View Full Version : Escape!

04-10-2009, 06:30 AM
First off, I know it only lasted about 2.5 minutes but it seemed an eternity.....last night hubby was taking stuff out to the recycle bin. The side door to our house opens onto the landing to the basement steps. When the door is open it blocks the stairs. Normally Hunter will run past just before you open the door and therefore it isn't a problem. He likes to sit behind the door and sniff at the air that comes in....last night either his timing was off or ours was as he didn;t go past the door...he ran OUT! As I said the longest 2.5 minutes of my life....he went to wards the back, did a few frantic circles around the yard,then came back past me and headed towards the front...and the street! Fortunately he went up onto the front porch. Hubby stayed outside and I went in to the house and came out the door onto the front porch. Thank goodness he couldn't fit between the wood slats on the porch and didn't figure out that he could go up onto the railing around the porch. If he had done that and then jumped....not even thinking about that. He had worked himself into a corner and was crying/growling. With hubby at the stairs as back up I started just talking real quiet to him, calling his name, and approaching...managed to grab him, hubby opened the front door and we were back in...and then I collapsed and shook like a leaf for a good 15 minutes....and then snuggled the daylights out of him!

04-10-2009, 07:54 AM
WHEW!!!! I am so glad that Hunter is back INSIDE and safe!!!! Hunter, be a good boy and no more runs at the door!!!! Happy all ended well...

04-10-2009, 07:57 AM
Wow. So glad he is back inside safe and sound! I have had this happen to me before and it is scary. Moose was gone for a day and part of a night one time. I was heartbroken until I got him back inside.

04-10-2009, 08:03 AM
Of all the cats we have, and have had over the years, we have had 2 instances of escape...both the same cat! A week after Hunter moved in he got out and it took almost the whole day for him to return then....

04-10-2009, 08:51 AM
Glad Hunter didn't go exploring too far away and that you were able to grap him and get him inside. :) Had it been Fister getting out after dark, it would have taken minimum 2-3 hours before he would decide to come back in. :rolleyes:

04-10-2009, 08:54 AM
It is hart stopping. We have had only one escape years ago Missy. She was a declaw and at the time the people next to us had dogs she managed to climb their tree. we had no way of getting her down. The they agreed to keep their dogs in for the night. The next morning she was at the back door crying her hart out. For the next 12 years she never went near the doors again.

04-10-2009, 09:02 AM
:love: Been there done that.. Yes its so nerve racking when a baby gets out & wont come back in.. Your right 2 min can seem like forever.. Well I am glad your baby is back indoors & is ok.. Now wittle baby you need not scare meowmom & dad like that.. Stay indoors ok..

04-10-2009, 12:26 PM
The expression on Hunter's face says it all: "Heh heh heh, keeping my humans on their toes. My work is done here". I swear that they do it just to see our hair stand on end. My 18 year old Boo darted outside a couple of months ago. At that age, you'd think he'd be content to stay indoors but no. He had to prove that he's still got it. I'm glad that you had a happy ending, even if it did take a couple of years off your life. LOL

04-10-2009, 01:31 PM
Scrappy 2 has snuck out twice, but luckily she hesitated and I was able to get her back in, as if she got going I couldnt catch her in a hundred years,
We are glad that Hunter dos not go too far where he may have paniced and run in fear from his home and safety.
Its a shame that Our Cats act first and think second!!!

Laura's Babies
04-10-2009, 04:00 PM
Yes, it is heart stopping. Rie went into tears one day because she thought Chester had gotten out and had everybody in the neighborhood looking for him. This was back when he came home with me while I was off work and she kept him while I was gone.. He hadn't gotten out at all, he just found a good hiding spot inside and refused to come when she called him. I know that 2 minutes seemed like hours for you.