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04-10-2009, 09:26 PM
But I didn't think they'd take my IRS refund!!!

I owed the State of CT $500 in 2007 taxes. It was an error on my part (I suck at math). Instead of paying them back, I, like a person who robs Peter to pay Paul every single month since they've cut our hours back at the store, used it. Well, it caught up with me. I was SUPPOSED to (and counted on it for other bills including my cellphone) get a federal refund of $427. I got a letter in the mail today saying they took the $427 and applied it to the balance of what I owed.

I am SOOOO screwed!!! I'm trying to look at it as, "Oh well, okay, at least that's one big bill taken care of." In the meantime, my cellphone may very well be shut off for not paying my balance and my rent check is going to bounce.

*sigh* I just don't need this right now.

Thanks for letting me vent.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

04-10-2009, 10:39 PM
Thats like kicking you when your down. That realy brings teh suck.

I realy hope you can make things work out.

04-11-2009, 06:55 AM
Oh yes, they'll do that alright. I'm sorry that this happened, Donna, but as you said, at least it's a bill that's been paid. :love:

04-11-2009, 07:26 AM
I'm sorry they grapped the money like that, but as you say, it's one big bill taken care of. If you had contacted them, perhaps you could have made smaller payments over a period.

Concerning your cell phone.... isn't it a lot more expensive to use that, rather than a normal phone? It is here. There are several ways of ringing cheap, one is using Skype, and I'm not sure if that's only for international calls, but have a look at this site: http://www.alltheweb.com/search?cat=web&cs=iso88591&q=cheap+phonecalls+within+USA&rys=0&itag=crv&_sb_lang=pref

Hope you won't be starving! At least you have your job. :)

04-11-2009, 07:44 AM
That really stinks! :(

04-11-2009, 07:48 AM
They will come after you again next year for the remaining $63 if you don't pay that before then also. My brother-in-law had been in the military. There was something that the government said he owed, even though he didn't. They took tax refund from my sister and him, even though technically they didn't have a right to her half of it. It took them months and months and months of work to get their money back. Part of the reason was because the officer that had signed off on my brother-in-law's situation had since retired. They view it as their money and will do what they can in order to be paid. I am sorry that it has put you behind on other bills.

04-11-2009, 08:10 AM
Yeah, it sucks big time. I'm trying to look at it positively but somehow it's not working.:rolleyes:

It wasn't the IRS that came after me, but the State of Connecticut. Our State is in such a state of disarray it's pathetic.

Thanks everyone for your kind words. The minute I opened my eyes when I got up this morning it was going to be bugging me and I was right...IT IS!!!

04-11-2009, 08:35 AM
Unfortunately for those low on money, it is not just your state that does this. Each state has the right to collect overdue money from your federal return.

04-11-2009, 08:44 AM
:( I am sorry that this is a bad time for you.. However I am confused.. I thought you rented right.. So was this a state tax owed?? Texas does not have state tax thank goodness.. We have Lottery which hepls.. Does CT not have lottery??

04-11-2009, 09:50 AM
It was the State of Connecticut Income Tax from the year 2007. I tried to make payment arrangements but couldn't even afford those!!

CT is, I think the only state that taxes you on your car as a "luxury". Yeah, right.

04-11-2009, 10:30 AM
I've heard that the state can be worse than the Feds. Somehow it might be wise to see if you can round up the $63 that you still owe them so that you don't get hit w/interest and penalties. A long time ago the IRS sent me a notice that I owed over $50 and if I didn't pay that I would be penalized. It was from years ago when I was still married and I had no idea what it was about! I knew better than to protest over such a small amount so I paid it but it bugged me to think that if they did that to every citizen, think of the money they'd rake in.

04-11-2009, 11:46 AM
CT is, I think the only state that taxes you on your car as a "luxury". Yeah, right.

I believe that a lot of states tax a car under "personal property tax". Hey - tax is tax, no matter what they want to call it. Fortunately DE doesn't have a yearly tax on motor vehicles, and you pay a one time tax when you buy the car and it's based on the value. We also have no state sales tax on anything.

Donna - if they haven't charged you interest on what you owe, then you're lucky, since DE and the Feds do on any taxes that are late.

Edwina's Secretary
04-11-2009, 12:02 PM
I have had to "serve" some federal tax levies to employees over the years. The most frightening thing!

Most garnishments take a fixed amount of money from each check. A levy works the other way.

You are left with a fixed amount of money. And depending on number of dependents, etc. It isn't much.

First time I saw one I vowed to never mess around paying my taxes!:eek::eek:

Sorry they got your money Donna -- but at least you won't have interest building up.

04-11-2009, 12:16 PM

Your right. That's one bill I won't miss, and am counting my blessings they didn't charge me interest. Now the IRS is another story. Won't go into it.

Laura's Babies
04-11-2009, 01:44 PM
Geez, and I been doing my own and not knowing what I am doing, just hoping they would fix any mistakes I make..

04-11-2009, 01:57 PM
I don't know if this is an omen or what. This morning on tv was a program about the IRS, and their treatment of the "little people" like me who owe a MINUTE amount to them and go on the war path to get. :rolleyes::rolleyes: In one instance a man went to his parent's home after both his parents committed suicide over the IRS bill (some were mistakes by the IRS) and was confronted by an agent who said they WOULD get their money, even if it had to come from him.

It also had to do with an agent of the IRS who was the whistle blower and instrumental in the way the IRS treats not only their employees, but us little people as well. The employees she blew the whistle on (two of which were continuing an affair on tax payers time) refused to go on camera to testify in front of the grand jury. They testified behind screens. Cowards.

I've seen commercials for Ronnie Deutche being able to reduce what is owed to the IRS. Hmmmm...

04-13-2009, 07:19 AM
The icing on the cake...

I told T-Mobile on Saturday that I'd be paying the balance on my phone in the next few days. They shut me off anyway. Great, huh?

*sighs, shakes head*

04-13-2009, 07:44 AM
I'm not sure how it works in USA, but here, you give your tax card to company who employs you. On that card it's says which percentage you have to pay, and the company deduct the amount before you pay your salary in to your bank account. Btw, I believe the lowest percentage you pay here, is 38% or thereabouts.

Back in the sixties, you got all your wage (in a brown envelope... or was that back in the fifhties) and had to pay the tax yourself.

04-13-2009, 08:09 AM
The icing on the cake...

I told T-Mobile on Saturday that I'd be paying the balance on my phone in the next few days. They shut me off anyway. Great, huh?

*sighs, shakes head*


You might want to check this out - safelink.com

It's a government sponsored free cell phone service for low income individuals. I don't know how much money you make, but it wouldn't hurt to see if it's available in CT and if you qualify. Check it out - nothing ventured/nothing gained!

Good luck!

ETA: Oops - I just typed in your zip code and it's not yet available in CT - says it's coming soon tho. You might want to hold on to the info for future reference. I tried - sorry!

04-13-2009, 09:40 AM

Thanks! I'll definitely keep the link and keep checking it.

04-13-2009, 10:01 AM
I called T-Mobile and spoke with a guy named Jordie who took my promise to pay, and has hooked me back up so I wouldn't be without a phone. WOOHOO!!! I'm glad to be a proud member of the T-Mobile family. They are the BEST!!!!