View Full Version : A leaner PTer!

04-16-2009, 04:29 PM
I'm taking steps to severely curb my salt intake, my dependence on caffiene, and to lose weight. This should cut down pressure on my heart, help my diabetes, and my other health problems. I'm on a program suggested by a hospital dietician who gave me a long list of foods that I can have like fruits, veggies, sugar-free yogurt, and a lot more. Also I'll be cutting down on being a couch potato! I'll make sure I do mall walking and walking around in my neighborhood. I need to do this so I can be here for PT and also for Moosmom. It's about time I woke up!

04-16-2009, 04:38 PM
Good for you! I need to get more exercise and lose some weight as well. Let's keep each other encouraged. I have a stationary bike that I should be using regularly, though I have not been lately as I have been having recurring sinus infections for the past couple months because they yet again stopped making the allergy medicine I took that was effective. Sigh. So I am on new meds again, and hope to get back exercising soon!

Laura's Babies
04-16-2009, 04:49 PM
GREAT DAVID! I am in your corner and pulling for you! Remember, it is all about choices and you are on the right tract making this choice to get healthier. You can sit on the sofa or get out and walk.. your choice! Just a little hint here, I took a stress test last week and while I have been walking.. I was doing it WRONG. Never start cold, do stretches and bends, loosen up and warm up...Start out walking at a slow pace and increase the pace. The idea is to get the heart rate UP.. this was what I was not doing. You want to walk at a fast brisk pace to get that heart rate UP! Don't get out there and try to do a mile the first time, work your way into it a little at a time. Start out with only a 15 minute walk and work you way up.. Wish you were close by, I'd get out and walk with you! (I LOVE walking).

If you cook, make all your meals at home so you can control what is in what you are eating. Avoid processed foods, anything tampered with by man and fast foods! You can eat all day long and still loose weight, I DID! Aim for no less that 5 pieces of fruit a day and a salad with every meal. DON'T drown your salads with dressing and all that extra stuff that just adds calories. Buy a uncooked turkey breast and use that in salads, meals or snacks... Shoot, I'll shut up before I overload you with to much information.

I am here to root you on David! You can do it and will learn a lot along the way.

04-16-2009, 05:18 PM
David i am so delighted to read your post, you can do it bro, i have just lost 5.8kgs that is about 12-13 pounds, and i needed to, i am planning to loose more and be slim once again, and i did it for health reasons this time, and the bonus is i will hopefully look and feel better too.

You need any help just pm me anytime, i am alway's here for you to support you through this, it is not easy,and it takes time and patience, but stick with it and you will see the results, gosh with that and your new dentures, look out world here comes Mr Hottie lol.:D:):love: