View Full Version : Doggie Daycare

Desert Arabian
09-23-2002, 04:59 PM
Hi Everyone!

This is like a little survey I would like you guys to answer. This may sound a little odd, but at 14 I am already starting to "plan" my future i.e. my career. I definatly need to work with animals for my job. If you stick me behind a desk and throw down a stack of papers- I'll be as depressed as a cow in the slaughter house. I was also thinking about owning my own buisness. At first I thought up the idea of a really "posh" dog kennel. It would be really comforting and fun for the dog to stay at my place. It would be full of awesome doggie stuff etc. etc. Because most of the dog boarding kennels I have seen, resemble the pound in to many ways. I even got out some graph paper and drew out 4 pages my ideas for the dog kennels. As I went about doing this the idea that I love the most popped in my head: Open up at doggie daycare. It hopefully would be right on the outskirts of town- that way there is tons of room for the dogs. There would be HUGE chain-link fence "play pens" outdoors for the dogs to play in. You bet I'll be out there with em playing too. I also thought of having a medium pond for the water- crazy dogs to play in. There would be some outdoor "hotel rooms" and some indoor "hotel rooms", for nasty weather etc. The kennels would be no smaller than 6x6, and there would be a giant plush bed, carpeting (CHEAP), toys galore, and a radio would be playing softly on the overhead speakers for the dogs. There are many other things that I thought of too. This is mainly for people who have long-hour jobs, and feel bad leaving their dog cooped up all day- and for vacationers too. I would also have bus pick- up service for those people who can't find the time to drive their pooches to the daycare center. I want to call the place "The Bed & Biscuit. To shorten up the long list of details and to make a long story short:


09-23-2002, 05:06 PM
Your ideas sound wonderful :) Keep up your determination and planning and you will be most successful!! That sounds like one place I would definately take my dogs :)

When you get older, you should take a trip to California and investigate some of their more "posh" doggy day cares that a lot of famous people use. I've seen these on Animal Planet before and they are incredible!!

09-23-2002, 05:17 PM
What a great idea!! That for sure, would be my ideal job. I help out at my friends' boarding kennel and while we mainly do overnight boarding, we do have limited space for "daycare." I too have spent hours daydreaming how very different it would be were I in charge!:D Your enthusiasim is so inspiring! It's wonderful that at a realitvely young age you have a sense of what would type of life long employment would bring you fulfillment and happiness! I believe loving what you do for a living is the true key to a happy and rewarding life. Follow your heart, keep your enthusiastic attitude and learn everything you can about doggie day care, kenneling, legal requirements re: insurance and liability, costs and expenses, state requirements re: vaccination requirements, etc. I know many day care facilities require a pre-interview where they do temperament testing. Perhaps you could sit in on obedience classes, speak with trainers, etc. Is there a boarding kennel or doggie day care facility near you where you might find some part time/summertime work to get some experience and "pick" a few brains??? I'd keep a notebook and jot down all of my ideas. As you learn more, you can review your ideas and make adjustments, changes, etc. I wish all the luck in the world!! I wish so badly there were such a facility near me!!! Good luck!!:)

Desert Arabian
09-23-2002, 10:37 PM
Aly- I know exactly what you are talking about- I have seen the same show on Animal Planet. That is also what got me "brain juices" flowing and helped with giving me the idea. :p

09-24-2002, 06:15 AM
Sounds like a great idea! I would take my dog there!
Hope your dream comes true and your plans a reality :)

09-24-2002, 07:01 AM
I would love to do something like that! It sounds like the perfect job! If we had one in my area I would take my dogs...for sure!
I hope all your dreams come true!

Dixieland Dancer
09-24-2002, 08:27 AM
We share the same dream!!! It is my dream to start a Doggie Day Care in the Pittsburgh area with many of the same ideas you expressed. However, I would also do obedience training as an additional service.

If this is your dream then GO FOR IT!!! It is going to be a little more difficult for me since I am already in my 40's and have financial responsibilities that prevent me from abandoning my current job in order to pursue something that is percieved by many as a risky endevor vs a stable environment. :(

09-24-2002, 08:42 AM
I have thought about opening a doggie daycare many times but I would have to rent a space. I live in the city. It sounds like the perfect job. I would love going to work everyday!!!! We have a daycare just outside of the city here. Its a "posh" daycare and the dogs have tons of fun there. The people there are great and the dogs/cats don't seem to mind that their owners have left them!

Best of luck and I hope your dream comes true one day! It sounds like you will acheive your dream!

09-24-2002, 09:02 AM
When we were visiting friends in NJ, we left our dog at a "Posh" doggie day care. (This is different than the one I leave him at when I work which is more ordinary, everyday). That doggie day care is beautiful!! I think it's like $25-35/night and they do complete grooms (baths, nails, teeth, ears), walks--(I think there are like 5 dogs/human only). Inside is gorgeous--one half is like a kennel where each dog has there own crate-type thing with real toys and blankets. The other half is where the dogs just roam around and play. I think when we were there, there were like 25-30 dogs. So yea, I definitely think there is a market for that type of thing out there, and it definitlely is a fun idea!! :D

09-24-2002, 01:01 PM
What a great idea!
I took Carina to be groomed at a doggie day care last week. They had 7 or 8 pups there, all having great fun.There is nap time scheduled throughout the day as well. They also have obedience, agility, and show training facilities. The charge is $20 a day.
It's wonderful that at your young age you are already planning your future, and you have so much time ahead of you to make it perfect when it finally happens. The name you have chosen is great.
Good luck and may your dreams come through!

09-24-2002, 03:24 PM
doggie daycare is such a neat-o idea. I guess it's a step up from a dog walker.

Desert Arabian
09-25-2002, 07:27 PM
Hee-Hee, thanks. Dog walks would also be included in the daycare package. With trips to the park.

Desert Arabian
09-27-2002, 02:57 PM
How much would you want to pay for Doggie Daycare??

09-27-2002, 03:48 PM
I too would love to have a doggie daycare. We take our girls to one about once every other week and they love it! The people who run it are really great and VERY successful. Today they had 51 dogs scheduled! (and they sometimes have to turn them away if they are too full!)
They have 3 outdoor play areas and one indoor. The dogs are allowed to play all day except 2-45 min rest periods when they are kenneled and given treats.
The place we go charges $3/hr/dog, but you can get a prepais card 40 hrs for $100 ($2.5/hr) they also offer bath and nail clip days (each service is $15) and gee walks some days (for the 1st 8 dogs to sign up). They also have monthly B-days partys and parties for holidays.

Good luck with your dreams!