View Full Version : Er

04-08-2009, 02:40 AM
Is anyone else upset about ER having it's last show last Thursday? I've watched it every thursday since I can remember...I was upset but I liked how it showed alot of the people that use to be on it...but I wanted to see Luca-it didn't show him...

04-08-2009, 07:41 AM
Yes. I loved ER. The last show was awesome how they brought back some of the old actors. It was like a family reunion. I watch Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice now.

04-08-2009, 07:42 PM
i've been watching lost for several years now but it's getting wierder and wierder to me..i've even skipped watching it sometimes cause it just doesn't make sense anymore..

Suki Wingy
04-08-2009, 11:41 PM
I used to watch every episode, right after coming home from my riding lesson. I stopped about two years ago though because it just got so horribly over dramatic like more over the top than your average soap.

04-09-2009, 01:59 AM
I have watched it since the first season. I'll miss it in a way, but it seems to have runs its course.