View Full Version : Camping Trip??

09-25-2002, 04:25 PM
My dear hubby and I are going on a camping trip next month to meet up with some friends,in Canton,OH. And I plan on taking Ginger with us. I wish we could take all three dogs but we just can't fit them all in the Mustang. I was just kinda curious what all you take with your dog. I know I need Dog Food,Dishes,her tags,extra collars and leashes,and something to clean up her messes. I was wondering what else does everyone else take. And where do you let your dogs sleep? Where taking a tent. More then likely she'll be sleeping in the tent with us. Any advice would be most helpful. We've been camping before. But we've never taken any of our dogs with us.


P.S. Today is my dear hubby's and my 3 year Wedding Anniversary!!!!!!!!!

09-25-2002, 04:32 PM
I don't know if you kennel your dog but maybe if you do it might be good to bring that? Even for a dog house type thing for her to sleep in while you are all sitting around? Lots of bags to clean up those poops!!!! If she would feel comfy sleeping with you all that would probably be best. I know i would let Presley sleep with me because that is what she is use to.

09-26-2002, 06:27 AM
How fun! Andrew and I love camping with Drake. It is so much fun. We had a trip planned for this weekend to go climbing and camping, but it has been thunderstorming non stom for about a week here in GA and is supposed to continue through the weekend.

Tina, be sure you have a first aid kit in case of an emergency. Take towels incase the dog gets wet. Don't forget all the other items you mentioned as well!

Happy Wedding Anniversary! And many more years of happiness to come!

09-26-2002, 08:57 AM
Happy Anniversary Tina!

When we took Kia camping with us, She slept in the tent. Of course she figured out how to open the tent and gave Andy a scare when he woke up..... but I feel safer knowing she's close.

Everything you've mentioned and has been mentioned by others, I've done. :)

09-26-2002, 09:27 AM
I think everyone covered everything, Just want to tell you to have a great time and a very HAPPY ANNIVERSARY.
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

09-26-2002, 09:47 AM
I went backcountry backpacking with Murph in Tennessee
a few months ago. Before we left I put some Advantage on
him, thinking it was for ticks and fleas. We stumbled into
a tick infestation a couple of days into the trip and we were
picking approx. 30 ticks a night off Murph. I was afraid to
put human bug spray on him, so we ended up coming back
early. We were still picking ticks off him all the way home
to Texas. When we got home I read the Advantage package
more closely and found out it was only for fleas. Argh! I'll
never make that mistake again. It was such a nitemare.
I don't know what we would have done if Murph wasn't
such a good boy, cuz picking ticks off of him for a couple
hours a night, was not a pleasant experience for him,
especially since they got between his toes and in his

Oh and never let your friends feed your dog fries and peanuts
on the drive to and fro, especially to a dog that rarely ever gets
people food. It's not a pretty site.


09-26-2002, 09:49 AM
Thanks everyone !!! And thank you for the help!

09-26-2002, 12:12 PM
our vet told us we could use bug spray on the dogs (this was when I was younger; my parents have two dogs). for the face we sprayed into our hands and then rubbed it on their faces. Have you heard that isn't good for them?

09-26-2002, 01:19 PM
dog food, dish, extra towel (they get dirty), I take oinment for ant bites, bottled water, leash. Ginger will love it!

09-26-2002, 02:52 PM
nomilynn writes:

our vet told us we could use bug spray on the dogs (this was when I was younger; my parents have two dogs). for the face we sprayed into our hands and then rubbed it on their faces. Have you heard that isn't good for them?
Hi nomilynn,

No, I hadn't heard anything about human bug spray on dogs
one way or the other. So I wasn't sure if it would be harmful
or not. Being a 2 days walk back to the car, I couldn't take the
chance of Murph having a bad reaction to it.
