View Full Version : Taggart is my accident prone pup

04-08-2009, 10:23 PM
I got home from school tonight and was greeted by a limping Taggart. His poor paw was all bloody. :( I told Bruce he was limping and immediately he says "oh yeah, there's broken glass in the backyard." :mad:
So after he cleaned up the glass, he helped me clean out Taggarts cut.
My question is what else can I put on it to help it not get infected? I cleaned it out with peroxide, but need a long term solution. I thought about getting a surgical wrap but he'd chew that off in a nano second. Also, how should I (or do I need to) keep him from licking it?
Any ideas?? Thanks in advance. :)

ETA: It has begun to bleed again. :( I guess I'm taking a trip to the drug store to see if they have any bandage material.

I've attached the best picture I got of it. I had to hold a flashlight on it to get a picture.

04-08-2009, 11:00 PM
I probably know less than anyone here, but I remember when Cody had a paw problem, and chewed off the bandages, the vet told me to put a sock on it. I used a man's gym sock then taped it around. Not the best, but he was pretty good about it. I also used Neosyphorin (sp). It's so hard to stop a natural instinct to lick a boo-boo. Feel better Taggart. :love:

04-08-2009, 11:07 PM
Thank you Karen! :D
I just went and got some bandages and a generic form of neosporin (I can't spell it either, LOL). He's actually not being to bad with the licking, but he probably will as soon as I get the bandage on him. If he does then Bruce will have to give up an old sock! :)

Daisy and Delilah
04-08-2009, 11:27 PM
Awwww...poor Taggart!! You sound like you might have the accident prone syndrome like my son's two Aussies. Feel better Sweetheart!!:)

Cinder & Smoke
04-08-2009, 11:50 PM
He's actually not being to bad with the licking,
but he probably will as soon as I get the bandage on him.

WHO (or whom) are you trying to 'kid'?

They never touch a boo-boo while you're *AWAKE*! :rolleyes:

The serious *lickin* starts the second they hear your eyelids slam shut.

Back in the daze of the forever wrapped paw, Mini~Mutt (aka Heidi) could
field-strip a vet-wrapped paw in mere minutes!
One night I RE-wrapped that paw TWICE after she tore off the Vet-version before dinner! :mad:
(AND put the dreaded E-Collar back on. :p )

Dunno WHY, but Doc Jamie never mentioned The Fix till we were letting Heidi bare-paw it
and she kept licking off the Preparation H that was used to promote healing.

"The FIX" was a serious and heavy application of:
"Grannick's Bitter Apple" Taste Deterrent for Dogs - made in Norwalk, CT.
http://www.bitterapple.com/history.html (http://www.bitterapple.com/history.html)
http://www.bitterapple.com/ (http://www.bitterapple.com/)

Judging from the *sneezing* that followed a Bitter Apple application,
Miz Heidi was less than 'fond' of the stuff. :cool:
Visit you local pet shoppe for a spray jug of the stuff.

AND - you might want to visit the White Coat, too ...
The wound should be looked at to be certain there are no pieces of glass
still in there.
What type of glass was it - a bottle, a window, big pieces, little pieces ???

Last resort - the famous E-Collar - not much else will work to keep a dog's *lickker* off a paw! :(
Heidi wore an Extra-LARGE E-Collar - she became quite skilled :mad: at
kicking he bum rear paw INside the standard-size E-Collar where she could have her way
with the poor bandage.
The LARGE collar was a bit of a bother every night when she burrowed in under the
covers on the BigBed - but we all managed to adapt.

Good Luck!

04-09-2009, 12:20 AM
Thanks for the tips, Phred. :)
The glass was a broken jar. I believe it was larger pieces. I did check his paw thoroughly to make sure he didn't step on a piece too. The cut isn't very deep. But of course, if it doesn't seem to be improving I will be taking him to the vet.
I do have some Phooey here at the house. I could try that, but I've tried that on Zoee's tag cover and it didn't seem to phase him. But hey, I'll try what ever I need to. :)

And thank you D&D for the get well wishes. :)

Cinder & Smoke
04-09-2009, 12:33 AM
I do have some Phooey here at the house.
I could try that, but I've tried that on Zoee's tag cover and it didn't seem to phase him.

Phooey from the Drs Foster & Smith web site >>>

Ingredients: Contains Deionized water, Sodium Benzoate, and Denatonium Benzoate.
Directions for use
Always test for colorfastness before applying to valued items. To stop damaging and destructive behavior,
lightly spray the object with Fooey Training Aid. If using as a training aid for dogs and cats, allow your pet
to smell the object after treating. Use commands such as "No Chew," or "No Lick," immediately after pet has
inspected the freshly treated area. Repeat these commands immediately after the pet has disobeyed
the command and tasted Fooey. With proper use of these commands and praise when your pet obeys,
the bad habit will be broken within a few days. May be sprayed directly on dogs, cats, horses, and birds,
to stop destructive licking and chewing and to protect wounds and bandages. Repeat application as necessary.
Do not apply to open wounds.
Do not spray near or get into your pet's eyes or your own.
Do not take or administer internally. Wash hands with warm soapy water immediately after use.
Keep out of reach of children.

Robin S. NY
This training aid is excellent--far better than any of the alternative products.
You may want to cover your mouth when applying though--the taste will stay
with you for a couple of days if you breathe it in while spraying.
My dogs never dream of chewing on anything again once it's been treated with Fooey!

Joe Laque Tallahassee, FL
I just got a $90 stop barking collar for my two year old dog, Tracybyrd, a few days ago
and Manny, my 4 month old, kept trying to tear it off him. I bought this product (Phooey)
and sprayed it on his favorite chewing toy (my shoe) and he wouldn't touch it so then
I put the collar back on Tracybyrd and sprayed a bit of Phooey on it and Manny leaves it alone.
So far it is working real good.....accidently put my hand to my mouth and Phooey has
a very sour taste....would recommend it to anyone.

FAQs: Dog Training Aids (http://www.drsfostersmith.com/pic/article.cfm?aid=255)
Rooms and surfaces can have gates or barriers to let your pets know these areas are "off limits."
Frequent questions are answered to help you decide which is best for your situation.

04-09-2009, 09:19 AM
So what you're saying is the Grannick's Bitter Apple is better as far as using it near a wound then, right? ;)

Well, it appears my little boy dog isn't an obsessive licker like his big sis. I believe he left the bandage on all night. He's such a good boy. But I will have Bruce take a look at it this morning before he leaves and let me know how it is. If it doesn't seem any better I will make an appointment for a white coat visit.

We are going to my parents tomorrow for the Easter holiday and he will be running around (and maybe even swimming) with the other dogs so it will be difficult to keep it clean out there.

4 Dog Mother
04-09-2009, 09:40 AM
Oh, poor Taggart! I have no ideas for help with the licking problem. Our dogs seem to escape or tear off anything and everything we try ESPECIALLY like Phred said as soon as our eyes shut.

I hope Taggart heals quickly and becomes less accident prone! He is such a cutie!

04-09-2009, 01:43 PM
Well... I recently learned in cell biology NOT to use peroxide. It not only kills bad cells but good cells. (I had recently used peroxide on myself right before I heard this. Lol) So peroxide is a no good. But neosporin is good. Or they make a neosporin for dogs. I don't remember where I saw it though.

Cinder & Smoke
04-09-2009, 01:46 PM
So what you're saying is the Grannick's Bitter Apple is better
as far as using it near a wound then, right? ;)

Well, not exactly.
Phooey comes right out and SAYS don't use it near open wounds ...
Grannick's just doesn't say one way or the other. :(

We are going to my parents tomorrow for the Easter holiday and he will be running around
(and maybe even swimming) with the other dogs
so it will be difficult to keep it clean out there.

Running araound?
Wrap the paw well and let him run.

If it's clean water - probably no big deal - wrap it, let him swim, then
DRY it off completely and re-wrap.
Heidi did rainy days with a small freezer bag over the wrapped paw,
secured with a rubber band. She could trott through a puddle without a problem;
she never tried an underwater SWIM.

04-09-2009, 04:04 PM
Thank you 4 Dog Mother. :)

Monica, I know peroxide is not "good". That's why I only use it to clean out the wound in the beginning. (Although, growing up that's what my mom always used on us and the animals for EVERYTHING. LOL) And that's why I was asking what else I could do to help keep it from getting infected and heal up quickly. :)
I'm using a generic form of neosporin and I cover it after I put it on so he can't lick at it.

Phred - yeah, despite the gash in his paw he is still running around. I don't know that I could control his running. I will try to minimize it as much as possible though. Also, if it's not looking good, and I have to take him to the vet tomorrow he will not be swimming OR running anywhere! :)

This morning Bruce let them outside for potty time and when he came back in his bandage was gone. Bruce "tried" to rewrap it but couldn't get it to stay on. He obviously didn't do it right! :rolleyes: But the dogs stayed inside while Bruce was gone because it is raining here today. So hopefully without moving around too much (and him not licking it) it will look better by the time I get home.
I am on the phone with Bruce and he said it looks fine. He's not limping like he was last night. So I think he's on the mend. :)

Thanks everyone for your support and suggestions. :D Of course Pet Talk was the first place I came when I discovered his ouchie.

Cinder & Smoke
04-09-2009, 07:01 PM
Bruce let them outside for potty time and when he came back in
his bandage was gone.

Bruce "tried" to rewrap it but couldn't get it to stay on.
He obviously didn't do it right! :rolleyes:

< gasp >
< snikker >

Been there, dun that! :p
Actually, Mini~Mutt never stripped off the wrappers OUTside, she did her best
work under the BigBed covers where she couldn't be *watched*! :mad:

We were getting close to being 'finished' with the rebuilding of her $1500 (so far)
mangled foot ... Doc Jamie was considering letting her go BareFootin it -
but feared it might be a bit too soon to risk damaging the tender foot.
We were 6 hours into a freshly wrapped paw ... a pretty bright blue wrap
with a cute lil dawg design - the Vet Tech was so proud of her wrap job.

Heidi retired to the BigBed ... I took pity and ditched her E-Collar - she'd
been good
and deserved a lil break from the darn thing. ***WRONG MOVE***

A couple hours later ... I mentioned "dinner?" and the herd assembled.
Heidi vaulted off the bed and trotted down the hall ---
On THREE paws - with #4 tucked up and streaming 3 feet worth of torn off
pretty blue vet wrap, gause wrap, and bandaging material, secured by only the
adhesive tape around her elbow! :eek: :mad:
"WHAT Did you do to your FOOT!?"

My RE-wrap did not look very 'pretty' - but had enough tape on it that
no mere DOG was ever gonna get it off!

I got pretty good at doing re-wraps.


04-09-2009, 07:30 PM
< gasp >
< snikker >

Been there, dun that! :p
Actually, Mini~Mutt never stripped off the wrappers OUTside, she did her best
work under the BigBed covers where she couldn't be *watched*! :mad:

We were getting close to being 'finished' with the rebuilding of her $1500 (so far)
mangled foot ... Doc Jamie was considering letting her go BareFootin it -
but feared it might be a bit too soon to risk damaging the tender foot.
We were 6 hours into a freshly wrapped paw ... a pretty bright blue wrap
with a cute lil dawg design - the Vet Tech was so proud of her wrap job.

Heidi retired to the BigBed ... I took pity and ditched her E-Collar - she'd
been good
and deserved a lil break from the darn thing. ***WRONG MOVE***

A couple hours later ... I mentioned "dinner?" and the herd assembled.
Heidi vaulted off the bed and trotted down the hall ---
On THREE paws - with #4 tucked up and streaming 3 feet worth of torn off
pretty blue vet wrap, gause wrap, and bandaging material, secured by only the
adhesive tape around her elbow! :eek: :mad:
"WHAT Did you do to your FOOT!?"

My RE-wrap did not look very 'pretty' - but had enough tape on it that
no mere DOG was ever gonna get it off!

I got pretty good at doing re-wraps.


Phred, you need to write a book about your animals. I am putting my name in now for the first copy off the presses. http://bestsmileys.com/reading/4.gif

04-09-2009, 07:47 PM
Prayers from RI for -

- Taggart's speedy recovery

- your sanity
- hubby's success in surviving the next 48 hours! :D

04-09-2009, 08:54 PM
Lol, cracked me up because my friend and I were talking about how times we've used peroxide. Der. :-P

04-09-2009, 10:00 PM
LOL, I just love Phreds stories. :D

Well, Taggart is fine. He is walking on all fours and not messin' with his foot at all. I will still be checking the cut ALL the time to make sure infection doesn't happen.

Do you think I should still put the "neosporin" on it and wrap it at night? Just to help with the healing a little?

Monica, see we have all used peroxide (I even used it in my hair in 8th grade, LOL) and we survived. :D

Thanks again everyone. :)

04-09-2009, 10:21 PM
Cassie was always getting cuts like that....I think she would step on sticks or several times it was the metal edging on the flower beds.....I would usually do the exact same thing you did, and they always healed fine.....speaking of peroxide....I knew a girl whose mom made her brush her teeth with, clean out her ears, gargle with it....who knows what else....they must have bought it by the case!! LOL

04-10-2009, 09:26 AM
I wouldn't bother wrapping it just keep it clean and it should heal on it's own.
Dogs get cuts people don't know about all the time especially long haired dogs where people can't see down to the skin and they heal just fine on their own.

p.s clip his dewclaw! ;)
That thing is massive.

04-10-2009, 09:47 AM
I wouldn't bother wrapping it just keep it clean and it should heal on it's own.
Dogs get cuts people don't know about all the time especially long haired dogs where people can't see down to the skin and they heal just fine on their own.

p.s clip his dewclaw! ;)
That thing is massive.

Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. Keeping it wrapped is just too hard. But what should I use to clean it?

And yes, I know his dewclaw needs clipping. I was waiting for someone to mention it. ;)

04-10-2009, 09:50 AM
I'm sorry I missed this thread I am glad he is doing better. Don't worry Caseys nails are all really long, she only gets clipped yearly when she is under for her dental...that way I get to keep all my fingers:D

04-10-2009, 09:52 AM
Thanks caseysmom. Taggart is very good about me clipping his nails. I'm just a little lazy and forget. :o Zoee is the one I have a hard time with.