View Full Version : PT prayers for my sweet Kallie.

04-02-2009, 06:27 PM
Kallie is my 17 year old Calico that has been showing her age. We have noted for some time that she was starting to cry out when you touched her and seemed startled. We just noticed she was now running into things while walking around. It seems after doing some test we found that she has gone both blind and deaf. She has compensated very well and in fact was hiding the fact from us. She is restricting herself to our fireplace hearth, her bed and the walk to her food and litter box. It was on that walk to the litterbox that I noted she was running into things. She has lost some weight so we are now making food available without having to make her walk. She doesn't appear to be in any distress other than she now just huddles either in her bed or on the hearth. Even though it is warm here now we keep the gas logs on very low so she can curl up close to the warmth. I've never had to deal with a cat that has lost both sight and hearing. I would appreciate and thoughts or advice on how to deal with this. We have had her for a long time and want her last days to be the best that they can be.

04-02-2009, 09:26 PM
I have not dealt with either of those conditions in a kitty, but I wanted to let you know that I sure hope for the best for you and your sweet Kallie.

04-03-2009, 07:05 AM
Oh Kallie, pretty calico girl, calicos are my absolute favorite! I'm so sorry that this has happened to you. As there, it's warming up here but I still keep my space heater on low for my 19 year old Pigeon because she likes to stretch out in front of it. We do what we can to keep our senior kitties as comfortable as possible. I have experience w/deaf cats (and my Coco just lost his hearing; we're hoping it's temporary) but never deaf and blind cats, so I don't have any advice for you other than to continue making Kallie feel as secure as possible. Possibly your vet can help you out w/advice. My prayers are going up for sweet Kallie and you. :love:

04-28-2009, 04:56 PM
Kallie is doing extremely well considering her condition. We have made our bedroom,bathroom and sunroom(off bedroom) her little domain. She moves around very well and with a minimum of problems. Our only problem is since she does not have a day night reference she often wakes us in the middle of the night yeowing to be feed or petted. I guess since she can't hear herself yeow it is extremely loud when she does.

04-28-2009, 06:38 PM
Your Kallie looks EXACTLY like our dear Miss BooBoo Kitty(RIP)!! Boo was 16 when she went to the Bridge from kidney disease!! Boo did not lose her hearing, but she did go blind. BUT, you would never know!!! She had the floorplan of the house down pat! Boo lasted three years longer than the vet expected. Your Kallie might just be slowing down a bit. Please give her a BIG hug from all of us here in NJ!!! I will light a candle for Kallie! Here is a photo of Boo!!

Pinot's Mom
04-28-2009, 06:42 PM
My RB sweetie Jamara was mostly blind in her later years, but she could still hear as far as we knew. Her sight impairment didn't really have THAT much of an effect - cats are very good at spacial orientation. However, the combination of the two (blind and deaf) may take some time to adjust. She will adjust, however, as best she can. All you can do is make adjustments as you see she needs them, which you're doing, and you'll work it out together. It's going to be OK.

04-28-2009, 06:49 PM
I'm glad to read your sweet Kallie seems to be doing well right now. Please keep us updated.

04-28-2009, 11:12 PM
oh I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet kitty! I have never had to deal with this, your vet should have some advice. I think there was an article a couple months ago in cat fancy magazine about one of these problems, I would have to look through the back issues to find it.
Does your kitty still have the sense of smell? I don't know but I wonder if you sprayed something scented on the obstacles in the room, if that would help her to know where there were things, so she would not walk into them? poor kitty!

04-29-2009, 09:41 PM
I had a friend who had a deaf blind cat and she would always try to keep something around her baby that had her sent on it - for instance a pillow she would always sleep on - because this would comfort her kitty and make her feel safe. I send my thoughts and prayers for beautiful Kallie and she is a very lucky girl to have someone love her as much as I am sure you do!:love::love::love::love: