View Full Version : I'm getting a turtle

04-01-2009, 11:08 AM
I'm getting a red-eared slider apparently, probably this weekend. My sister called yesterday and said she had a friend looking to get rid of their turtle because they are moving to a new apartment, and since I have so many tanks and supplies and such for pets she asked if I want it. I said sure. Am I necessarily looking for a turtle? No, but I certainly can provide a better home for it for the time being. Apparently its in a 10 gallon tank, which is totally inappropriate for any turtle. Also, its never been fed anything but store bought turtle food. I've always wanted a tortoise so maybe in the future I can find a home for it at a reptile show and get a tortoise. At least I'll be able to keep the turtle until I find a home for it with somebody who is going to provide it with an appropriate enclosure. I'm thinking I should get a small kiddie pool for maximum space, but until then it will have a 50 gallon rubbermaid tub. How well do these guys climb?

04-01-2009, 06:03 PM
Thanks for helping the little guy (or gal) out. :)

I know the bigger guys can climb pretty well. How big is it at the moment? The size of the turtle will help determine how high the sides of the tank will need to be. I am assuming it is still fairly small if it is housed in a 10g at the moment.

04-03-2009, 11:41 AM
Nevermind. The people have decided to take it to their apartment anyway, after all, they are allowed fish and the turtle is "like a fish in that it never comes out of its tank" :( Hopefully they'll give it up sooner or later.

05-15-2009, 10:19 AM
thats terrible news :(

BUT if you do get your hands on it, be careful you don't drown it. What I mean by that is that when RES are kept in tiny tanks are usually not given a lot of water to swim in, so they are not strong swimmers. If "you" give them a lot of water they will drown. Trust me on that on. I've learned the hard way in the past :(

So if you get it (I hope you do before it dies) train it in the bathtub. Since bathtubs are long if you add enough water so it can still easily touch bottom, it will swim up & down the tub. After a couple of weeks of training (leave it in the tum over night or when your at work, or longer if you can), add more water, & repeat. Once it can swim with no issues in about 10" of water your safe. Its unlikely it'll drown in a tank/tote.

Just make sure it has a place to get out & rest (something like a rock)

05-15-2009, 12:48 PM
I haven't heard from them yet. They either still have it or got rid of it somehow.

05-15-2009, 01:21 PM
Thats too bad :(

They are one of the most neglected pets on the market :(

06-18-2009, 01:48 PM
Well I have 2 red-eared sliders and it's a lot of cleaning.

Someone was giving one away on Freecycle and my husband wanted him and so we went and rescued it. The lady was giving him away because he was eating her fish...well let's see here she had him in a fish tank with her full of water and she ate fish...what else is she supposed to do.

Now I'm happy to report that she's in a 50 gal. tank and she's very happy, oh and her name is Yurtle. We also got another turtle from Freecycle and his name was Asterix and he has a sweet enclosure. I'll send some pics once I clean his take up this weekend.