View Full Version : J.r.

09-24-2002, 02:04 AM
J.R. you are such a perfect beauty!:) :) :)
I love your color and your stripes and your white chin, what the heck, you look exactly like my Juni, why wouldn't I like you:D Well, as I said in a thread yesterday, I LIKE ALL CATS! Because they are are special in their own way.
Have a great day and a great and long healthy life, and keep bringing joy to your humans ;)

09-24-2002, 02:52 AM
Yes J.R. you reminded me of Juni, too. Isn't it nice: if people are open, then a little soft paw comes and begins to steal your heart (and of course your smoked fish on the table). 20 Years ago I had 2 tabby sisters, Meo and Minouche and they were sooo clever.
I wish you and J.R. a long and playful catlife and some treats for special J.R. at her special day!

09-24-2002, 08:05 AM
Oh, you are soooo cute! We just love striper/tabby cats at our house...and make note that they have the most curious, fun personalities!!! BeBop (our striper boy) sends along a special hello to you! Congratulations, sweet, JR, on being today's very special Cat of the Day!

Noserubs, snuggles and purrs...Bari and the Pride

09-24-2002, 08:37 AM
Hi J.R...Short for Jane Russell perhaps??? You are THAT beautiful!:) Who can resist a classic taupe Tabby!! And what a perfect "first kitty" your family was blessed with!! You personify all we kitty lovers crave in a feline friend!! This is just the beginning of a wonderful, long, life, J.R.! How fitting that you kick off your journey with the much deserved title of Cat of the Day! Congratulations to our beautiful, sweet, adorable honoree!! I hope you get lots of extra belly rubs, lots of yummy treats and an extra game or two of fetch today, J.R.!!

09-24-2002, 09:51 AM
Good Morning J.R. I love that photo of you, what a beauty you are. My goodness you do better than most dogs, bringing toys to your family to play with, my dogs will only bring them back half way. I am so happy that your family adopted you and now you are much loved and have a wonderful forever home. Congratulations dear, sweet, beautiful J.R. Our Very Best Cat of the Day.
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

09-24-2002, 09:57 AM
J.R., one of the smartest cats that I ever have known was a grey striped tabby beauty just like you.

It was fun reading about how clever you are. I wish you a very happy, special day set aside in your honor as our Cat of the Day.

09-24-2002, 09:59 AM
Aw JR, what a pretty kitty you are!! You look like you're having fun in your tunnel. I always like to hear how "new cat people" have been converted - cats rock!! Congrats JR, for being Our Cat of the Day!!:) :D

09-24-2002, 11:23 AM
:cool: JR you are a lucky cat to have human friends who bought you a cat tunnel.I bought one,only because it was on special and the cats sleep in it for a while ,then it gets passed on to the new cat.As of now Bj is using it,but will sooon outgrow his security tunnel as he gets a little more comfortable.Jr you are unique as none of the 20 cats thnat have passed this way have brought thier toys to be played with.They sit and meooow until I pick the toy up and iniate playtime!!:cool: [COLOR=orangered]Catmanduu

09-24-2002, 12:05 PM
What a beauty you are! I'm so glad you found a new loving family and forever home. Congratulations on being our special Cat of the Day today.:)

09-24-2002, 02:41 PM
J.R. What a beautyful striped tabby you are! You're just gorgeous!
Congratulations on being our lovely Cat of the day!
I hope you'll have a long and healthy life together with your loving family! Have fun and get spoiled today. Your humans are so lucky to have a cat like you! :)

Purrs and headbumpies from
Fister & his mum

09-24-2002, 02:50 PM
J.R. our Striped Star of the Day! Your coat and eyes are adorable!!! I love your photo in your Play Tunnel--are you waiting to fetch a toy you want tossed in there? How precious how you wake your Loving Family up each day and wait for them in the window each evening! My husband adopted two baby kittens named Tom & Jerry, but Jerry turned out to be female, so we sometimes spell it "Gerri" and say it's short for Geraldine! Maybe your J.R. stands for JUST RIGHT!!! Enjoy your Special Day, Pretty Baby!!!! :D :) :cool: ;)

Dan Holder
09-24-2002, 03:51 PM
J.R. is your first cat, and she turned out to be a good one. Well, you've heard of the potato chip theory, "Bet you can't have just one"? Good luck with this little sweety.

09-24-2002, 04:19 PM
Thank you for your messages! I subscribed to Pet of the Day shortly after I adopted JR, but never quite had the courage to post anything. I am so happy that JR is finally cat of the day! She looooves her tunnel. It was a Christmas present from some good friends. They gave it to her thinking that it would be a good present because she could play in it and then we could fold it up and put it away when she wasn't using it. That never happens, though, because she is always in it! She can't run through the living room without going through the tunnel, even if it isn't remotely in her path.

Miss Meow
09-24-2002, 05:36 PM
Welcome HeatherAnne :) You don't need courage to hang out here, just a pet or two! JR is a stunner - congratulations on being cat of the day!

09-24-2002, 06:38 PM
Congratulations J.R.!! I love your expression and your kitty tunnel is so cool. I've never seen one, although I know if I got Cleo one she would just regard it with so much disdain. I think it's adorable how your mommy says you'll go through it even if it's not in your path! You are a true beauty and I hope you have a wonderful evening as COTD!!. I would love to see a toy tossed for you on one side of the room, and you fetch it via your tunnel, both ways!! Good night funny little one!! :D :) :D P.S. Welcome HeatherAnne!

09-24-2002, 07:45 PM
Dearest J. R.,

I'm so happy to meet you today Pretty Girl !!!
What a lucky day for you AND your people when
you met that wonderful day & you picked each other
out to share a lifetime. Many happy congrats J.R. on
being chosen as our CAT OF THE DAY . I wish you a long
and happy life sweetie.

09-24-2002, 09:01 PM
Good evening, sweet J.R. Lol the same thing happened to my bunny with the name thing except we thought he was a girl lol. You look so much like my Sally, it's scary. Are you twins or something? Lol. At least there is another cat in the world that can fetch. My kitty fetches mice and rappers and stuff all the time! Hope today you got lots of belly rubs, and will get a nice midnight game of fetch! I hope you recive many special things on your special day!! Congratulations on Cat of the Day!!:cool:

09-24-2002, 09:18 PM
What a sweet little face you have J.R.! I had a male orange cat named Molly. It doesn't matter what your name is, as long as you are loved, and indeed you are.

09-25-2002, 12:33 AM
what a beautiful cat!:D

09-25-2002, 12:48 AM
A real sweetie!