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View Full Version : bad news at the vet

04-22-2009, 11:22 AM
well, Harley started to get a place on his rump a few months ago where the hair started to fall out. Now it has lost all the hair in the area and there is another spot next to it starting. I decided to take him to the vet I work for and see if it was anything serious. He held him down and did a skin scrapping and found out that he has demodicosis. It is a mite that he got from his mother when he was born. He told me that hopefully it will clear up when he is about 9 months to a year old, but if not or if it gets worse then he will have to go through some sort of theropy treatment where he will have to take pills for 6 to 9 months and even then it may not go away. :(. He said that is if doesn't clear up then it can effect his immune system and cause more problems. He gave me a shampoo to apply at least every other day if not everyday to help clear up the spots where the mites are and also some pills to give him every 8 hours. I think it does the same thing and he gave me some drops to put on harleys nose because he has a bacterial infection there from where he digs outside then scratched his nose. The good news is that the mites are not contagious so I don't have to worry about shy getting it. I really hope they go away. I'm pritty worried him.

04-22-2009, 12:07 PM
Let's hope for the best and maybe he will just have to take the pills and be done with it. We'll say a little prayer for him. :love:

04-22-2009, 12:46 PM
Poor baby, but at least there's a way to treat it! Be a good boy and take your meds, Harley - it is for your own good!

04-22-2009, 02:54 PM
Sometimes demodex is not as bad as it sounds. Beenie had it and grew out at around 9 months. She was treated with several dips at the vet, got pills and special shampoo. The shampoo and dips helped a lot.

04-22-2009, 04:39 PM
Sometimes demodex is not as bad as it sounds. Beenie had it and grew out at around 9 months. She was treated with several dips at the vet, got pills and special shampoo. The shampoo and dips helped a lot.

good. I hope it goes away so I won't have a sick bold dog

04-22-2009, 05:17 PM
I had a dog that had this many years ago, he did well. :)

04-22-2009, 08:11 PM
I had a dog that had this many years ago, he did well. :)

did he have to go through any treatment or did it just go away on it's own?

04-22-2009, 08:38 PM
Best wishes for the shampoo and pills, hope all that helps keep it under control and by 8 or 9 months he outgrows it ALL!!!

04-22-2009, 09:44 PM
did he have to go through any treatment or did it just go away on it's own?

It was years ago and we had to use smelly shampoos. I believe I've heard of puppies having it and it going away though.

04-23-2009, 08:23 AM
good! i hope that is what happens with harley. I feel bad for the poor guy.

04-23-2009, 12:23 PM
I know it's scary, but most pups have the mites that cause demodectic mange and generally grow out if it. Only 10% of all pups don't, and those are usually the ones with some underlying health issues. Even in rescue, we can see an outbreak after they come to us, but it generally clears up on it's own with good nutrition and care. Stress, bad nutrition and a depressed immune system due to neglect are usually the culprits. I will stress that good food is very important with pups that have outbreaks. Spending a little extra money on a good quality food will work wonders IMHO.

04-23-2009, 03:16 PM
that's really good to hear. I hope he gets over it soon. I'm going to feel like people think my dog is nasty or I don't take care of him when they ask me why he has a bold spot on his back. All I'll be able to say is... "he's got bugs" lol. he's on purina puppy food and is otherwise very healthy.