View Full Version : Marta had another knee surgery

04-04-2009, 09:42 PM
I know I'm not on pet talk a lot anymore, especially the dog general section, but I could use some good thoughts for Marta's fast recovery if you have any to spare. Unfortunately Marta tore the ACL in her other leg last weekend. (She tore the ACL in her left leg 1 1/2 years ago). I'm not sure how it happened- she was outside with Vallis and came in with a limping leg. :( I took her to the vet on Monday, and they confirmed my fear so she had surgery on Wednesday.

She came home yesterday and is doing well, thankfully. But it's harder to care for her this time around because I also have a baby to look after, and our house now has stairs, stairs, and more stairs! I need to carry her down at least one set of stairs each time she goes out to the bathroom, and will need to do so for at least 6-8 weeks. Corgis may look petite, but they are no lightweights- Marta weighs almost 30 pounds! I'm just glad that Marta's surgery went well and she is home and on the road to recovery. I've got a comfortable area for her in each floor of the house so she can be near us, and she has pain medicine of course...but I just want to see her better now. Any good thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks!

04-04-2009, 10:21 PM
I'm very sorry to hear this, poor Marta (and poor you!). I just groomed a german shepherd today that had a torn ACL and I could tell she was really hurting. 30 lbs is a lot to be carrying up/down stairs that often too! I hope she'll have a speedy recovery!

P.S. How are Adele and Vallis doing?

04-04-2009, 10:22 PM
Awww, she'll be in our prayers.

Daisy and Delilah
04-04-2009, 10:57 PM
OMG!! I'm so sorry Marta had to have another surgery. You've really got your hands full. I'm sending thoughts and prayers right away!!:(
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} Feel better Marta and Mom!!

04-05-2009, 08:53 AM
Pawsitive thoughts for Marta. I feel your pain, Lacey had the surgery three times, yes three.:rolleyes: Most dogs end up needing both done. Hang in there, Marta will be healed up in no time.:)

04-05-2009, 09:04 AM
Koko had to have both knees operated on for torn CCL's. She spent 6 weeks in her crate and then after her second surgery another 6 weeks. I had to carry her down about 10 steps from my porch so she could go out to do her business. She weighed around 90lb back then. Her Vet said her knees went out because of extra stress caused by hip dysphasia. She still has bad hips but we just exercise her a lot and she does great. Watching her run you would never know see had both knee surgeries. When the weather is rainy she suffers some so she gets regular doses of Glucosamine, Chondroitin and an anti-inflammatory drug.

04-06-2009, 06:51 PM
Thanks for the good thoughts! :) Marta seems to be doing better the last few days, and wants to be free of her pen already. At least she will be able to go on small walks next week!

04-06-2009, 07:15 PM
Ohhhh, Marta. :(
I'm glad she's on the mend! Hope she's 100% soon. :love:

04-07-2009, 03:05 AM
Get well wishes for Marta and some lovin' for good measure.

4 Dog Mother
04-07-2009, 08:24 AM
Oh, poor Marta and poor you! Having a baby and a sick dog is too much. Hope Marta gets better real quickly. And by the way what a beautiful baby you have in your signature!