View Full Version : CPR and Grey Cats?

04-03-2009, 10:46 PM
I was awakened last night three times for CPR.

I sleep pretty well and have been told that I do snore a little when I am tired, alot when I am drunk. I do take cat naps during the day.....when I need to.


After dinner I'll do a crossword, or pop on the tube, I lay out on the sofa right under the front room windows, nice!

Each time I woke up to CPR, I'd sneak a peek out the window to see nothing, until the third time.

I saw a grey cat walking up the porch, sniff around and leave.

I then knew what was causing the CPR and it's painful consequence, I slept balled up/fetal for the rest of the evening.

OH, what is CPR?

Cat Pounces on Richard.:rolleyes:

Ed does his night patrols and climbs on the back of the sofa to push aside the blinds and look for cat that are walking around at night. He knows exactly which windows to go to. Usually a cat just meanders up the drive and Ed runs to the kitchen at the back of the house.

This grey cat was walking on to the porch, taunting Ed to get real excited in that attack cat kind of way, which then caused Ed to jump onto my chest, as if he was starting CPR. Technically he hit me right on the sternum, so he was paying attention in class!

Very startling and very efficient way to get this moron's clicker clicking! Aside from the scare and interrupting a good dream about an old flame, no harm, no foul.

But I did wonder if he was aware that jumping farther South may just make dad mad and hurt him in urological kind of way.

I know this is some kind on penance for some slight of a feline in either this life or a prior one. Either way, I think I have paid my debt to the cats in the world, but, I cannot imagine what would happen if I died in my sleep and someone found me cupping my groin with both hands.

Will someone go the funeral and tell the real story?

04-03-2009, 11:06 PM
Do not be giving Erp th Cat any ideas.

Cinder & Smoke
04-04-2009, 12:12 AM
I was awakened last night three times for CPR.

I cannot imagine what would happen if I died in my sleep and
someone found me cupping my groin with both hands.

Will someone go the funeral and tell the real story?

Ya know, they make 'protective garments' for those tendur spotz ...

Too confining?
How about a nice kawfee-table BOOK, opened to the mid-point,
and draped over the area to be protected, tent style?


04-04-2009, 09:36 AM
The Found Cats sometimes will walk over the blankets to get where they want to go , but they step gingerly!!
The real danger is that they will start a shreiking fight unexpectedly and give thier Old Dad a heart attack!!!!

04-04-2009, 10:01 AM
:p Good One Richard.. Yes my babies love to walk all over me in bed too..

Laura's Babies
04-04-2009, 12:21 PM
That is TO funny! He knew just where to JUMP on you to get your attention!

04-06-2009, 09:54 AM
I wish any of mine would go for the CPR, but I have learned to sleep on my side because MIT'S a 16 lb'er has such a deadly southern aim. I got tiered of waking my wife with a very high pitched scream of MIT'SSSSSSSSSSSSSS.

04-06-2009, 05:58 PM
Ya know, they make 'protective garments' for those tendur spotz ...

Too confining?
How about a nice kawfee-table BOOK, opened to the mid-point,
and draped over the area to be protected, tent style?


I can see myself dressing up to go to sleep!

It hasn't happened since so maybe ther worst is over?;)

Cinder & Smoke
04-06-2009, 11:54 PM
I can see myself dressing up to go to sleep!

It hasn't happened since so maybe ther worst is over? ;)

We used to *sleep* with one eye open - trying to spot the Flyin Black KAT
as he *swooped* up & over the BigBed! :eek:

With TWO Dawgs and ONE Hoomin on the not-so-big BigBed,
the goofy Flyin KAT couldn't miss finding a tendur spot to land on!
And THEN he'd *stomp around* trying to level out the lumpy spots.

04-07-2009, 08:33 AM
We used to *sleep* with one eye open - trying to spot the Flyin Black KAT
as he *swooped* up & over the BigBed! :eek:

With TWO Dawgs and ONE Hoomin on the not-so-big BigBed,
the goofy Flyin KAT couldn't miss finding a tendur spot to land on!
And THEN he'd *stomp around* trying to level out the lumpy spots.


Do me a favor and stop sending them "psychic animal" thought/ideas to the left coast?

I put my sleeping bag on the floor and was trampled about three times last night.

I sleep on my side, so it was like taking shot to the ribs!

I just can't win anymore! I just wonder what awaits my next sleep period!:D

Cinder & Smoke
04-07-2009, 09:21 AM

Do me a favor and stop sending them "psychic animal" thought/ideas to the left coast?

I put my sleeping bag on the floor and was trampled about three times last night.

I just wonder what awaits my next sleep period! :D

The *pillow slide* ??

Da KAT used to sometimes fancy the BigBed PILLOW as his chosen spot -
My Head being a major obstacle to his comfort. Easy fix ...

He'd >squeeze< between my pillow-hoggin head and the headboard,
position his 4 paws on the back of my head,
and give a mighty **SHOVE** with his feety-feets! :eek:
I'd awaken later (with a crick in my neck), head on the mattress, and a
vague rememberance of my head rocketing off the pillow. :confused:

Maybe Ed would like his OWN sleepy bag (and pillow).


smokey the elder
04-07-2009, 02:16 PM
Pink Nose and Bubba are my pillow thieves. They work on trying to wedge me off the pillow! I'll pick up one or the other, move them, and they come right back. But they purr against the top of my head, which feels good.

04-07-2009, 03:22 PM
Pink Nose and Bubba are my pillow thieves. They work on trying to wedge me off the pillow! I'll pick up one or the other, move them, and they come right back. But they purr against the top of my head, which feels good.

KInda like a 'feline white noise' machine?:D

Sometimes I have to look at the hair in my mouth to see who is shedding!


I much rather prefer the "early morning bakery"' game to the sudden "slap the dough awake" hijinks!

Making biscuits is better than punching down the dough?

04-07-2009, 03:28 PM
Your right Richard, the slaps are painful. I have it good, I just have too look in the mirror to see who's shedding, my nose gets covered.