View Full Version : I just KNOW there's a mouse in this closet!

09-25-2002, 06:59 AM
Fake mousie, of course....a new picture for Ritzy fans - she spends a lot of time with her front legs buried under the closet door....truth is she chases them all under there and obsesses over them for hours. Silly kitty

09-25-2002, 07:29 AM
Cute photos of Ritzy! Why is it that cats do that, they love to poke under things to reach something that they can feel but not see! And I know what you mean about them doing it for hours, like the wee morning hours!:)

09-25-2002, 08:02 AM
LOL!!! Ritzy, you are too cute!!! Can't get mom to keep that door cracked for you?? Come on, Mom..........give the poor thing a break!! :D

Edwina's Secretary
09-25-2002, 08:48 AM
What a doll that Ritzy. And smart too. Sometimes Edwina just sits and stares under one closet door even though there is nothing in there!

09-25-2002, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
Cute photos of Ritzy! Why is it that cats do that, they love to poke under things to reach something that they can feel but not see! And I know what you mean about them doing it for hours, like the wee morning hours!:)

Oh, you know it! I woke up one morning thinking someone had broken into the house....this closet door is at the foot of the stairs, I looked down there and saw Ritzy running from the living room to the door and then "slamming" herself into the closet door trying to reach the mouse.

I often open this door to see a scene much like the picture attached. This is where Ritzy keeps her "stash" :)

09-25-2002, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by Logan
LOL!!! Ritzy, you are too cute!!! Can't get mom to keep that door cracked for you?? Come on, Mom..........give the poor thing a break!! :D

She tends to shut it again....and once shut herself inside (still don't know how that one happened)...so I keep it shut. She seems to get a kick out of carrying her mice to this door, dropping them about a foot from the door, flopping on the floor attacking the mouse and then shoving it under the door.

Closet mouse shuffleboard games? A new event at the kitty olympics

09-25-2002, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
What a doll that Ritzy. And smart too. Sometimes Edwina just sits and stares under one closet door even though there is nothing in there!

When Ritzy was about a year old, there was a REAL mouse that skittered into this closet. We opened the door, which led to a pile of shoes (ok, so mom's not a neat freak)...Ritz honed in on the smell and proceeded to burrow through the maze of shoes and located this very frightened mousie!

We were able to catch it and set it free outside in the woods...but Ritz seemed annoyed that we gave her this really COOL toy and then just took it away again!:)

For three days, for hours on end, breaking only for water, food and the litterbox, Ritz sat outside the closet door, hunkered down, STARING...We would check to make sure no more mousies....I think she just thought. I KNOW it will come back!

Edwina's Secretary
09-25-2002, 10:27 AM
I've mentioned before that Edwina is not the brightest bulb around. If it weren't for the fact that she is afraid of (live) mice I would be worried by how much time she sits looking under the coat closet door! Sometimes she gets distracted by the patterned rug she is sitting on and stares at that instead....

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

09-25-2002, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
I've mentioned before that Edwina is not the brightest bulb around. If it weren't for the fact that she is afraid of (live) mice I would be worried by how much time she sits looking under the coat closet door! Sometimes she gets distracted by the patterned rug she is sitting on and stares at that instead....

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

LOL...yes but with looks like that, who needs brains! :) Edwina has been my wallpaper for over a month now - such a beautiful kitty

09-25-2002, 12:33 PM
My cats Carly Curl and Maya Lin LOVE those furry mice. Maya Lin kicks them under my stove and dresser. Then she'll sit there, look at me with her big blue eyes and goes "Ma!!" When I moved I found 2 dozen of them under my stove!!!

09-25-2002, 02:41 PM
Ritzy & Edwina are just too cute!! I love that they are entertained by something as simple as wall paper or a rug...can they come over and teach Basil that???? :)

Cute pictures of Ritzy! Noah and Noel do that too...I am always suprised to find so many mousies under the oven, fridge and inside the closet... :D

09-25-2002, 04:33 PM
What cute pictures!!

09-25-2002, 06:50 PM
Ritzy is so CUTE! I want to hold him. and the cat (well all of them too) in the first pic that "I_LOVE_MY _CATS" just posted, so sweet. Ritzy looks like Galvez, the resident cat at the other vets office, when I took Louise there. hes big, and looks like your Ritzy!
I just love all these cats, want to hold and play with them all!

09-25-2002, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
...Sometimes Edwina just sits and stares under one closet door even though there is nothing in there!

Ahem, and what makes you so sure that nothing is in there? Wouldn't you feel silly if a phantom mouse is being kept from breaking through the door and drooling all over you and your hubby by the patient and valient Edwina??? :eek: What a nasty way for Pet Talk to lose a respected pillar: phantom mouse drooled to death. :eek: Ewwww!

:rolleyes: Edwina: you go girl! Protect your humans! Gooooood kitty-kitty.

09-25-2002, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by AmberLee

Ahem, and what makes you so sure that nothing is in there? Wouldn't you feel silly if a phantom mouse is being kept from breaking through the door and drooling all over you and your hubby by the patient and valient Edwina??? :eek: What a nasty way for Pet Talk to lose a respected pillar: phantom mouse drooled to death. :eek: Ewwww!

:rolleyes: Edwina: you go girl! Protect your humans! Gooooood kitty-kitty.

You know it Amberlee! I never underestimate Ritzy-girl's "stare downs" - more times than not,they HAVE been real critters!

09-25-2002, 11:04 PM
Great Ritzy pics. :D My cats also love to bat their mice under things like the refrigerator, couch, and recliner. :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-26-2002, 10:36 PM
When Tubby and I lived with my parents, he had the pleasure of "meeting" a few real mice face to face. We always knew when there was one around because he would sit for hours on end just looking at the closed cupboard door, or at the heaters. WE didn't see anything for days, but Tubby would not leave his post, and sure enough eventually we'd get to watch him chase the mouse around the house. The funny part was that my mom would get in on the chase too, to try and get the mouse away from Tubby. She was worried he would hurt it bad enough - but not kill it - and it would crawl into the heat pipes and die, then smell to high heavens in the house. We had some quite comical evenings back then. :D

Here's an old picture. My mom thought she would make it easy on Tubby and leave the cupboard door open. Notice the mousetrap too....she wasn't taking any chances. :rolleyes:

09-27-2002, 08:09 AM
Vigilance, thy name is cat!

09-27-2002, 01:04 PM
LOL...cute pics!
My kitties do the same thing except with the coffee table. The bottom of my coffee table has a bunch of wooden slats to hold magazines etc..(nothing they can catch their head in, but big enough to fit paws through) and it's no fun unless the mice are in between the wooden slats getting batted around.

I know what you mean about doors being shut. I had to start shutting my bedroom door when I'd leave for work....because one day I came home and there were no kittens greeting me. I found them all shut in the bedroom and had no idea how that hapenned...until..I saw Scout playing and watched him bat the door shut! Silly kitty. He'd close the door on himself then meow because he couldn't get out!

09-29-2002, 07:27 PM

Tubby, this reminds me of a pic I took of Ritz...near the sink, staring under the stove!