View Full Version : Oscar and Chloe spent all day today cuddling...

04-17-2009, 06:36 PM
These two are just so cute! Since 9:30 this morning, they've been on the same leaf, cuddling.

Here's a couple pictures of their many positions... and one of Wasabi on the vine.



Oscar: "Hey! Why do you keep pointing that flashy box at us! We're trying to sleep."




Kiwi stays tucked on a leaf in the back of the tank, so I cant ever get a picture of him. I can't believe how much Oscar and Chloe have grown in the two weeks we've had them. They've probably doubled in size.

04-17-2009, 07:07 PM
Oh my gosh! I just can't get over how cute these two are! Those sweet little faces!:D

04-18-2009, 06:21 PM
Are those white's dumpy tree frogs?

I had two tadpoles. They both "hatched" into frogs, however one baby didn't make it. No matter what we did we couldn't get him to eat. Tried force feeding, separating him from the other but no dice. :( We lost him. However, the other one is getting pretty fat! He has grown so much since a little one and now he can even eat little crickets. It's so fun watching him grow. :)

I love frogs! And your four are no exception. Cute little buggers.

04-18-2009, 07:01 PM
Two of them are White's aka Dumpys, Oscar & Chloe. Kiwi and Wasabi are Green TFs. They're so much fun to watch eat crickets, aren't they? We have to make sure now that O and C don't hog all the crickets and starve K and W. White's are known to do that. Fed them last night and Oscar got about 6 small crickets... little porker. Whereas Wasabi ate 2 and Kiwi ate 4. Chloe ate 3 or 4.. it's amazing how many they can fit in their small frames.

Post some pics of your froggy! Sorry to hear you lost the other.. that's odd that he wouldn't eat. White's are known to be big eaters, so it's weird he'd do that.

04-18-2009, 07:56 PM
Well it was my first time raising tadpoles. I've owned white's tree frogs probably my whole life lol, but have never raised tadpoles. Not sure if I'll ever do it again. Nothing we did could get him to eat. Nothing. Seriously, we tried everything. :( Nothing we offered seem to please him. Pin heads, fruit flies. I think he ate twice. :( I was actually really sad he died. :(

This other one though...man has he gotten big since the day he morphed. It is so weird raising tadpoles. In the morning I would get up and have a tadpole, then come home just a few hours later to a frog!!! It was the craziest thing ever!!! I took pictures of them morphing etc.

04-18-2009, 09:31 PM
We were looking at frog pictures online earlier and there was one of a frog who was between frog and tadpole stages.. it looked so weird with the tale. =) We just got ours at Petco.. and K & W came from a mom & pop place 20 min from here... Not too many frog places around here unfortunately.

My SO wants a red-eyed TF... and found a place online that will overnight them to you. So maybe down the road.. we might do that and get some 'prettier' frogs.

We've been wondering how they make such a big poop for such a small animal.. and we just found out. Oscar didnt seem to mind going with an audience. lol

04-18-2009, 11:31 PM
HAHA!!! They DO make huge poops! :D My guy is maybe about the size of the top of my pinkie lol. Very tiny, but man does he have big turds.:p

04-19-2009, 09:47 AM
Glad to see the frogs are adjusting nicely to their new home! :) Don't you just love how White's always tend to stick together?

04-19-2009, 09:53 AM
My guy is maybe about the size of the top of my pinkie

Thats TINY!! Wow.. how old is he?

Glad to see the frogs are adjusting nicely to their new home! Don't you just love how White's always tend to stick together?

Well Oscar tried to eat Kiwi last night... We thought since they all ate the night before, and a LOT, that they'd be ok w/o eating last night... nope! So we have to go get more crickets. I'm not sure if Kiwi was just so quiet he thought it was a cricket or what... But Kiwi is definitely way too big for Oscar's mouth. Luckily. So Kiwi and Wasabi might be moving into their own place sooner than we though.

Oscar and Chloe sure do like to stay near each other.. they're cute like that.

04-19-2009, 11:50 AM
Oh he's only about....lets see. Let me look at my picture dates...

He's only about a month and a half old. :) He is small but fat! :p Yep Yep. Tiny little guy. I love the fact that I've had him since before he was barely a frog. haha.

04-19-2009, 11:56 AM
I just took him out and got some pictures of him so you can see what he looks like. :D He's so adorable!!!

04-19-2009, 12:17 PM
I just took him out and got some pictures of him so you can see what he looks like. :D He's so adorable!!!

Yay! I look forward to seeing them.