View Full Version : Terrified cat loose on baseball field

04-16-2009, 02:31 PM
This poor cat. I saw this on the news yesterday. An orange tabby was running around the field frantically looking for somewhere safe to hide during a game between the Mets and the Padres at Citi Field in New York. Everywhere I looked for information, people wrote comments about how funny it was but the cat was terrified and I didn't think it was funny at all. I'm wondering if it was a stray living in and around the stadium or if some stupid person brought the cat and set it loose on purpose. What if it was someone's pet that got picked up by people with bad intentions and then brought to the game and released in a stadium with thousands of people screaming. I'm praying this isn't what happened.
Apparently a black cat was on the field in 1969 and rumors spread that it caused a team to lose an important game or something ridiculous like that.
Anyone know if the cat was caught and rescued? I can't stop thinking about it. Anyone in New York who could call the SPCA or something?

Here is link to the video: VIDEO LINK (http://mets.fandome.com/video/111278/Cat-Runs-Wild-In-Citi-Field-On-Mets-Opening-Night/)

04-16-2009, 03:27 PM
I remember when an outfielder caught a little Kitten thrown out onto the field and he adopted that Kitten, and they had that Cat for many years.
I hope that little Orange Cat is all right, and somebody on the ground crew managed to catch this Cat , and get him to safety.

Don Juan's mom
04-16-2009, 04:03 PM
Looks like he was in the right spot to catch flies!

(Zerlina's favorite toy is "any fly that gets in the house.")

Seriously, maybe some of our NY area talkers know what became of that orangie. Maybe name him "Marv"?


04-16-2009, 08:56 PM
This is exactly how Tony La Russa began his Animal Rescue Foundation. A little kitty he named Evie wandered onto the field during an A's game and they shooed her into the dug out and into the bathroom. That was the beginning of a wonderful thing. I believe that was back in 1990 or 91.

I'm sorry this poor kitty was so frightened. I hope someone was as kind as Tony and helped this poor kitty.

04-16-2009, 09:48 PM
The Mets played their first ever home game in their new stadium, Citi Field, on Monday night. Many familiar faces were in attendance including Tom Seaver, John Franco, former announcer Ralph Kiner and more. One of the more commonly seen faces from good old Shea reared it's ugly head in the bottom of the 3rd inning, a feral cat.
Shea stadium was notorious for housing wild feral cats that made a constant mess all throughout it's bowels. Well it seems the Mets aren't the only ones calling Citi Field their new home these days..
The Mets lost to San Diego 6-5 and the cat got away never to be seen again.

This is the link to that quote. (http://mets.fandome.com/video/111278/Cat-Runs-Wild-In-Citi-Field-On-Mets-Opening-Night/) It's all I could find.

04-17-2009, 12:15 AM
This is the link to that quote. (http://mets.fandome.com/video/111278/Cat-Runs-Wild-In-Citi-Field-On-Mets-Opening-Night/) It's all I could find.

Thanks Moe. I found an article about feral cats living at Shea stadium too after I posted and learned about a TNR organization called Neighborhood Cats who were trying to get cats relocated to Citi Field because they were already feral and would help keep the rodent population down there. I was really surprised to read that as I can't imagine that it would be a very good life living amongst bleachers and all those people come game time. But I guess the life of a feral isn't that great wherever they live unless it's in a barn with good shelter and lots of food. :)

Before I read that though, I called the Queens N.Y. ASPCA and asked them if the cat had been picked up by them. The guy that answered sounded as if he'd received the question a couple of times already and said "yessssss maam, the cat was picked up". I asked him if the ASPCA picked it up and he said no and that he thought the Queens Animal Control had picked it up. He didn't sound too sure and I sort of thought he was just telling me what I wanted to hear. I got the number for the Queens Animal Control and left a message and also emailed them. I don't really expect to hear back from them. And it does seem that it was probably a feral cat after all.

04-17-2009, 06:00 AM
Oh the poor kitty! Feral cats lead less than ideal lives, that's for sure, and you would know that better than most now, Lara, w/the TNR work that you've started. I guess they hang around there because there's lots of food that hits the ground, poor babies. I sure hope that this orangie is safe. How sad.

04-17-2009, 12:39 PM

I continue to be amazed by your heart. You put into action the thoughts that so many people have but you actually do it. :love: :love: :love:

04-17-2009, 12:48 PM
:( That Poor Baby.. Dont you just know the baby was so Terrified.. I hope the wittle one got to a safe place..

04-17-2009, 05:16 PM

I continue to be amazed by your heart. You put into action the thoughts that so many people have but you actually do it. :love: :love: :love:

I second that emotion. :love:

04-18-2009, 04:15 PM
And the Found Hotel Cats and I third that emotion. :love::love::love:
There are many feral Cats in the MLB Ball Parks , who scavenge the discarded Ball Park Food.:eek::eek:
We are praying that that Owesome Orange Cat fings hsi FurrEver Home.

04-20-2009, 12:09 AM

I continue to be amazed by your heart. You put into action the thoughts that so many people have but you actually do it. :love: :love: :love:

Thanks Deb! What a kind thing to say. I sure appreciate it since the people I told at work about it basically think I'm nuts for calling New York about a cat. lol Got some eye rolliing and "are you serious?" They don't get me and that's okay.
p.s. Thank you Mary and Gary for seconding and thirding. :D

04-20-2009, 02:35 AM
I roll my eyes at people who DON'T care about feral cats.:rolleyes: Where are their hearts? We know yours is in the right place!:love:

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-20-2009, 03:00 AM
I agree with you all the way!! Seeing the fright in that cat, and the people laughing about it, it makes me feel so sick...:( Poor poor kitty!!

04-20-2009, 05:30 PM
Thanks Deb! What a kind thing to say. I sure appreciate it since the people I told at work about it basically think I'm nuts for calling New York about a cat. lol Got some eye rolliing and "are you serious?" They don't get me and that's okay.
p.s. Thank you Mary and Gary for seconding and thirding. :D

I fourth! Thank you for caring about that cat. God bless you and the kitty.

04-20-2009, 05:46 PM
I fifth it. Your compassion cannot be matched. That's why we all love you so. :)

04-21-2009, 07:58 AM
One more of many reasons that I don't like baseball. At lest the NASCAR drivers love dogs and cats and are willing to help. This includes raising money for dog and cat rescue. The fans are also backing these efforts.

04-22-2009, 12:23 AM
I fifth it. Your compassion cannot be matched. That's why we all love you so. :)

You guys are too nice!! Thank you. :love::love: Ditto!

04-22-2009, 08:32 AM
I saw a flm clip of another cat that was on the field during last nights Cubs game.

Tony LaRussa is a HUGE animal fan and has done many things and even started a foundation to care for animals.

There are many MLB players that do care for animals.

Except anyone that wears Yankee pinstripes, Barry Bonds and The owners of the Dodgers.;)

04-22-2009, 06:37 PM
The one the security guard picked up by its tail? (*shakes head in disgust*)

The Chicago Tribune reported this morning that the cat left the game with a veterinarian who just happened to be there, and is now safe at a shelter (the shelter wasn't named).

04-22-2009, 06:39 PM
i fifth it. Your compassion cannot be matched. That's why we all love you so. :)
