View Full Version : Prayers for Pinot-SHE'S BACK TO HERSELF 4/29!

Pinot's Mom
04-21-2009, 08:31 AM
I'd like to ask for prayers for Pinot's vet visit this evening. She's been having sneezing bouts, poop trouble and she's off her food :(. We love her so much and hope whatever it is can be taken care of easily.

Given the awful viral disease she had when we first got her a year ago, and the fact that she's a probable carrier, we worry a great deal about any sinus trouble or avoidance of food, as both were symptoms of that disease. If you could, just keep good thoughts in mind for our baby girl today; thanks! :love:


04-21-2009, 08:44 AM
Will do, poor Pinot. It's not fun being sick!

04-21-2009, 09:38 AM
:love::love: Roco sends All of his Loving & Prayers for his Darling Pinot.. Hey there wittle Lady get well soon & have a great Vet visit..

04-21-2009, 10:22 AM
Poor Pinot! :( I hope it's something that can be taken care of easily. I take it you have tried several different foods.

Sending lots of positive throughts. :love:

Pinot's Mom
04-21-2009, 11:07 AM
Thank you for your thoughts....

Randi, yes, other food options have been going on for a couple of weeks now. I'm hoping that may be at least partly to blame, but I just can't seem to figure this one out. There were just too many symptoms on the list at the same time, so I thought it was time for the vet to see her.

04-21-2009, 01:19 PM
Prayers for Pinot - for a quick fix!!! :love::)

Killearn Kitties
04-21-2009, 01:31 PM
We will all be thinking of you. Please get well, Pinot.

Edwina's Secretary
04-21-2009, 03:02 PM
Lots of good thoughts for you Pinot!

04-21-2009, 03:35 PM
Am here hoping to read a good report from the vet trip.

Prairie Purrs
04-21-2009, 05:20 PM
Healing thoughts for Pinot!

04-21-2009, 06:13 PM
Prayers for the Dunn gang that Pinot will be feeling better soon.

04-21-2009, 06:48 PM
Prayers for Pinot from Mary and the Fur Posse.....:)

04-21-2009, 07:08 PM
More prayers for p'tit Pinot. :love:

Pinot's Mom
04-21-2009, 08:32 PM
I thank you all for your prayers and support; it means a lot. :love:

Well, the vet visit was positive - her regular vet wasn't there, but we've seen the other as well, and they're both very good.

There seems to be no sinus trouble or congestion; could be a touch of spring allergens for the sneezing - nothing to worry about, no recurrence of the awful thing she had a year ago-whew!

The loose stools could be a variety of things, including food changes, she's got meds for that (for a week). The vet seemed to think it'll clear up soon, and remember this, "as there was no vomiting".

Appetite/food issues: we've got to figure out what she'll eat on a consistent basis - it could be a matter of moistening her dry food a bit to make it easier for her to eat. She has no tooth issues, they're great, she could just be going through a phase of wanting a change in her food (she's been a little - inconsistent - of late in whether she eats; and, since she normally gobbles her food in seconds flat, this was a concern). We'll continue to work on that.

She got a booster in her rabies vaccine, it was due and she seemed to be healthy enough for it.

Then, we got home: she threw up her dinner.:confused:

We're hoping this was due to the crating/ car ride/ thermometer you know where (which really ticked her off)/ rabies shot/ general upset in her routine. I'm going to keep it positive, as the vet wasn't concerned, and hope she'll be better tomorrow. We'll get the report on her fecal sample then as well. The only other thing is we have to work on getting her "girlish figure" back - she's a tad over 12 pounds, and for her....let's just say Weight Watchers might be a good idea!:p

Again, thank you all, I hope this was just a case of overprotective parents! ;)


Edwina's Secretary
04-21-2009, 09:14 PM
Gald to hear she had such a good report. And Eddie ALWAYS throws up when he gets home from the vet!

04-21-2009, 09:22 PM
We will all be thinking of you. Please get well, Pinot.

Same here :love:

04-21-2009, 11:00 PM
Pinot, please get well soon. Your poor mom is worried sick! Show her you are fine and love her very much for caring for you so well:love:

04-21-2009, 11:59 PM
Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way. I sure hope that she'll feel better soon.

04-22-2009, 05:43 AM
Pinot we are glad to hear you are mainly well. Now let's hope we you will get your appetite back- but not too much ;) and will again produce nice tootsie rolls little girl:)

04-22-2009, 10:27 AM
:love: Roco wants to know how his Darling Pinot is doing.. Also how did the Vet visit go?? Update please = Prayers & Huggss being sent..

Pinot's Mom
04-22-2009, 11:36 AM
Roco, sweetie, there's a report in post#14 and Meowmie PM'd you - thanks! :love:


04-22-2009, 01:00 PM
Pinot, keep up the good work. We are all pulling for you.

Pinot's Mom
04-22-2009, 07:06 PM
For those I have not PM'd - I thank you so much for your prayers and good wishes! Pinot's "poo report" came back negative; she's OK for parasites (YAY!)...and a bigger YAY - she's EATING! Not a lot, and not the way she had been, but SHE'S EATING!!:D

You all are wonderful for caring as you do and I want you to know that means so much!!:)

Maggie (& Pinot girl)

04-22-2009, 09:16 PM
That is such wonderful news! The catmobile would not be the same without Pinot there!

Killearn Kitties
04-23-2009, 04:39 AM
Great news! I am so happy. :D I hope Pinot eats even more today!

04-23-2009, 05:16 AM
Good report on Pinot! Better and better....:)

04-23-2009, 11:10 AM
:love: We are all go glad Pinot is doing better.. Now if we can get her to eat better.. That will come in time.. Roco was so glad last night when I told him Pinot was doing better.. Roco sends lots of Whisker Kissess & Huggss for his SweetHeart Darling..

04-23-2009, 06:38 PM
So glad Pinot is doing better. It sure makes us feel better when our babies are better.

Pinot's Mom
04-23-2009, 09:04 PM
Once again, your support is great! I think it pulls so many through times like this.:love:

Pinot seems to have gotten over the bump in the road. Her eating is good (we found just putting a little water in with her food makes it much more appetizing and the vet said her kidneys would like it better, too), we've come up with a mix of a couple of foods, and it's working....WHEW! It also stops her from kicking her dish around the floor in an attempt (which we suspected, but wasn't confirmed) to get the water from the other side into her food side of the dish.

Her "poo trouble" is almost cleared up. No more explanation needed there!

We've heard no sneezes lately & her energy is high. She's ready for the Catmobile adventure!!! :D

04-24-2009, 10:38 AM
:love: Woo Hoo Roco will get to see his SweetHeart in the Derby Catmobile Adventure.. We are so glad Pinot is doing so much better.. Roco sends Bigg Whisker Kissess & Huggss to his Darling Pinot.. Ok meowmom go get some rest now..:love:

04-28-2009, 11:30 PM
how is pinot doing now?

Pinot's Mom
04-29-2009, 07:33 AM
Thank you for asking! :love:

Pinot is back to herself. We have found a balance in the different foods and added water that have made her much happier (and her digestive system, too!). :) She'd like to actually have MORE, thank you very much, but the vet has actually recommended a quarter cup per meal as opposed to the third cup (plus) she was receiving twice a day. It seems to be working well. The latest recipe: Science Diet regular indoor mixed with Science Diet natural formula (both dry) and a smidgeon of canned Science Diet or Whiskas meal. Mix all that together, add a little water to give her gravy, and mix again.

She doesn't have a battle with her dish (batting it around the floor), she eats, and all other systems are firing normally (:) sorry, couldn't help it).

Thanks for your concern! :love:

04-29-2009, 01:14 PM
This is wonderful news!!!:D I'm so glad that she's doing so well.:)

04-29-2009, 02:11 PM
That's good to hear. Good for you, Pinot! :)

04-29-2009, 03:44 PM
GREAT NEWS keep it going Pinot

04-29-2009, 04:33 PM
:love: Woo Hoo Pinot.. Roco is a dancing as we speak.. He will be your Bo for sure to the Kentuk Derby.. So glad your feeling much better..

04-29-2009, 09:06 PM
good news! glad to hear it!:)

04-29-2009, 09:34 PM
Excellent news for you and Pinot!!! :love::love::love::love: