View Full Version : Is there something wrong with this picture?

03-30-2009, 05:09 PM
It's almost April and we woke up to this! Obviously the dogs don't find anything wrong with it :rolleyes: but I'm ready for spring!

03-30-2009, 05:17 PM
Girl, you always take such awesome pics of your doggies! I can't believe it's still snowing for you! OMG! I would certainly be ready for spring too, so I'm sending you some! LOL ;) Glad the puppers enjoyed it though!

03-30-2009, 05:28 PM
Those pups look like they're having way too much fun to even be thinking about Spring!!! Now you don't want to go and spoil all their fun, do you? :D

03-30-2009, 06:24 PM
Looks about right to me! The Sibes look like they're enjoying it! I loved the pictures, as always. :)

Cinder & Smoke
03-30-2009, 07:05 PM
It's almost April and we woke up to this!
Obviously the dogs don't find anything wrong with it :rolleyes: but I'm ready for spring!

Just remember ...
the next step is in the
:eek: --- MUDD ---


03-30-2009, 08:10 PM
Haha! That's what we woke up to yesterday. :rolleyes: It looks like your gorgeous pups are having fun though! :D Of course the dogs love it when we don't. ;)

03-30-2009, 09:38 PM
It just gave you one more chance this season to take some great photos of your dogs playing in the snow.:D
They all look like they are having fun.:)

Daisy and Delilah
03-30-2009, 11:07 PM
Gorgeous pictures!! I think they're all as happy as can be. Right at home! They've maxed out the fun meter. I think they all look so adorable in their natural habitat.:)

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-31-2009, 04:31 AM
Great action pics!! And....... great snow!!!

03-31-2009, 04:53 AM
Sorry you still have the snow, Amy, but those pics of your beauties are awesome. Thanks for sharing.

03-31-2009, 09:29 AM
LOL we got some snow this weekend, came down early early Saturday and was all gone by that night. You got MUCH more than we did.

Looks like everyone is happy it came though! Nebo's zoomie picture is hilarious.

finn's mom
03-31-2009, 10:28 AM
Nothing at all wrong with it! ;) Your dogs are awesome!