View Full Version : I'm so sad :(

04-06-2009, 10:44 PM
Tomorrow, after 4 weeks of being here with me, my mom is flying back to Michigan. I'm just in tears. She was here for 5 days before I went into labor with Vince and so she was here 3 weeks and 2 days after he was born to help with Quinn, housework, cooking, and being my wonderful, sweet, precious mom and friend. I love her so much and I can't believe 4 weeks flew by so quick and tomorrow she's gone.

Blah, the worst part about moving to TX was leaving my mom behind. I just wish she'd move here :(

Pointless thread, just really sad and wanted to get it off my chest.

04-06-2009, 10:54 PM
Ahh I'm so sorry to hear she's leaving:( I'm glad that you had a good visit. She is such a sweet person!
We are free all day if you would like some company! We're going to JforJ in the morning, (you're wlecome to come, of course!) but after that we'll be home. Give me a call :)

04-06-2009, 11:08 PM
I'm sorry :( I know how you feel. I live far away from my mom too and it's always so hard. I mean I talk to her on the phone everyday but when they come to visit or I go visit them I am always weepy for a while afterwards and feel so sad.

it's hard being away from our mommies :( especially when we become mommies

04-06-2009, 11:09 PM
I know you will miss her, Leslie. Mayb she can come again soon. You'll have to show her your most pitiful face. ;) I know she already feels guilty and sad leaving. You will just have to start working on a way to see her again soon.
((((Leslie))))) Enjoy your family...

04-06-2009, 11:14 PM
Awww, we know you will miss her. Tell her to join Pet Talk so she can keep up with you and the rest of us here! ;)

I bet Quinn will miss her Grandma, too!

My friends, R+S, who just had their baby girl Feb. 22, have two boys, the eldest son loves living here, where he's lived all 7 years of his life, so much that he thinks his grandparents should simply move North. S said to me "He doesn't understand that it was a HUGE deal for them to move 30 miles from my hometown in West Virginia to another small West Virginia town. There's no way they would ever consider leaving West Virginia, never mind moving all the way up here! I've to R that, if he ever gets a job at another school, HE is the one telling our son we're moving!" (R is a college sports coach.)

Grandmas are special, no matter where they live. I know you will miss your mom, so just think of the rest of us as shoulders to cry on!

04-06-2009, 11:16 PM

04-07-2009, 06:26 AM

I've never lived close to my mom. She lives in SC and I absolutely hate when she goes home from a visit.
Does she have the Internet? If so you could use a web cam. I wish my mom would get a computer!

04-07-2009, 06:42 AM
I'm w/you on this one, that's for sure. My son lives in CA and I live in OH and we both become so sad when leaving after having visited each other. What I do is to get excited about our next visit; I plan lots of things to do together and that helps. You'll be so busy w/your new baby that it might not be as painful this time. (((HUGS))) to you. :love:

04-07-2009, 07:27 AM
Oh Leslie, he is SO beautiful!!

When Amy was born, my Mom had been deceased 3 years, so I really had no one (my MIL and I didn't get along, she was an alcoholic) to look to for advice. You are so lucky your Mom was there. To not only bond with you and those gorgeous kids of yours, but to just have someone to talk to, ya know, at a time when a woman needs another woman's opinion.

Don't be sad. Go get a Video Cam for your computer and have her get one. When I was in Michigan that's how I visited with my daughter and friends over the holidays. It was wonderful and cheap cuz you could chat all day long with each other.

They're cheap at Wal-Mart. I just love modern technology.:p:rolleyes:

Cheer up and smother those kids with kisses from Auntie Donna and the fur crew.


04-07-2009, 09:20 AM
I so understand where you are coming from. It is so hard when my parents have to leave to go back home(or when we have to leave when we go to visit). And my parents aren't going to be able to stay as long this time as they did when Katherine was born because my mom is still teaching school and has to take off work to come. (Katherine was born on her summer vacation.)

04-07-2009, 09:45 AM
I can understand how you feel -- there's nothing like havin mom around, no matter how grown up we become. (((hugs)))

04-07-2009, 10:16 AM
No, it's not a pointless thread. I am living the same situation.
I'm the one who chose to move away from Italy.
My mom will come here in July and stay 2 months (a little before and some after the baby will be born).
I know I will be feeling the same pain when she leaves to go back home.

I am so sorry.

I agree with moosmom, a computer camera is really awesome at shortening the distance. Mom and I try to have video calls once or twice a week to stay close.

finn's mom
04-07-2009, 01:02 PM
I am going to be facing the same thing soon enough. I am so happy that both my parents will be here to help, but I know it will be even harder than the the usual goodbyes when they leave. My mother and I are best friends, we talk every day and share just about everything. I am sorry to hear that your mom is leaving.

Daisy and Delilah
04-07-2009, 01:46 PM
I can certainly relate to this. My daughter moved to NC last year. We're also best friends and share everything. She wants me to move up to NC but it's not that easy. She's coming down in 10 days and I am scheduled to go back with her for a visit. We'll see what happens. She was my rock when she was here. I miss her terribly!!!

04-07-2009, 09:26 PM
Mom's gone back home now. Thanks so much for the sympothy. She truly is my best friend and I love her so very much. We talk several times every day and send emails and such, but it's just not the same having her so far away. She's a beautiful person, so wise and patient. So helpful and cheerful. So positive and gentle. Quinn will be devistated, too. She loves her Grammy.

At least mom got to be here while I delivered Vince. The pain of childbirth scared me and confused me. I didn't feel my labor with Quinn. The epidural worked with her so I was totally shocked when I felt this labor and it was a blessing having her there with me. She held my right hand while hubby held my left. Having her there with me was such a comfort, especially since I was experiencing the total shocking pain of labor for the first time. She had been through it and she helped coach me through it. She was able to witness the miracle of her grandson being born.

It was also a blessing to have her with me during Quinn's transision from only child to having a sibling. She helped so much. She cleaned tons, cooked amazing dishes, watched Quinn while I tried to catch up on sleep.

She's an angel and I wish she wasn't so far away :( :( My mom lost her job so she can't plan another trip to TX for a long time, not until she finds work and gets caught up on bills. We don't have enough money to plan a trip to Michigan for the rest of this year, so I dont have any idea when I'll see her again. Maybe, just maybe, the economy will perk up and she'll be able to sell her house in Michigan and move here to TX :)

04-08-2009, 12:06 AM
I can understand how you feel -- there's nothing like havin mom around, no matter how grown up we become. (((hugs)))

So true! I'd do anything for one last hug.

04-08-2009, 08:00 AM

I have a VEO webcam I'm not using that I can send you. PM me with your address. I'll also include the software.