View Full Version : Sunny Isn't Feeling Well

04-03-2009, 01:04 AM
This morning one of my cats had thrown up a few times. It was food that had been mostly digested because it was mush instead of bits and pieces of dry food. Later on I noticed that Sunny didn't want to get off of my bed. He just sat there curled up partially under my covers. I had to move him so that I could make the bed. He never does this. He's usually running around meowing at me to hurry up with breakfast.

When I was preparing the food, I noticed that Sunny was very quiet and he was just sitting on the bar stool. I gave him his dish of food and he didn't want anything to do with it.:( I ended up feeding it to Ziggy. Later I put some chicken baby food on my finger and Sunny did lick some of it off. When I fed them their second small feeding of the morning, I was able to entice Sunny to eat. He ate very slowly but didn't quiet finish his meal.

I went to work and was hoping that he'd snap out of it and be his normal hungry energetic self in the evening. He slept most of the evening and he refused to eat again.:( I also noticed that one of the cats had thrown up more mostly digested food. I'm still assuming that it's from Sunny. This time I decided not to force him to eat.

I called my vet's and I even talked to a vet tech about Sunny. The earliest appointment that they have is at 2:30pm tomorrow so I took it. If I brought him in tonight I would be charged an emergency fee just to be seen. If I wait until after 8am tomorrow morning I'll be charged an urgent care fee. I'm going to see how he's doing in the morning and if he's doing much worse then I'll just take him in the morning and pay a slighly higher fee to be seen.

I was trying to take his temperatue earlier and he was really fighting me so he's still quite feisty. I wasn't able to hold it until it beeped but when I took it out it was in the 101 degree range. It beeped a few seconds after that so I'm hoping that his temp is normal. I hope that he'll be feeling better tomorrow so he won't even have to go to the vet. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

To top it all off, Pearl's been having mushy stool issues for quiet a while now. She looks healthy and just had her annual exam but her stools aren't what they should be. I brought in a sample on Sunday evening. I had to wait all day for one which wasn't easy. My vet did a feline diarrhea panel realpcr which wasn't cheap.

I got her results and this is what my vet e-mailed me:

The feces tested positive for cryptosporidium, which is a coccidian parasite. In most cats, this organism is NOT the primary cause of diarrhea. In other words, something else is causing the diarrhea (like IBD, or stress, etc) and the organism is just there. However, I think we should treat Pearl anyway. Treatments for crypt often fail, but I think we should try. I would like to put her on a 2 week course of azithromycin and then recheck her.

Cryptosporidium can be zoonotic, meaning she can give it to you and the other cats. Washing your hands after handling her butt or cleaning the litter box is good practice. Immunocompromised people should not handle her or the litter box, as they have a greater risk of infection.

I do not think we need to treat all of your cats.

I would like to recheck Pearls feces for cryptosporidium in 2 weeks, within a few days of her last antibiotic dose.

So now I also need to pick up this medication for her. I sure hope that it clears her up and none of my other cats will become infected. I've always been good about washing my hands after I clean out the litter boxes. I also hope that she doesn't have IBD too. This was one of my concerns because her symptoms seemed a lot like Starr's when he first started having problems. The only difference is that she always uses the litter box. Please send her some good vibes too. Thanks in advance.:)

04-03-2009, 07:02 AM
Oh goodness, double trouble today, huh? I sure hope that Sunny and Pearl feel better really soon so that you can have some peace of mind. It's tough enough when one is sick or having symptoms but when we have more than one at a time that aren't feeling well, it's nerve wracking. Keep the faythe. :love:

04-03-2009, 09:32 AM
Oh goodness! I hope Sunny is feeling better soon. And I hope you and the other kitties do not get what Pearl has. I hope the meds work for Pearl too.

04-03-2009, 09:53 AM
Good luck with Sunny - get better, sweetie!

When Cole first came to live with me, he started have soft stools and some blood in it. I took a sample in - the vet tech called me later and said there was some crypto (I am 95% sure that is what it way), but it was SO slight that they wouldn't treat it unless Cole had symptoms. Well, he did, and within two days of taking the 5 day med course (total 5 pills), the blood was gone. (I gave him the full course of meds though).

I hope this works for Pearl.

Poor babies! Give them some gentle hugs for me.:love:

04-03-2009, 10:02 AM
:( Oh No Sunny is sick.. Let us know what the Vet thinks.. Sunny I hope you get to feeling better real soon.. Get Well Wittle One.. Sending Lots of PT Prayers & Huggss..

04-03-2009, 10:12 AM
Thanks everyone.:) Before I went to bed last night, Sunny did eat some of his food. I was hoping that I wouldn't find any more throw up this morning and I didn't.:) While I was getting the food prepared, Sunny started meowing and acting very hungry like his old self. He ate all of his breakfast this morning so I think that whatever it was has passed.:) I'm going to cancel his appointment but I want to wait a bit to make sure that he doesn't throw up again. Pearl is still very concerned about Sunny and she keeps on trying to get close to him and sniff and lick him. He just seems anoyed sp? by all of this attention. His energy level is still not what it should be but I feel that by tonight he'll be much more back to normal. Thanks again.:)

04-03-2009, 10:14 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that Sunny isn't feeling well, poor boy. :(

I also hope that Pearl's coccidian parasite can be treated and none of the others get it.

Sending lots of positive thoughts for them both. :love:


Edit. I see he has eaten now. :) Keep getting better, Sunny!

04-03-2009, 01:27 PM
I'm so glad Sunny is feeling better. It's amazing how many things indoor kitties can get, you know? I hope the treatment helps out Pearl. Gosh, these guys certainly keep you on your toes, eh? Please lkeep us updated on both Sunny and Pearl.

04-03-2009, 09:51 PM
Thanks again everyone.:) Pearl hates her medicine even though it's been compounded into a tuna flavor. The bad news on this is that it's only good for 10 days and she needs to be on it for 14.:( This means that I have to get another refill for the 4 other days and I'll also have to pay the same amount that I did for the first bottle. Hopefully this will clear her up. My vet doesn't seem to think that it's in any way related to when Starr had his coccidia as a kitten. She said that it's a similar protozoa but not the same thing. Maybe she's always had this even though I treated her with flagel as a kitten.

Sunny's appetite is still good but he's still acting a bit strange. Starr's been chasing him and bullying him.:( This started last night. Pearl's also been acting a bit weird towards Sunny. She keeps trying to sniff him and bug him. She even hissed at him last night. I didn't see this but my roommate did and she even thought that it was strange.

When I got home, I saw all of my cats except for Sunny so I was a bit worried at first. I think he was hiding under my bed. He finally came out but he seemed a bit scared to come out to the kitchen. When he did he wanted to stay as far away from the others as possible. He even ate in a different spot. After eating he just sat on the counter until I picked him up and put him back in my bedroom. I think that he feels that Starr will chase him again.: I hope that in a day or two that everything will go back to normal.(

04-03-2009, 11:25 PM
I'm glad that Sunny seems to have his appetite back and hope that he gets all his energy back over the next day or two. And I hope that Pearl gets all her meds and that her soft stool firms up. :) Though you already have so much experience with IBD, you sure don't need another IBD patient! ;) Hope the meds work.

04-05-2009, 03:14 PM
I'm glad that Sunny seems to have his appetite back and hope that he gets all his energy back over the next day or two. And I hope that Pearl gets all her meds and that her soft stool firms up. :) Though you already have so much experience with IBD, you sure don't need another IBD patient! ;) Hope the meds work.
Thanks so much. I hope so too.:)

Sunny seemed much more like himself yesterday and he ate well for his first feeding this morning but he didn't seem to want to eat much of his second feeding.:( I think that something scared him, most likely Starr, while I was taking my shower. When I went out to feed my cats again, I only saw 5 of them and then Sunny finally came out but he was being very cautious and looked scared.:( After he ate a little bit, Starr tried to chase him again. I just don't understand Starr's behavior. He's still on generic prozac which is supposed to make him much calmer. I sure hope that this won't continue because it's really starting to stress me out.:(

04-06-2009, 11:41 AM
Good to hear Sunny is better before I even noticed he was under the weather. I hope Starr doesn't keep him from eating. Poor boy.
Regarding Pearl - Tigris has diarrhea once in a while. Last time it was really 3 or 4 days in a row. Our vet say that this can really mix up a cat so it should be treated- and what she recommends in an otherwise healthy cat is just having it fast for some hours or even a day. With Tigris last time it certainly did the trick. He was of course a VERY hungry boy after 12 hrs fasting but next day it was back to shaped tootsie rolls and has been like that for two months now.
Good luck with your kitty family.

04-07-2009, 12:27 AM
Good to hear Sunny is better before I even noticed he was under the weather. I hope Starr doesn't keep him from eating. Poor boy.
Regarding Pearl - Tigris has diarrhea once in a while. Last time it was really 3 or 4 days in a row. Our vet say that this can really mix up a cat so it should be treated- and what she recommends in an otherwise healthy cat is just having it fast for some hours or even a day. With Tigris last time it certainly did the trick. He was of course a VERY hungry boy after 12 hrs fasting but next day it was back to shaped tootsie rolls and has been like that for two months now.
Good luck with your kitty family.

Thanks Barbara.:) The medicine seems to be working for Pearl because I this morning I finally saw her make a much firmer stool than I've seen in a long time. Now hopefully this will continue after she finishes her medicine.:)

Sunny seemed much better this morning and tonight but now he's sneezing a lot. He'll usually sneeze at least once a day but he's been doing it a lot tonight. Starr and Pearl were trying to chase him.:( He then decided to hide out in my bathroom and he's now sleeping on a cat bed that's on my bed.

He and Storm have their annual exams on April 19th so hopefully I won't need to bring him in before then. I think I'll also have blood work done on Sunny to make sure that everything is fine. He'll be 9 in August and he hasn't had blood work done in quite a while and never with my new vet.

04-16-2009, 10:06 PM
I'm so glad Pearl and Sunny are doing better! please keep us updated.