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View Full Version : How embarassing!

04-12-2009, 08:12 PM
I had the day from heck yesterday. Anything that could go wrong, did. By the time I got home from work, I escaped into jammies and hid out in the bedroom. I wanted ice cream, so I begged my daughter to run to Friendly's for their version of a Blizzard. Being how beat-up I felt, I was VERY specific about what I wanted.... vanilla soft-serve and Reece's Pieces.

She left and returned with..... the wrong thing. Vanilla ice cream and Reeces CUPS. No no no no! It was the last thing my bad day piled on me. SO I started crying. Crying! In front of my daughter, her friend, and hubby. They felt so bad for me that hubby went out to get a replacement.

And returned with..... the wrong thing. This time, they made it with vanilla soft-serve and Reece's Pieces and peanut butter. This time, though, all I could do was laugh hysterically. I laughed as I got in the car, laughed as I stood in line, and laughed as I handed it back to them to make again. The manager thought he was making it extra special for me by adding extra peanut butter because he felt so bad about me crying. LOL

The most embarassing part? The manager knew exactly who I was because I cried in Friendly's last month after a particuarly bad day at work. At that time, their soft serve machine was down and I couldn't get my Blizzard.

Now.... would you say I'm overly emotional about ice cream?

04-13-2009, 07:16 AM
No, I just think you know what you want. I'm the same way, without the crying. I HATE it when you go get something you specifically want and get home to find out it's wrong. Do I go back? Or just shut up and eat it.

To be honest, I hate anything peanut butter. I'll eat peanut butter on a bagel but that's as far as it goes.

In your HIGHLY EMOTIONAL STATE (saying it with endearment), I worked yesterday as well and had the day from heck, so I completely understand. My comfort food of choice last night was General Tsao's Chicken SPICY. Followed by a side of French Silk Ice Cream.

I'm glad you went back and got what you really wanted. I'd say call me and we'd talk, but my cellphone has been shut off till I pay my balance.:(

04-13-2009, 08:00 AM
I hate days like that. Sounds like you have a wonderful family that is at least trying to take care of you and very caring. That is something you don't always see in this day and age.

Laura's Babies
04-13-2009, 08:30 AM
Can't you hear the people at that store warning newly hired people about the lady who crys if you get her order wrong or the machine is down and she can't have her ice cream?

I'd say you LOVE it... That was really sweet of the employee to try to do something extra for you because you had a bad day but lesson learned... Give her exactly what she ASKED for, even on a bad day!