View Full Version : Hello! I am new member here!

09-25-2002, 03:29 PM
Hi, nice to be here!I am owned by 3 cats:D
One is domestic shorthair called Jesperi, two are chinchilla persians Viola and Vanilla!
:p (terveisiä jälleen Belgiaan, Kitty & Casper!!!!);)

09-25-2002, 03:41 PM
http://jabberwoq.com/images/emoticons/roller.gifhttp://jabberwoq.com/images/emoticons/roller.gif Welcome Katmintti!!!! It's a pleasure to have you here at Pet Talk!!! You'll definitely enjoy here.. Keep your posts coming!!! http://jabberwoq.com/images/emoticons/roller.gif http://jabberwoq.com/images/emoticons/roller.gif

09-25-2002, 03:48 PM
Welcome, I hope you enjoy it here. Boy, persian chin's must be beautiful. Can't wait to see pic's (I will understand if you can't show pic's cause I can't or at least not until I get a scanner or a dig. camera).

Former User
09-25-2002, 03:49 PM
Hey, great to see you here! ;) You'll find this forum MUCH better than the other one, take my word! People are friendlier here, you'll get lots of advices if you ever need to ask anything, and by the way, if possible, post pics! We LOVE pics here at Pet Talk! Welcome here!

I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy to have another Finnish member, YIPPEEEE!!! http://www.smilies.nl/groot/finland.gif

Terveiset Suomeen! :)

09-25-2002, 04:03 PM
Welcome aboard, Katmintti!! I know you will enjoy it here! Please stick around!!:)

09-25-2002, 04:49 PM
Hello katmintii! Glad to meet you! Please tell us stories of Jesperi, Viola, and Vanilla -- and give us pictures, too, if you can! :)

By the way... Is "Saima" a popular name in Finland? I've seen it on the Internet linked with Finnish sites. (I gave my tabby cat the name Saima after someone I knew by that name who is Pakistani).

09-25-2002, 04:53 PM
Thanks a lot!I will post you lots of pics to look at!:D

09-25-2002, 04:59 PM
Yep, I think here lives many Saima´s!:) It`s quite an old name in here. And just add one k to Miko and we have very popular finnish name Mikko!:D

09-25-2002, 05:06 PM
Hey, cool! :cool: Saima and Mikko! :) :) :)

katmintti, I hope you will enjoy Pet Talk.

09-25-2002, 05:27 PM
Welcome! Now, I went to look up welcome in Finnish and it gave me four choices, with no description of the differences!

So is: mieluinen, tervetullut, tervetulotoivomus
or toivottaa tervetulleeksi

the correct way to say "Welcome to Pet Talk!"?

When it gave me four choices for Welcome, I didn't dare try Pet! :)

In any case, glad to have you here!

09-25-2002, 06:32 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk. I really look forward to hearing about you and your cats!

Miss Meow
09-25-2002, 08:34 PM
Welcome katmintii!

Felicia's Mom
09-25-2002, 09:40 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk Katmintii!:) I have been here about 1 month and enjoy it very much. The people here are very friendly.

09-25-2002, 11:52 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk Katmintii. :) I'm sure you'll love it here. I do and now I'm addicted. :D I'm also owned by 3 cats. I look forward to hearing about your cats and also seeing pictures of them. :)

Former User
09-26-2002, 01:59 AM
The right word in Finnish to welcome someone is Tervetuloa! 3 of those words you found Karen are different variations of this word, that first word got nothing to do with welcoming someone.

Anyways.... Tervetuloa Pet Talkiin Katmintti :)

I guess almost all got your name wrong :(

Oh, and pics! Post pics! ;) ;) ;)

09-26-2002, 03:32 AM
:D Thank you very much!
Kiitos oikein paljon!:) And pics are coming!But where should I put them? In Cat General?:confused:

Former User
09-26-2002, 03:33 AM
Yup, cat general is good, can't wait to see them!
So weird to talk English to another Finn :rolleyes:

09-26-2002, 03:54 AM
:D :D :D :p

09-26-2002, 05:08 AM
http://pages.prodigy.net/bestsmileys1/emoticons3/welcome1.gif Katmintti

Hope you enjoy Pet Talk - you'll get to know us all in time and we're looking forward to the pics.!!


09-26-2002, 01:24 PM
welcome to pet talk.:)