View Full Version : Tradition "rears" it's ugly side?

04-09-2009, 02:30 PM

I had to laugh at this story. It shows what a bunch of elected AHs in one community cannot and will not try to figure out a way to take a dumb event and shut it down, instead of taking advantage of the possible benefits of making money on it.

The mooning cost the city 20,000 dollars in police salaries last year.

Now, why not try and recoup the money by getting the city involved?

Sell t-shirts, charge for parking? set up booths-food and trinkets? If 8,000 people show up and spend 20 dollars a piece it comes to 160,000 bucks,
and even if the city got one-quarter of that?

They let it go on unchecked for 30 years and when things get out of control-this shows you cannot trust people to behave themselves-the city council tries to get all the cows back into the corral, all the while trying to navigate three decades of cow crap in the meadow.....

I guess it is the right thing to do. The only AHs that need to be seen in public are the tight arses of the city council.;):eek:

Laura's Babies
04-09-2009, 10:50 PM
Euck! We got mooned once going down a canal to Texas on a boat I was working on. Me and some of the guys were sitting outside in the evening. There was a guy standing there drinking a beer so the guys yelled at him to throw us a beer. He waved his beer at us, turned around and mooned us! I hear on the Ohio River in the summer you see a lot more than that! :eek:

04-10-2009, 11:15 PM
Well I think the part where the article says it was a "fun family event" is NUTZ! I would never think of mooning as a family thing and certainly wouldn't want any children around to witness adults acting like morons in public.

Besides, aren't there indecent exposure laws? And what about the people on the train that have to see that?

I think if they want to shut it down, and raise money at the same time, ticket the crap out of every participant. Either the interest will dwindle or the city will make alot of money.

04-10-2009, 11:21 PM
I have mooned many a passenger train while floating the rivers here.

Cinder & Smoke
04-11-2009, 12:27 AM
I have mooned many a passenger train while floating the rivers here.


And the satisfaction gained was ... what?

BUTT ... to each his own! :p

04-11-2009, 12:37 AM

And the satisfaction gained was ... what?

BUTT ... to each his own! :p

We always thought it would be a great story for people visitting Alaska to tell their friends back home.

Daisy and Delilah
04-11-2009, 02:15 AM
This has to be one of the funniest stories I've ever heard. This concept is just hilarious. I don't know why but I think mooning is the most comical thing. They seem to do it all in fun. A family event, I doubt that. It could be pretty funny to see all these people mooning as you ride by in the train.

I was reading that it got out of hand and had to be stopped. I guess they could clean it up a little bit and carry on with it.:D :D :D

04-11-2009, 08:20 AM
Me and my best friend, Susie, were on vacation in the Florida Keys. We went to the pier to what the sun go down and have dinner. As we were by the water's edge, a boat full of guys (I certainly wouldn't want anyone seeing my fat a$$) went by mooning us. I thought it was pretty funny (and stupid) actually.

04-11-2009, 08:27 AM
I know that mooning is done all in fun, especially when kids do it. However, I was taught never to "show your ass" because it means to reveal your stupidity. My dad would say "his ass is showing", meaning that someone was revealing how stupid he is. After all, an ass, related to the donkey, is considered to be a stupid animal. (My apologies to all donkey lovers. LOL) :)

One of the places that I used to frequent when I dated a biker had a waitress who would show her breasts whenever the train went by, which was often. She'd run out onto the patio and lift her blouse for the engineer to see but, of course, the bikers got a free show, too. She eventually tried to get all the women present to follow suit. I can see how such things could easily get out of hand especially when there's alcohol involved.

Edwina's Secretary
04-11-2009, 10:47 AM
This is the town I live in --- Laguna Niguel. And last year - curiosity got the better of us and we went to see it.

I would not recommend taking children to see it. What was once a silly July afternoon (I have been told) has become a free-for-all. The street is filled with vehicles and tents set up with sign...let's see...requesting women to expose their breasts. Not stated quite like that. The guys are very aggressive. Some women comply. Some women show more than their breast. And of course, photos are taken of all.

People get drunk. Very drunk. Very, very drunk. There are fights. People having sex. (Some signs ask for more than breasts.)

The area has the fence between the railroad tracks (where people moon) and then is a narrow road with businesses along it. There are no cross roads and no way to exit at the north end. It dead ends under the freeway. It gets very full of people who have only one way to get out of a very constricted area.

If anything were to ignite the crowd it would be a disaster -- blamed...of course on the city (and paid for with my tax dollars.)

Daisy and Delilah
04-11-2009, 11:28 AM
It sounds like it's turned into a really wild event. It's too bad they couldn't have kept it under better control. It's so dumb, it's funny. I hate to admit it, but, I would love to see just the mooning part. :eek: I would never forget that. A real conversation piece.:D

Edwina's Secretary
04-11-2009, 11:49 AM
We had heard about it and thought it would be fun and silly to see. But it was really a bit frightening.

What made it fun -- that it was spontaneous and not controlled by anyone is also what made it dangerous.

04-11-2009, 12:13 PM
I like the t-shirt idea. And instead of bobble-heads they could sell bobble-butts for in your car.

Daisy and Delilah
04-11-2009, 10:48 PM
i like the t-shirt idea. And instead of bobble-heads they could sell bobble-butts for in your car.

:) :) :) Bobble butts!! lol