View Full Version : spanking

04-10-2009, 12:09 PM
So, I was just sitting here on the computer. Harley at my side. I am eating grapes and he is putting his front paws up in my lap and would try to nonchilantly grab a grape. Little did he know I was putting the ones I didn't want to the side and those are the ones he is getting. He grabs a grape. Hops down and then I hear him dancing around behind me as he rolls the grape around in the floor. A minute later he is back for another. After about 5 missing grapes I turned around to see squished grapes all over my carpet, lol. ~Oooops~ Maybe he was gonna make me some wine :D. While he was doing this I was reading a thread on another forum about whether people thought it was a good idea to spank their pets. Long story short it was a woman who saw a post on another forum about a 10 month old yorkie being spanked for getting into the trash. Now everybody who knows Harley knows that he pushes my limits ALOT, but I've never spanked him. When we are working on walks or obediance the I will give a correction by giving a firm touch or a quick grab on the neck or side. Mostly to redirect his attention ( think the dog whisperer techniques) something like that, but I have never tried to hurt him. Not that I could, lol. I admit that I have lost my cool and spanked other pets in the past, but that was when I was younger. I would never do that now to any of my pets and I feel awful for even admitting it. I don't think that animals rationalize like people do and they don't understand why you are suddenly hurting them for no apparent reason, but that is just my opinion. What do you all think about spanking your pets?

04-10-2009, 12:14 PM
I guess it is good that he was just playing with and squishing the grapes, as grapes can cause trouble for dogs, they're not good for them.

Spanking a dog? Uh, no, a dog is not a human. And is certainly is not going to associate getting snacked on the bottom with the fun he had getting into the trash ... a covered trash can would be far more effective.

04-10-2009, 12:28 PM
Never spanked them. I have owned mostly Labradors and they have all been pretty well behaved. I usually say no and send them to their bed if it is something major. I have found that just lowering my voice makes them know something is wrong.

Grapes are toxic for dogs. Hope she didn't eat any. :(

04-10-2009, 12:50 PM
Grapes are poisonous for dogs. It affects thier kidneys. Please don't feed him grapes.

Daisy and Delilah
04-10-2009, 12:53 PM
Having Chihuahuas, I always wonder how anyone could ever spank one. A spank would be more like knocking one across the room. That is more than a spank. It could cause serious bodily harm to a small dog.

I am completely opposed to spanking any dog. From tiny to huge. It's like beating the dog for no reason. There are so many better ways to discipline a pet instead of hitting them. The same goes for children.

I always treat children and pets the way I would want to be treated. I can't imagine how the person that spanks the Yorkie can live with themselves. Aren't they afraid of hurting the little doggie? A ten month old Yorkie is about one pound. Spanking that dog is serious cruelty. Maybe they should rehome the dog because they don't have the patience to be a dog owner. Either that or go with what Karen said. Get a covered trashcan.:( :mad: :(

04-10-2009, 01:43 PM
I've never heard of grapes being toxic to dogs! oh no! i'll be sure not to let him play with them anymore, but he didn't eat any. He was just squishing them. thanks for letting me know though!:)

04-10-2009, 02:20 PM
Here is an article for you on foods bad for dogs:

What is toxic to dogs?
While you love your dear dog and want him to have the healthiest of diets, it’s important to know which foods to consume and which must be avoided at all costs. In fact, there are specific foods which are toxic to dogs. Whether its grapes or cabbage or extensive table scraps or bread dough be aware of the list below as toxic food for dogs…in other words, what not to feed!

We’ll start with human food. Baby food can contain onion powder, which can be toxic to dogs. In addition, it can result in nutritional deficiencies especially if fed in large amounts. Simply stated, it’s best to avoid since this could be toxic to dogs. That’s why it’s called baby food and not dog food.

Table scraps in large amounts could be classified as toxic food for dogs. Why? Because they’re not nutritionally balanced. They should never be more than 10% of your dog’s diet. Fat should be trimmed from meat and bones should definitely not be fed. Cooked meat and cooked fats are carcinogenic to dogs.

Bones from fish and cooked bones can obstruct the digestive system. Not good!

Chocolate, coffee, tea, and caffeinated drinks are bad. They contain caffeine which could be toxic and impact the heart and nervous systems.

Citrus oil extracts result in vomiting. Stay away!

Grapes and raisins contain unknown toxins which can do damage to the kidneys. Definitely considered toxic food for dogs.

Large amounts of cooked liver cause Vitamin A toxicity, which impacts muscles and bones. Yet another item which is toxic to dogs.

Macadamia nuts, like grapes and raisins, contain unknown toxins.

Spoiled food and garbage – just don’t go there. Definitely considered toxic for dogs.

Mushrooms can result in shock and cause death.

Alcohol can result in coma and death.

Bread dough can result in a bloated belly and then disorientation and vomiting. Since it yeast that hasn’t risen yet, you do not want it to expand in Fido’s belly, much less get stuck in the intestines! This, like the other items on the list, could be toxic to dogs.

Onions and garlic, whether it’s raw, cooked, or powder in large amounts have the ability to damage red blood cells and cause anemia.

As for chemicals, dogs need to be kept away from all antifreeze spills since this could be hazardous and toxic to dogs. While the sweet smell and taste may be attractive to his sensitive nose, if your dog consumes any amount of antifreeze, rush him immediately to the veterinarian. (Check your garage and driveway for spills and clean these up before your pet has a chance to smell and potentially ingest this!)

Xylitol is a sugar-alcohol sweetener contained in chewing gum and candy. Seizures, lethargy and weakness are the result if dogs consume significant amounts of this chemical.

Ibuprofen, like antifreeze, may smell sweet. Dogs will eat it if they’re found lying on the floor and don’t be surprised if your dog tries to chew threw a bottle to eat the entire contents. This is definitely toxic to dogs. It causes ulceration and perforates the lining of the stomach, and decreases the blood flow to the kidneys. Yet again, toxic to dogs.

And keep the above mentioned foods and chemicals in mind to prevent your dog from consuming toxins. At The Dog Bowl, nothing is more important than your pets’ health and well being. For more information about foods and chemicals which are toxic to dogs or if you think your dog could have ingested a toxic substance please contact your local vet as soon as possible.

04-10-2009, 03:17 PM
Spank a dog??? - NEVER - be it big or small. I can't even imagine anyone spanking a tiny Yorkie!!! :mad: A firm tone in your voice will accomplish more than a firm hand!

I have on a few occasions given Sparky a light swat on the backside with a fly swatter and that got his attention. He seems to have developed "selective hearing" when he is outside and decides that he doesn't want to come in when I call him. Just a few times doing that, and his hearing miraculously improved. Now whenever he decides he doesn't want to come in when I call him, I walk outside with the flyswatter in hand, and he comes running!

Daisy and Delilah
04-10-2009, 03:36 PM
Carmen, thanks for that list. I had no idea mushrooms were harmful. Holy cow!! I love raw and cooked mushrooms. In the past, I've given the girls tiny bites, thinking the low fat and calorie content is ok.:eek:

04-10-2009, 03:39 PM
I would NEVER spank my animals! :mad: If I get frusturated with them I just calm down but my animals rarely upset me. :) They are not like people and don't understand that. It just hurts them and confuses them. and yeah grapes are very toxic.

04-10-2009, 04:19 PM
I don't give my dogs corrections, period. I respect the fact that they are dogs, and I am a human being, and even if a correction were warranted, the likelihood that I could give an animal of a different species a physical correction of both the right amount of pressure and with the correct timing is very, very minimal. The only corrections I give are vocal, and they KNOW I mean business with just a stern "ah-ah"... even with a look.

04-10-2009, 04:24 PM
I don't believe in spanking an animal. I don't believe in hitting them in any way. No more grapes please!

04-10-2009, 05:18 PM
As i posted earlier... I won't be letting Harley have anymore grapes. :)

04-10-2009, 05:56 PM
the way I work with my dogs is if they are doing something that is unacceptable such as jumping up on people or pulling hard he leash I will usually say "no" or "att" if they still persist then I will give a physical correction like I stated earlier. I believe that hitting is pointless.

04-10-2009, 11:38 PM
I just put my hands on my hips, and all is well. I really can't think of a thing that Logan's done (or RB Cody for that matter) that upset me to the point I'd freak out and raise a hand. I used an empty soda pop can with a few coins inside and shook it one time at Logan when she did something, and quickly learned she feared it as badly as thunder and lightening, and oh, yeah, the camera. It's been years, but all I have to say is "Do you want the can?" and she's as good as gold (as always :love:)

04-11-2009, 06:25 AM
I just put my hands on my hips, and all is well. I really can't think of a thing that Logan's done (or RB Cody for that matter) that upset me to the point I'd freak out and raise a hand. I used an empty soda pop can with a few coins inside and shook it one time at Logan when she did something, and quickly learned she feared it as badly as thunder and lightening, and oh, yeah, the camera. It's been years, but all I have to say is "Do you want the can?" and she's as good as gold (as always :love:)

lol, I remember when I was a kid we had a dog that was pit and boxer mix. She was a great dog but had issues with other dogs sometimes. When we got another dog who was, pit/ boxer/and rott. they would get into a couple fights at first and I remember my mom running in their with the can shaking it. haha! that just reminded me of that little story. It really did work though.... usually.

04-11-2009, 06:28 AM
I don't have a dog, only cats, but i would not spank either of them, infact it is illegal to spank your child in NZ, but i don't think there is a law against spanking animals, but maybe there should be eh?

Daisy and Delilah
04-11-2009, 11:14 AM
I don't have a dog, only cats, but i would not spank either of them, infact it is illegal to spank your child in NZ, but i don't think there is a law against spanking animals, but maybe there should be eh?

Carole, I think that's the greatest idea for a law I've ever heard of. Can we get it enacted? :)

04-12-2009, 08:30 AM
NEVER, I would never spank my dogs.
It hurts me when people I work with talk about spanking their kids. I don't think hitting a child or an animal works.

04-12-2009, 02:27 PM
I've given the dogs a whap on the rear when I catch them in the garbage, but its not hard, just enough to startle them out of the garbage and let them know they've been caught. I don't really think they've been hurt by it, no more so than a quick touch on the shoulder when I want them to stop a behavior. By no means am I going to pull a naughty dog aside for a spanking as punishment, because they simply aren't going to know why you are hitting them. A child might connect a spanking as punishment quite a while after a bad behavior, but a dog can't be punished once the behavior has already stopped.