View Full Version : Joining the times

04-09-2009, 09:54 AM
After being teased by my teenage babysitter for actually bothering to pick up the phone and CALL, I have finally joined this century. I just sent her a text message asking her about jobs.:D I wrote in complete sentences, which will probably get me teased even more, but I'm a little bit proud of myself:D Who knew that at 24 I would feel so OLD and out of sync with today's youth??
c u L8r:rolleyes::)

04-09-2009, 10:00 AM
I know how you feel, at 50 I struggle to keep up everyday with new things. The new phones they come out with are just incredible. Technology (sic) is moving so fast nowadays. I doubt that anyone can really master all that these phones do unless you are one of the designers for that company, otherwise you would have to be on it 24/7 to master all the options available. In this day and age it is more important for people to be educated especially woman, high school will no longer do. College is a must.

smokey the elder
04-09-2009, 10:36 AM
I know why texting shortcuts were the way they were; have you ever tried to spell using a telephone keypad? You have to make at least two keystrokes per letter. With the availability of QWERTY keypads it should be better, in terms of grammar and spelling. I am getting used to "thumb typing" on my new Blackberry Storm. What a toy!

04-09-2009, 10:42 AM
I guess I'm a relic!!! Like I tell my son, DIL, and grandkids, cell phones are to talk on like home phones! I don't need one that takes pictures, takes me to the internet, lets me play games and music, etc, etc, etc! I have mine to talk on, and I'm not even fond of that. I only have one to use in case of emergency when I leave the house.

04-09-2009, 10:50 AM
This is coming from a 16 year old, but seriously I can no longer stand talking on the phone. I don't hate it entirely but for some reason I'd take texting anyday. I guess you could say there are a few bad things to texting but claling someone sucks just as much. A Keypad maybe harder to type on but I have a phone with a KEYBOARD, the samsung rant so it's just much easier for me in the long run.

As for internet on my cellphone, I do have unlimited internet use, but I don't use it much. It's a pain in the butt to use, it's too small lol. I also have a camera/MP3 player on my phone, I only really use the camera, it's great I love that feature. MP3 player is kinda a stupid idea but for some people it's just cheaper to have the 4 in one then a computer, ipod, and camera seperate.

04-09-2009, 11:15 AM
I use my cell phone more to play games when I am stuck waiting somewhere than to actually call someone. We purposefully didn't even get a plan with "free texting" so if I want to text someone, it's gonna cost me money. I can see situations where texting would be better - no one around you can hear your conversation, for example, but have not been in that situation in real life.

04-09-2009, 11:24 AM
I would be LOST without my phone. In the last 5 years I've left it at home, accidentally, twice and could barely function on my drive to/from work. Now days I talk to my mom every day on my way home. It makes my commute so much faster and I don't almost fall asleep.
I only use my cell for talking and texting (I text full sentences too). It has a camera but I don't use it much (since I carry my real camera with me everywhere) and I don't want to pay for internet on it when I have access at work and home.
I wasn't big on texting at first either, but now I love it. Of course I'm 12 years older than you! LOL Maybe when you're my age you'll enjoy it more. I can't believe I just said that. I sound so old! I always hated it when older people said things like that to me. Sorry Missy! :D

04-09-2009, 11:43 AM
With the state of todays youth Im happy to be out of sync and unhip.

04-09-2009, 11:52 AM
I can't believe I just said that. I sound so old!

You've got a long way to go before you can say that kiddo!!!
And then when you are - you won't want to admit it! :D
Been there - done that!

finn's mom
04-09-2009, 12:03 PM
I love texting, but I don't abbreviate. I type in complete sentences, using proper grammar. :) I still won't type "LOL."

04-09-2009, 12:22 PM
:) I am so there with you on that.. At least I am not the only one out of today's world..:p
I guess I'm a relic!!! Like I tell my son, DIL, and grandkids, cell phones are to talk on like home phones! I don't need one that takes pictures, takes me to the internet, lets me play games and music, etc, etc, etc! I have mine to talk on, and I'm not even fond of that. I only have one to use in case of emergency when I leave the house.

04-09-2009, 12:27 PM
:) I am so there with you on that.. At least I am not the only one out of today's world..:p

:D:D My son says I'm techno challenged so that's why I don't like cell phones. I love my computer tho!!! :D:D

04-09-2009, 12:28 PM
:D:D My son says I'm techno challenged so that's why I don't like cell phones. I love my computer tho!!! :D:D

:) LOL sounds like we are just alike.. :D

04-09-2009, 12:49 PM
I love the commercial about the phone that becomes a level, figures out a restaurant tip, gets tv shows, is a typewriter and can be used to wipe a rear end AFTER a pinch.

It's a wonderful invention and I love to stand in line listening to someone in front of me yell into the phone because the connection is bad.

I want to talk to my friends-on the rare occasion I do pick up ANY phone.

There is nothing better than hearing a person laugh, or spit up their drink when I tell a raunchy joke. I love the pause when we exchange a thought that really means something. I can hear the person and tell how they feel-I don't have to waste time- hw r u tdy? U hv slpping scknss? a tsetse fly bit u?

If I want to drop vowels, I'd start watching Wheel of Fortune again.:confused:

MY very favorite part is to watch someone panic when they lose their phone and start to freak out.

"I had all my pictures, phone numbers and addresses on it"

Not any more?:eek:

And my last two irritants?
I can hardly wait to be in some kind of disaster and trying to get away from whatever is happening...I'll run into the idiot taking cell phone movies and the last thing you'll see on the clip is me then the sky when I run the moron over.

But before then I'll be at a play, sporting event or some kind of gathering unable to see because of the yutz that has his hands and phone over his head recording the event.

I also want to say that cellphone footage has to be the biggest effing waste of time. The quality sucks and it jumps around like an old kinescope film.


I love tech and can't wait until the day that I must own a cell phone.

Until then?

Write me a letter, I'll get back to you alot quicker!!

04-09-2009, 01:14 PM
kinescope film.

I had to google that.

04-09-2009, 01:25 PM
I find this thread very amusing. My mom and I both got cell phones 9-10 years ago, and within the last month or so she has finally learned how to text. Where as, I've been texting for probably 7 of those 9.5 years. My brother (4 years younger than me) only really answers to texts instead of phone calls. And even then his spelling is awful.. I don't abbreviate too much while texting, and T9 is my friend.

04-09-2009, 02:07 PM
I had to google that.

All you whippersnappers rely on that GOGGLE way too much!;)

Some of the nastiest film footage of historical events is taken off of early television broadcasts.

The horizontal lines, flashing B&W splotches and jerky movements of what is being filmed.

Cell phone footage looks like an LSD Gumby and Pokey animation.

Check it out, You can see the BlockHeads in most of the clips!;)

Laura's Babies
04-09-2009, 10:36 PM
I had texting put on my phone after Hurricane Katrina and they showed on TV how people couldn't get a cell call out but could get text. I got to experience it after Gustav hit here and we could only text but even that was hit and miss and we had to just keep trying all day to get one out. It is the same out on the river when I am working.. hit and miss but a text can come in or go out when a call won't.

04-09-2009, 10:58 PM
My kids and I communicate lots over texting, I am actually pretty good at it but I do mostly type out full sentences.

I have fun texting my hubby raunchy texts when I know he is around someone:o

04-09-2009, 11:15 PM
Cell phones are smart to have - especially for EMERGENCIES! LIKE.. tonight, my transmission fluid leaked out of the car - ohhh.. yeah.. and what did I have? My cell phone! ;)

04-09-2009, 11:47 PM
Well, I feel like the odd one out here. I don't even OWN a cell phone...and I'll be 20 in a couple of months . I'm seriously technically challenged, if it wasn't for my dad this computer would have stopped running a long time ago.

To me though, I like HEARING someone talk, not just looking at words, and that's what I think phones should be used for. Computers-typing, phones-talking out loud. Whatever happened to simplicity? People have to go and make everything so darn complicated.

04-10-2009, 12:40 AM
I still don't own a cell phone yet either. I'm probably the only one at my work that doesn't have one. Right now I don't see the point in having one because the kind of calls that I get are the annoying surveys, credit card accounts, or people who want donations. If I traveled a lot then I'd consider it but I don't have children or a significant other and my cats certainly can't call me.:)

04-10-2009, 02:11 AM
I am hooked on my unlimited texting and internet plan on my phone...to give you an idea me and the hubby only used 500 minutes of airtime out of our 750 and yet I managed by myself to send and recieve 4000 texts in one month :o and blow through 3gb of bandwidth.

Im digitally addicted, sad to say. :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-10-2009, 04:04 AM
I guess I'm a relic!!! Like I tell my son, DIL, and grandkids, cell phones are to talk on like home phones! I don't need one that takes pictures, takes me to the internet, lets me play games and music, etc, etc, etc! I have mine to talk on, and I'm not even fond of that. I only have one to use in case of emergency when I leave the house.

May I join the club ;):D!!!
I hate it when my daughter sends me one of her messages; it is full of abbreviations, like CU :rolleyes:

04-10-2009, 06:13 AM
I'm past due for a new phone. My battery is getting weaker and weaker and I need a new phone anyhow but I just dread having to learn a new one. The one that I had before this one was so "smart" that I had to return it. Plus everything on it was so small and compact that I couldn't see anything so it was slowing me down. It's supposed to be convenient! I don't have a texting plan; I can receive them but if I return one, it's expensive so I guess I'll get w/the program and at least sign up for texting. It bugs me, though, because people text or email rather than pick up the phone and actually talk to me. I've lived alone for 13 years; I like to hear a human voice once in a while. A friend of mine emailed me and our mutual friends and said "I've been emailing Mary and she hasn't answered me. Please call her and see if something is wrong". Now, is that ridiculous or what? She couldn't call me herself? As it was, I had been answering her but she had her settings done in a way that it was sending my email to the junk file. I finally got an email from her that said that she had it figured out and would I please email her again so that she knows I'm alright. :rolleyes: I wrote "Here's a radical thought: pick up the phone and call if you're that worried!" She still didn't call. She just recently texted me to tell me that she was probably going to be laid off from her job. :confused: Did she really think that I was going to text her back about such a serious subject? Later she emailed me to ask if I received her text!

I think some people use their cell phones to play games, get the internet, text, etc. but not to actually talk. This is why I entertain so much. I like human contact, actual warm bodies, voices, interaction. I've been dubbed the Party Queen but it isn't because I love parties so much, it's because I like people and I enjoy my friends' company. It would be wonderful if they would entertain, too, but they'd rather eat out. They've said that they don't want to make sure the house is always clean and ready for company.

I guess this turned into a rant, didn't it? I'm sorry. I'm just passionate about this subject. I love my cell phone and I'm glad to have it, especially being as directionally challenged as I am. On many occasion I've been lost trying to find some place and having someone talk me in has been wonderful and a lifesaver but cell phones shouldn't take the place of human contact.

04-10-2009, 09:16 AM
I my cats certainly can't call me.:)

Oh yeah?

I have been in the kitchen and hear either the answering machine start scanning the messages or the speaker phone go off.

Yep, it's end on the end table walking on the phone.:confused::rolleyes:

04-10-2009, 09:35 AM
I just recently got texting and an up to date cell phone. I love texting! I never really liked calling anyone, some people yeah but others no. Its easier to just send a quick text then to make a call that may on last a few seconds. (like if im going to meet up with friends and just to tell them im there then hang up) Also some of my converstations go over for awhile while texting but in a phone call the converstation would be over way faster.
I also have a qwerty keyboard so its easy to text. I don't think I would like texting very much without it now, since I never used a keypad before getting texting.

04-10-2009, 10:32 AM
Well, I'm forty, and I love texting. I thought at first it was just because we have four teenagers ... it's the only way to keep in touch with them, really. That's why I learned. But, surprisingly, all of my friends, co-workers, board members, etc. all text as well, and these folks are my age as well.

I won't answer a text that is so full of ridiculous acronyms and abbreviations that it I have to struggle to decipher it. Those usually come from one of my step-daughters. She thinks she is clever. I think she is ridiculous. I just reply and say, "No idea what you said. Speak English." She has stopped doing it with me. I will use some well-known acronyms ... LOL, LMAO ... but that's all. I use the option on the phone that allows you to use one keystroke per letter and then fills in the most likely word. On my phone it's called T9, but I think it's different on some other phones. Since one of my son's friends taught me how to use it, I can hardly text the old "hunt and peck" method. Find a teenager to teach you, folks, you will LOVE it.

I resisted getting a cell phone long after almost everyone else had one. But, when my kids got old enough, we got a family plan and I got one. I have to say now I feel completely naked if I ever don't have my phone with me. My eighty year old mother is also on our plan, with her own phone. And while she is never going to use it like the rest of us do, she does take it with her and knows how to make and answer a call.

04-10-2009, 10:41 AM
I'm more likely to answer a text than a phone call.. I never have been fond of actually talking on the phone, even before I got a cell phone..
I don't abbreviate or type in weird text speak either though.. I actually type out what I'm trying to say..

04-10-2009, 11:40 AM
Its cute because my daughters friends all texted me on my birthday to wish me a happy birthday, half of them call me mom...it touched my heart it was so sweet.

Daisy and Delilah
04-10-2009, 01:04 PM
This thread is really showing my age.:eek: I have a cell phone for use only when I'm in the car, if I need to call someone. I never turn it on.:rolleyes:

I never have liked talking on the phone but it's still my way of communicating in the house.

I need to get with it!!:eek::confused::confused:

04-10-2009, 01:51 PM
This thread is really showing my age.:eek: I have a cell phone for use only when I'm in the car, if I need to call someone. I never turn it on.:rolleyes:

I never have liked talking on the phone but it's still my way of communicating in the house.

I need to get with it!!:eek::confused::confused:

Join my club - we seem to be in the minority! I only use mine in the car also - and only if absolutely necessary! And text - NEVER! :eek:

04-10-2009, 03:48 PM
I am super slow at it but love it for things like checking in with the kids on trips or when I want them to know I am thinking of them - I think it is non intrusive and getting texts now and then is so nice:) I think it costs me 10cents each - have prepay but sure is nice to leave quick short thoughts. The other day I was at a luncheon and pretty bored so sent a text to hubby:love: I used to send him texts when he was still working too.

04-10-2009, 05:00 PM
Well, I have to admit I'm mostly using my cell phone for text messages, and less for calls. I prefer phone calls from my good old phone at home, the sound is much better, and I'm more relaxed when I'm at home.

I think I'm usually a quick learner when it comes to new technologies, but I've been teased by a co-worker yesterday when I told her that I still have a vcr, and that I actually recorded a movie from tv... She said it's old-fashioned to have one, and that no one owns a vcr these days. :o


04-10-2009, 10:23 PM
She said it's old-fashioned to have one, and that no one owns a vcr these days. :o


I do...but it doesn't work. :( I have a bunch of tapes laying around that I would love to watch again. But...my vcr doesn't work. So I'm stuck with the dvd's. Which are okay I suppose.

04-11-2009, 12:32 AM
and that no one owns a vcr these days.

That's all that Matthew and I buy. We'll rent the Red Box dvd's, but, we'll go to Goodwill and buy 10 tapes. We like the older movies we haven't seen in a while, and he LOVES having a VHS collection. ;)

With the cell phone, my parents told me if I wanted to drive, I had to have a phone. So, when I turned 16, they started to look at their plan and changed it up a bit to add another line. I got the most basic phone, it was free, and so was my dad's - it was the same phone. Didn't have a camera, nothing fancy. It was all I needed it for. I never texted much, it costed 15 cents per text, sent or received. My mom finally got all texts blocked - people texting us costed us! Well, our company made us mad, she called going off on them, and they tried to help the situation and added free unlimited texts to our plan. Mistake, mistake. ;) I use the crap out of texts now. When my first phone was acting up, 3 years after having it, I got another one.. and even my dad told the consultant, "she needs something good for texting!" He knew I didn't care about pictures, but texts, yes! I think by myself, I do about 2000 sent and received each month. Matthew was the person I texted most - we were in different cities for about 6 months, so that put it at about 5000 a month. But, yes, Sprint made a mistake about giving us free texts. :P

My mom slowly learned her phone. But, she hates texting because she doesn't understand the idea of T9. I use T9 like a fiend. She uses alpha - no wonder she doesn't like to text! Anyways, I'll send her a 2 page long text when I'm class or something, and she'll type "yes" or "k" - I'm like, type something good!!!! Oh well. :) At least she texts me on her own to tell me something but doesn't want to bother me while i'm at work, or something similar. She knows my schedule pretty welll, and won't bother me at school, work, or meetings.

Oh, and I hate phone calls... unless I'm talking to someone I really know.. my mom, dad, Matthew, my best friend.. not many people :P Texting is my friend

04-11-2009, 01:33 PM
I'm another one of the old fogies. I have a TracFone (pre-paid cell phone) for out-of-town use, backup, and emergencies. It doesn't do pictures or texting (as far as I know, anyway).

04-11-2009, 01:44 PM
I'm another one of the old fogies. I have a TracFone (pre-paid cell phone) for out-of-town use, backup, and emergencies. It doesn't do pictures or texting (as far as I know, anyway).

That's what I have too - and just a basic phone. I buy the one year card - it's easier and I don't forget that way. I'm due to have to buy again in June which will give me another 400 minutes - and I still have 710 minutes that I haven't used yet. You can tell how often I (don't) "use" it. :eek: It's cheaper for me than having a contract tho.

04-13-2009, 09:51 AM
I have a cell phone that rides on my daughter's plan. I never text, and probably use it for calls ten times a month, even though I carry it everywhere.

After two years I still have to concentrate to retrieve messages. In fact, I had to put the directions on the back of my phone.:rolleyes:

I don't have a lot of friends that I want to talk with, and those I do I can call on my land line. Non-Verizon calls cost on the cell so all business calls are done on the land line (or from work).

I don't have internet at home either. Too much to do to spend my time on the computer. I can do that at work too. Occasionally I even work at work.:D LOL!

I think I'm a dinosaur!