View Full Version : Fabric softener - UPDATED

04-05-2009, 12:03 PM
I found this "recipe" for homemade fabric softener in an AARP webletter, and thought I'd pass it on for anyone that might want to save some money - and who doesn't nowadays???

2 cups of a good brand name fabric softener of your choice

3 cups water

4 inexpensive sponges cut in half

Mix water and softener and put in a resealable plastic container - drop in sponges. When ready to use, squeeze out excess mixture and toss sponge in dryer like you would a softener sheet. When done, put dry sponge back in the container.

The person that posted this, said the mixture will last about a year, but I suppose it depends on how much laundry you do!!! :p I just mixed up half a batch to give it a try. Hey - nothing ventured - nothing gained. If I don't like the way it works, I'm not out a whole heck of a lot of money!

Laura's Babies
04-05-2009, 12:28 PM
Hummmm... let us know if it works. That would get rid of having those used fabric sheets to deal with..

04-05-2009, 02:10 PM
Interesting. I guess you'd have to really squeeze out the excess because you don't want to have spots on your clean clothes. That is why I use dryer sheets instead of liquid fabric softener.
Let us know how it works!! :D

04-05-2009, 03:20 PM
OK - so I tried this and think it works good.

However - don't wring the sponge too dry - just enough so it isn't drippy since you don't want to stain your laundry with softener spots. I found that one sponge wasn't enough either - works better with 2 or 3 - depending on the size of the load. So that's still quite a money saver in the long run.

04-05-2009, 05:17 PM
2 cups of a good brand name fabric softener of your choice


I'm a little baffled. If it's supposed to be "homemade fabric softener" then why use a "good brand name softener". Why not just skip the other ingredients and use the fabric softener.

Do I make sense??? Or should I go take a couple of my happy pills and a nap??

04-05-2009, 06:31 PM

I'm a little baffled. If it's supposed to be "homemade fabric softener" then why use a "good brand name softener". Why not just skip the other ingredients and use the fabric softener.

Do I make sense??? Or should I go take a couple of my happy pills and a nap??

Yup - pills and a nap for sure! :D
But you're only using 2 cups in about a year (according to what she posted), so it's going a whole lot further - right??? Look how much you would use if you used the liquid softener in the regular manner by the directions on the bottle! That one bottle that you buy for the initial mixture is going to last a loooong time. :D

04-05-2009, 08:01 PM
Two cups fabric Softener PLUS three cups water. ;)

Laura's Babies
04-06-2009, 06:45 AM
I saved the recipe and will try it when I run out of the dryer sheets.

04-07-2009, 07:58 AM

04-07-2009, 12:47 PM
I never use the amount of fabric softener indicated...I dilute it. And, if I am using dryer sheets, I cut them in half. LOL...just to save money.