-2002, 01:21 PM
Tango runs away scared when he passes gas (everytime) and he has to bring his dry dog food from the kitchen to the carpet in the living room to eat it. He brings 3 pieces ervytime too. :)

09-26-2002, 01:22 PM
my grandmother's cockateil likes to pull bobby pins out of her hair and pull earrings out too.

09-26-2002, 01:45 PM
My sphynx MooShoo sucks on his own teat. :eek: He was taken away from his mother at an early age. At night he'll crawl up in a ball under the covers and start sucking on the closest teat to his chin (the noise is SO weird) until he falls asleep. It's almost like a cat sucking his thumb. Once the noise stops, all you hear is purring. Ya gotta love him!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-26-2002, 11:16 PM
Peanut's weirdest habit is that she will pick out different spots on the floor to sleep. It's weird because she'll lay, say, right in the middle of the floor, and she will pick that as "her spot" for the next few days. Then she'll move to a different spot that for some reason unknown to us dull humans is just the right spot - for the time being. I could see if she layed in a corner, or under the table, or something like that, but she'll pick these weird spots just out of the blue. Her latest is to lay by the side of the couch, but not near the couch, halfway between the couch and the railing (which is about 2 feet meaning she lays about 1 foot from the couch and 1 foot from the railing). I don't know, I've tried to figure it out and just can't. I guess she's just weird. :rolleyes: :)

09-27-2002, 12:21 AM
Reggie: afraid of passing gas also. He'll sniff his butt and run away scared. He likes to sit on peoples feet. Like we'll be sitting at the table for dinner and he's got his butt plopped on somebody's foot. He likes the base of his tail scratched VERY much. He'll go as far as to rub his butt against people (most guests do not find this very amusing lol) to scratch there. He snores and snorts. Quite often I will find him on his back rolling around snorting, hehe. He howls when he is happy, especially in greeting! He also growls ALL of the time.....it's not that he's being mean (and it does scare people sometimes).....he just likes to growl. He enjoys sitting on top of the toilet. In our trailor he sleeps in a tiny storage compartment under the couch (by his own choice!). When he gets scared, he often runs and hides in the bathtub. He is afraid of EVERYTHING, and balloons are one of the absolute worst. He has gone nutso a few times. He seems to go nutso especially if it involves shovels. If we try to dig or anything, he goes crazy digging at the shovel and biting the dirt.

Smokey: He thinks the oddest things are comfortable. Sometimes the sound of crinkling plastic will wake me up in the mornings, and it is Smokey trying to get comfy on a plastic bag full of junk. He sneezes when he is happy or excited. He is 16 years old, and yet sometimes (for no particular reason) he will go and leap clear off of the deck, skipping the stairs completely...going up or down. He is OBSESSED with my mom, and can't stand be to 2 feet away from her. He follows her everywhere. He is completely paranoid. He gets really excited to go for a car ride, but then jumps into the back seat and barks like a mad dog the entire time like he wants out.

Nebo: He likes to eat his foot. He will often literally put his entire foot in his mouth. He likes pickles. He has an thing with trying to crush Reggie and Smokey. He will come up to them all friendly, and then shove them against the wall, with some stupid grin on his face. He thinks it is funny, but I dare to bet you that they don't agree. When he gets in his wild mood, he will run all over the house, full speed. One of his favorite things is to run behind the couch and leap over the magazine rack, and do this a few times as a lap. He got a new free toy from Petsmart in his puppyclass. It is a stuffed blue bone with a really loud squeaker in it. He will find that squeaker, and go CRAZY squeaking it.......he does it as fast as he can, and often while running around the house. (Lol at the class he was going nuts squeaking it, and the instructor was like...yeah ok Nebo...we all KNOW you KNOW how to use the squeaker lol). He likes to lick feet...and ears...and windows...and bathtubs...(tasty eh?). He really enjoys trying to lick the dirty silverwear in the dishswasher. His favorite way to greet a dog is to put his arms around their head like a headlock. Sometimes when he's sleeping, he'll start to make sucking noises like he's nursing his mama or something, lol. If I'm driving and I have him seatbelted in the front seat, he HAS to be in my lap. He'll struggle and stretch as far as he can to get in my lap, lol.

Ok there's probably more, but I have rambled on long enough, right?

09-27-2002, 01:14 AM
If one of the other dogs is laying on the floor, Jack will walk up to them - backwards! - and sit on them, with his head facing the opposite direction as theirs! For some reason, they allow him to do this! My son says, "Mom, Jack's bum must get cold, and he wants to sit on a furry cushion." :rolleyes:

09-27-2002, 01:16 AM
Ooooh, looky, I'm a "resident" now instead of a "newcomer". :p Guess it doesn't take long if you post a lot! ;)

09-29-2002, 07:13 AM
my cat Midnight's weirdest habit is rubbing his butt on the carpet.Also,he likes to sleep in weird places,like the sink,an empty drawer or my closet.

09-29-2002, 08:01 AM
I would have to say that Huney has the weirdest habit, she likes to eat tomato worms:rolleyes: They are big, fat & green & she thinks they are the best thing in the world! EWWW GROSSS!
I've attached a pic of what they look like, you'll see why I think it's so gross, but she just loves them!
Angus, like some of the others, is afraid of his own farts! And sometimes they sound just like a humans:o He can sure cut some funny sounding ones! Oh, & something else he's started doing recently is sleeping in the bathroom, I'll go to walk in there & end up stepping all over him, but he don't care, he'll just lay there!
I think Roxey's weirdest habit is laying on her back, she does it ALL the time, it soo cute! And like Nebo, she loves to howl, I love how she talks to me & Mark!

09-29-2002, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by anna_66
I would have to say that Huney has the weirdest habit, she likes to eat tomato worms:rolleyes: They are big, fat & green & she thinks they are the best thing in the world! EWWW GROSSS!
I've attached a pic of what they look like, you'll see why I think it's so gross, but she just loves them!

Oops, forgot the pic!

Looks appetizing hu??!!:eek:

09-29-2002, 12:21 PM
Fluffy like to sleep on clothes, she doesn't care if they're clean or dirty as long as they're in a pile like state she has to sleep on them.

Isis likes to climb up on Dustin's shoulder and lick the outside of his ear.

Katie if she gets really excited she runs in circles around the house. We're not talking about small circles either, she runs around the entire house.

Bull to get your attention will paw at you and if that doesn't work he'll nibble on your fingers.

09-29-2002, 03:22 PM
Sally is the only one of my pets with a somewhat weird habit. She likes to lay on papers, and literally scratch up the papers! I once had to explain to my teachers that my cat ripped up my homework lol!! :D

09-29-2002, 04:50 PM
This is such a good thread! I don`t know how come I didn`t see it before now! I have enjoyed the stories so much :D they are SO funny :D
Bob gets obsessive sometimes. Like he discovered -after 4 years!- that if he stood on the sofa he could see through the window, and I could not get him off it, he was there morning, noon and even at night with the blinds closed he just stood there staring at them! He is more normal with it now, he does watch out there but not ALL the time. Staring is what he does when he is obsessed if it is an object, like a new toy or something else he wants, he will sit and stare where I put it, for ages and ages.
One dog I had, Max, my beloved Dobie, used to bite his nails. He would sit on his chair and go to each leg in turn and chew away. (And, no we never had a problem with ragged nails) There was something else too. He had his tag on a choke chain and his party piece was to hold the tag in his teeth and walk around the room looking just like a horse doing dressage, he just loved the attention he got from that! I still miss him.

09-29-2002, 09:14 PM
Livvy is fascinated by video tapes -- being rewound. I'm not sure what she hears there, but sloooowly creeps up on the rewinder and when it stops and the tape pops out, she nearly jumps her height! It's hysterical to watch her fascination with this appliance.

Cassy periodically attacks paper bags and cardboard boxes. Wish I knew what made a specific bag or box deserve psycho-kitty destruction. :rolleyes: :eek:
:D ;)

09-29-2002, 09:49 PM
Hannah has a couple of weird habits. One is that periodically she wants to smell my breath. She will come and put her face right up to mine. If I don't open my mouth for her, she will open hers in an attempt to show me what she wants. Once she sniffs my breath, she is happy. Okay, now I know you are all saying that I am the weird one for participating in this routine.

Her other weird habit when she is outside is she will bark to come in, then as soon as I go to the door to let her in, she will leave the deck, and I have to stand there waiting for her to decide that she is ready to come in.

Tucker's weird habit is not permitting my husband to open the door for him to go outside, it has to be me. Tucker loves his Dad and will sit on his lap and be all lovey dovey with him, but heaven forbid that he should have to walk by him to go outside. We think it must have been some man who kicked him outside in a previous home.

09-30-2002, 12:01 PM
That is weird that Tucker does that. I guess he is picky about who opens the door. :) lol

Dakota's Mommy
10-03-2002, 08:41 AM
Not necessarily the weirdest habit of Dakota, but definately one of the weirdest things she does is the sleeping positions that she sleeps in. This is a pic of one of those times that I couldn't understand how she could be comfortable sleeping

10-03-2002, 04:31 PM
My two year old female, Alabama, is insistent on jumping on my HEAD when I get out of the shower, and put the towel around my hair. She hangs over the front, and kinda puts her paws on my shoulders. I will admit, I thought this was so cute when she was four pounds..now that she is ten pounds, and very practiced at it, it has lost some of its flavor.

When I lock her out of the bathroom for a day or so, she gets sooo anxious, and HAS to do it, and will literally leap from the toilet onto me. Guess what? Sometimes she catches me unawares...and I have great difficulty explaining to people the long scratches on my back, arms, chest, neck, etc. Most of the time she knows to leave the claws in, and waits for me to 'help' her onto me...I will give her "a leg up" like someone would to someone getting onto a horse...It really is funny. I always look at us in the mirror, and talk to her while she is purring away ontop of the big towel. What a weirdo! (The cat, not me).:D :D