View Full Version : Ethan, Skylar, Sala + Our Visitor. [7]

04-18-2009, 01:57 PM
Ethan showing everyone his nice smile back when the weather was wonderful. Lately all it has been doing is raining here.. ugh.

Ethan has been having to take it easy this past week. Somehow he tore the pad on his back foot really bad. Luckily it didn't need stitches, but the doc said that if it was any worse then he would have. Its healing fine. :)

Skylar snoozing on the back porch. Both of us sorely miss the nice weather!

Sala got a haircut! You can actually see her eyes now, and I can tell she likes having short hair much better.

She is such a perfect little dog. So quiet and well-behaved. I don't think I could have come across a better dog to help me get over the loss of Frisk. I look forward to the memories we will make together.

Here is our visitor. Isn't he a handsome guy? :-)
He is spending the weekend here and will go back to the shelter on Monday. He came into the shelter with his tail de-gloved and the city does not allow any injured dogs to stay at the shelter. He was scheduled to be PTS if someone didn't do something. One of our cat's tail was de-gloved last year so I knew it was an easy fix.. and other than his tail, this dog was perfect! Needless to say, I paid to have his tail amputated and he now has a chance at finding his forever home.

Gosh, if I could I would take this guy in a heartbeat. I believe he had to of had a good home before he came to the shelter. He is already neutered and is in good shape compared to some of the other dogs that come in. His manners are wonderful and he is very friendly.
Come on PTers, I know you want him! :-D

Anyway, I figured I would share some photos and give an update since I am not on PT as much as I used to be. I hope everyone has been doing good!

Scooter's Mom
04-18-2009, 02:58 PM
I think your visitor looks too comfy to return to the shelter. He is downright beautiful. Maybe you should keep him. :)

Sala looks like such a sweetheart. Ethan and Skylar too. I love them all! Give them all a hug for me.

04-18-2009, 03:35 PM
Good to see your pups and your visitor! :D They're all adorable! Poor Ethan, Layla did the same thing a few months ago.
Hope he heals up quickly.

04-18-2009, 07:30 PM
Ethan, I hope your paw heals very fast! I love the photos of you and Skylar resting in the sun. Sala, I like your new style and I want to reach through the monitor to pet you in the 5th picture from the top! And chocolate brown visitor, I am so sorry about your tail and I hope it does not affect your getting a forever home. You are very handsome and it is nice to meet you today!

04-19-2009, 12:03 AM
Wonderful to see pictures of your beautiful pups :)
Hope Handsome Ethen's paw heals fast and he's back to playing with Sala the little cutie pie and Skylar the other handsome man really soon.

04-19-2009, 07:01 PM
Your visitor is so precious. :) I would take him if I could. He's adorable.

Ginger's Mom
04-25-2009, 02:40 PM
Well hello Sala. I haven't been around, so I must have missed her arrival. I take it from your post that she is here to stay. She is adorable. Your visitor is also a very handsome dog.

04-25-2009, 03:02 PM
Aww, all four dogs are beautiful! I love Ethan's happy smile in the first picture and Sala's typically adorable face. Silly Skylar! I can't believe how gorgeous that lab is! Come on Oyster, he's obviously yours...:D