View Full Version : I cannot BELIEVE this!!!!!!!!

04-07-2009, 02:28 PM
Long story short. Neighbour across the street from me got an adorable little long hair chihuahua from the neighbour next door to her.

While I was holding the sweet thing, I noticed I didn't feel any claws. I mentioned this to the woman and she said that the woman she got the dog from had him DECLAWED ON ALL FOUR PAWS!!!! I was in shock.:eek:
I have never ever heard of a dog being declawed and don't know much about a chihuahua, but is this usually done to this breed????

04-07-2009, 02:33 PM
OMG! I've never heard of that before either. How does the poor little thing scratch? That's sooo sad. :(

04-07-2009, 02:44 PM
I've heard of removing the 'dewclaw', which is the thumb, but not all the nails.

04-07-2009, 03:13 PM
I've heard of removing the 'dewclaw', which is the thumb, but not all the nails.

same here... that is so weird..... really weird... and sad

04-07-2009, 03:26 PM
is this usually done to this breed????

No it is not something that is done to chis. I can't believe any vet in his/her right mind would de-claw any dog except for removing the dew claws. That is just horrible! Poor fella. The owner that requested that be done and the vet that did it both need a good smack!

What is wrong with people:confused::rolleyes:

04-07-2009, 06:55 PM
That is horrible!! That is the only word for it....dew claws I can understand...but not the others.....horrible....I cannot believe a vet would do this.....or maybe it wasn't even the vet....that is even a more horrible thought....

04-07-2009, 08:04 PM
No it is not something that is done to chis. I can't believe any vet in his/her right mind would de-claw any dog except for removing the dew claws. That is just horrible! Poor fella. The owner that requested that be done and the vet that did it both need a good smack!

What is wrong with people:confused::rolleyes:

Hopefully it was done by a vet:mad:

04-07-2009, 08:06 PM
that is weird. My vet did remove one toenail from one dog once but it was because there was some sort of problem with that particular nail (I can't remember what it was, but it was something out of the ordinary).

04-07-2009, 08:29 PM
That is just WRONG!!! Some people are so cruel and clueless.

04-07-2009, 08:46 PM
that is awfull! i can't believe anyone would do something like that! I don't even like it done to cats... let alone a dog.

04-07-2009, 09:26 PM
I just spoke with the woman again tonight and she said that the neighbours bought the condo next door last summer, which were built in 2007, and she guess that they didn't want the dog scratching the floors because Chi's have long nails. I said big deal, tell her she should have gotten carpets then. Then she hit me with this; "The woman died of cancer last November and she was my friend." I told her I was sorry, that I didn't know. That's why the husband gave her the dog because he said he couldn't take care of him properly because he is depressed over the loss of his wife.

She has all his papers along with the vets and she said yes, that the declawing was done by a vet. I also can't believe a vet would do this to a dog. Like others have said, the dewclaws, yes, but not all four paws. Poor little thing. I pray he doesn't have problems later on from it.

Stupid, stupid people. People like that shouldn't have animals when they value their floors more than the animal itself. They also have a cat and I can bet the cat was declawed also. Poor thing.

finn's mom
04-07-2009, 10:12 PM
Chihuahuas have longer nails than other breeds? Really? I'd not heard that before. Seems like a nail clipper would keep them as short as any other dog's. I just don't understand getting a uncaged pet if that's how you feel about your floor. Maybe they should look at having an aquarium.

Daisy and Delilah
04-07-2009, 10:17 PM
Chihuahuas definitely have claws just like other dogs. If they're too long, the owner isn't keeping them trimmed. As a matter of fact, they're smaller claws and should be easier to trim(if it's not my Daisy:rolleyes:). That is very very strange. I would have been taken aback by this too. I'm appalled that a vet would do this!!:mad: :( :( Poor little doggie.:(

04-07-2009, 10:42 PM
thats awful! if the floors were that importent, there ARE nail caps made specifily to prevent a dogs nails from harming floors. declawing anything, nevermind a DOG is horrable!

04-07-2009, 11:43 PM
Confirm the dog has been declawled, if you havent allready, then call the appropriate agency. This is animal cruelty.

04-08-2009, 08:25 AM
I was surprised too, I did not think a vet would do this type of surgery on a dog unless for medical reasons.

Jags mom
04-08-2009, 10:16 AM
That is absolutly horrible that someone would have that done. To me dew claws shouldn't even be removed from a chi, as they are usually taken of in other breeds that can get them caught or rip them out while running, fetching or working. I have seen it done on puppies and they sceam like you are cutting away the whole foot, no sedation, nothing. And as for all the nails on the poor dog, imagine you have an itch and you cannot scratch it...ever. I dremmel my dogs nails twice a week and have hardwood floors, they are so short that they do no even hit the floor anymore, and they are big dogs that CAN do damage. I also dremmel my friends tiny toy poodle, they are now little nubs so she doesnt tear up the leather furniture. I really want to get ahold of the vet that agreed to do the declawing.

04-08-2009, 12:01 PM
:( Thats just Horrible.. I think they both need more than just a smack.. How about a 2 by 4 post upside the skull.. Thats just not right.. Poor wittle baby..
No it is not something that is done to chis. I can't believe any vet in his/her right mind would de-claw any dog except for removing the dew claws. That is just horrible! Poor fella. The owner that requested that be done and the vet that did it both need a good smack!

What is wrong with people:confused::rolleyes:

04-08-2009, 01:45 PM
Confirm the dog has been declawled, if you havent allready, then call the appropriate agency. This is animal cruelty.

I really think that this would be an effort in futility - unfortunately! :( As horrible as it is, I doubt that the vet would have done it if it was illegal.

04-08-2009, 02:32 PM
How sad for this poor dog! This is a first for me too and I believe this is animal cruelty! I hope the vet that did this has his veterinarian licence revoked! How sick! If the owners didn't want the dog scratching up floors...DON'T GET A DOG!!! Chihuahua nails are no longer than any other breed. It's the owner's responsibility to make sure the nails are kept short.

04-08-2009, 05:40 PM
This is a female staffy, or pit bull mix on another forum I am a member of.. They posted that she too had been declawed.. I've never heard of such a thing for a dog.. It's cruel enough on a cat, let alone on a dog???

Meet Paisley. I'm about to crosspost her to get her rescued, as her owners don't want her anymore and are planning to euth. :( They also 4-paw declawed her because they couldn't stand the clicking of nails on their floors!!! I HATE PEOPLE!

Anyway, here's the pic of the beauty:


Here is another pic where you can see that she has no nails.

04-08-2009, 06:12 PM
Poor pup :(. I had never heard of such a thing for a dog. I have heard and been around debarked dogs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNNO1K2_-2U for an example), but not declawing. Some people seem ready to do whatever it takes to make a dog fit into their ideals. As horrid as it is, I am almost positive animal control could do nothing about it. The dog is being fed and cared for, and isn't even with the owner who had it done. The most one could do was if they knew which vet did it, they could lodge a complaint perhaps with the American Veterinary Association or something.

That picture of Paisley's foot is so sad :(