View Full Version : Hurricanes....grrrrrrrr

Dixie Belle
09-25-2002, 12:40 AM
With the hurricane about to pound on Louisanna (we think) I am having to work major overtime! I was called in an hour and a half early, and I'm on call until this thing moves on. To top it off, my poor puppies and kitties! Jewel pretty much has it made. My dad will bring her inside to spend the hurricane with him. Blue hates bad weather, and to stay on a run to keep him from messing up stuff, or hurting himself. He will go under the chain fence otherwise. Dixie Belle is chilling on our front porch with Missie. Believe it not, Belle doesn't even care about chasing the cat! She hates bad weather too. Missie is fine. Prince and Mama Dog are sharing the dog house. And Beautiful has some place she stays dry at, but we have to let her in to eat. And trying to keep everyone else fed is a nightmare. There is water everywhere. We have to take turns drying everyone off and bringing them in to eat.

Sorry about this. I just needed to vent.

Rain, rain, go away.
Come again another day. (NOT!)

C.C.'s Mom
09-25-2002, 04:39 AM
I heard about it on the radio. Hope you guys are okay over there.

We had A LOT of rain in Germany. One weekend we went to Dresden to help our in-laws with sand bags (not that it helped at all - they had water till the 2nd floor) and it was so terrible to see what happens when there is so much water.
Not that Cookie minded - she had a weekend in heaven with all the water everywhere and temperatures way up the 80's.

09-25-2002, 05:53 AM
Hopefully none come out way.I'm terrified of what will happen if one does. What will happen to us, Simba, the house....:(

09-25-2002, 07:58 AM
Good luck with the mess, Cheryl. I looked at the radar and couldn't believe the widespread rain. We're getting it here too, but not in the way that you are on the gulf coast. Lots of rain means muddy dogs!! I guess your washer and dryer will be working overtime too, washing towels for the next drying off session!

Stay safe.
Logan :)

09-25-2002, 12:10 PM
that sounds terrible, working overtime is always a bummer. Sorry to hear about the weather.

"Blue skies are gonna clear up, put on a happy face".

Dixie Belle
09-25-2002, 01:07 PM
I guess your washer and dryer will be working overtime too, washing towels for the next drying off session!


09-25-2002, 02:07 PM
I've been watching the storm on the weather channel today. They have downgraded it to a tropical storm but have storm warnings out for LA, Al, MS, and northern FL. Looks like tons of rain is headed your way. They think it will hit land tomorrow morning. I'm praying really hard for all of you (and the animals) that are in its path. Please keep us udated if you can. Power may be iffy, of course.:(

Dixie Belle
09-25-2002, 11:56 PM
It's just raining...and raining...and raining. It has been raining for over 24 hours steady now. Winds are finally picking up. They were throwing us out of work tonight. Some roads were already flooded. And Isadore is only 5 miles per hour away from being a hurricane again. So far, I don't know about any bad damage or anything. Mostly just flooding. You can go mud riding in my front yard. Anyway...need to go. Got to find Beautiful. It's her turn to come in and eat.