View Full Version : Coda teaches Hiedi a new "trick"

04-02-2009, 06:56 PM
Since the wee age of 6 months old, Coda has been insistent that his water must me FRESH!! "Turn the water on mom, I want a drink!" kind of fresh.


My mother said that while he was with her he refused water from the faucet and insisted it be in a bowl. Now that he is with me again, he imediately reverted to making me turn on the water for him. Here is what happened the other day during one of his drinks.

What are you doing Coda?


HMMMM, Interesting! Very interesting!!


Think I'll check this out!


It's WET!! (She was playing with it!! And licking it off of her paw.)


Going in for a drink.


Thank you Coda, you showed me how to get the freshest water and it was SOOOOO YUMMY!!


What silly little critters our kitties can be!! But I couldn't imagine my life without them in it!! Even when they can sometimes be quite ecentric!

04-02-2009, 07:33 PM
Oh Oh!!! I have a feeling that a certain western households water bill will go up a bit, now that Two Cats want fresh water.:eek::eek:
I would try them on a Cat Water Fountain , as thats a great source of fresh clean water.:):):)
The Found Cats recommend it highly!!!

04-02-2009, 09:26 PM
Oh, Heidi! What a good teacher your brother is! Heidi and Coda, you are beautiful and your meowmie's pictures and words tell a very fun story of your drinking adventure!

04-02-2009, 09:50 PM
Those pictures of Coda and Heidi are so cute.:)
It looks like they are going to be partners in crime, planning all kinds of mischief.;)
I wonder how long it will be before they figure out how to turn on the water by themselves.:)

Laura's Babies
04-02-2009, 10:04 PM
I really enjoyed this thread! The captions and pictures were awesome! I have to comment on that water coming from the faucet in the pictures.. WOW WOW! and WOW! Those pictures are AWESOME!

(It goes without says that the subjects in the pictures were also PURRFECT!)

Cinder & Smoke
04-02-2009, 11:00 PM
I never got snappies of him DOING it ...
But dear ole Boots, da Kat, was rather skilled at turning ON the bathroom sink
when the desire for a 'fresh sippa wadder' crossed his furry brow.

The bathroom faucet was a single-lever temp and flow controll type ...
dunno what his method of operation was - but he could sure turn it ON
when he felt the need.

I *panicked* more than a few times when I'd enter the basement, hear a noise ...
then realize that it was WATER RUNNING upstairs! :eek:
A couple time he *bumped* the lever toward the HOT side ... those days
it took an hour or so before the hot water heater 'recovered' and managed
to produce hot water again.

Miss ya, Boots! ;)

04-03-2009, 05:15 AM
Filou will ask for fresh water in the bathtub all the time.
And I'm with Zoe: Coda and Heidi seem purrfect partners in crime:D

04-03-2009, 12:15 PM
what a wonderful teacher.... LOL...

but Coda.. you sneaky boy... you know mommy spoils you ;)

04-03-2009, 02:58 PM
:love: Yes so Cute & Adorable they both are.. My babies are the same way.. I can fill every bowl they have with fresh water & they will still go to the bath tub.. Silly kitties..