View Full Version : Blast From The Past

03-28-2009, 04:50 PM
Who's around tonight !!!! Jen, Kim, too many other people to name. :) I wanted to catch up and see how everyone is doing. :)

We have good and bad news.

Bad News
We lost George :( His thyroid problem came back and he was too old to risk the operation, so we sadly sent him to the bridge.

Sandy got lost in the neighbourhood and we didn't see him for 5 long months. I looked for him every day had him registered at every shelter and we got him back, via the RSCPA. He had been living with an old lady only two streets away. Sadly he had developed a cancerous tumour in his chest, it was interfering with his breathing. He battled through a couple of ops and daily meds but he finally lost the battle and when the cancer advanced, we lost him too :(

Good News
We have a lovely baby boy born 9th August 09
http://www.babieseverywhere.com/images/babyB.jpg now 7 months old, how time flies. Things are great with my husband and our daughter is now 2.7 years old !!!

Milly, Milo, Bramble, Tigs, Spot and Annie are doing well. Annie even sits in the living room a scant metre off the sofa, once the children are in bed and assuming we leave the cat flap open (she still refuses to use a cat flap with a door on it) Spot is a total tart and even wants lovin’ off our toddler !!!

So that is me. Tell me your news ? What have I missed :)

Killearn Kitties
03-28-2009, 05:18 PM
Well hello! How nice to see that you are all well. I'm so sorry to hear about George and Sandy. Can't remember why, but I was just thinking about Tigs, your "problem child" the other day. Is he behaving himself?

03-28-2009, 05:22 PM
Good to hear from you! Congrats on the new little one, and welcome back!

Sadly, while you were gone, we lost Miss Hoppy. She passed away last May, after beating cancer in the fall, she was much better and sweet. She died right after she turned 11 years old, which is pretty old for a dwarf bunny.

Prairie Purrs
03-28-2009, 05:52 PM
How lovely to hear from you!

I'm so sorry you lost George and Sandy. RIP, sweet boys.

The kidlets are adorable! And I'm glad to hear that the rest of the fur family is doing well. I look forward to more photos and updates!

03-28-2009, 05:58 PM
Hiya honey!!! I was thinking of you the other. What a beautiful family you have! congrats on the second baby.

03-28-2009, 06:07 PM
Wow!!!! How ARE you? What a beautiful family picture! Glad things are well with you. I've missed your posts.

03-28-2009, 06:19 PM
What a Handsome Cat Lover of the Future your Lad is, he has such a cheerful happy face.
We are sorry to hear about George and Sandy.
Our Cat Companions are sometimes here with us for too short a time.
They will join the Found and Porch Cats Ebony Beau Tubster , Bodacious Bo Bo and Precious La Purrfecta.
But its nice to see the rest of Your Cat and Human Family are fine and its nice to hear from you again.

03-28-2009, 06:21 PM
Can't remember why, but I was just thinking about Tigs, your "problem child" the other day. Is he behaving himself? Tigs is still an interesting cat. He loves Spot to pieces and leaps on him to start fights but always loses. But they spend most of the day sleepin g curled around each other. LOL

Karen, Sorry to hear about Miss Hoppy :( She did have good inning but I understand that it doesn't make it easier to lose a beloved pet.

CatsinDenver, I will be posting more photos, watch this space :)

Catnapper, Thanks for the congrats. I am so lucky...I have been blessed with a lovely family.

Moosmom, Bless you, I have missed your posts too. :)

Gary, Thanks for your kind words. I do hope my kids grow up loving cats, not that they'll have much choice in this house. I posted on your other thread, sorry for your loss :(

I struggle to have spare time with 6 furkids and 2 skin kids, a house to run, but I am determined to post more here. I miss you guys and when I post, I feel at home, with people who understand me :)

Here is Tigs loving the camcorder...silly cat
Here is Spot playing with our toddler's motorising mouse in a ball toy...the other cats are scared of it !?!

03-28-2009, 07:00 PM
It is truly wonderful to hear from you. Of course I'll beg to see a photo of Annie. ;)

Sorry to hear of you losses, but lovely to see your SKIN babies!

Hope you update us regularly! We have missed you.

Edwina's Secretary
03-28-2009, 07:04 PM
Well Hi!!!!

Saw one of your old posts just the other day...

03-28-2009, 09:48 PM
It is so nice to hear from you again.:)
I'm sorry to hear that George and Sandy have gone to the Rainbow Bridge.
Congratulations on the new baby boy, you have a cute little family.

What's new with me is that Samantha went to the Rainbow Bridge last August at the age of 20 and in September I added two Siamese cats, Milly and Izzy to my family.
I still miss my sweet Samantha but she lived a good long life with me and now I have two crazy Meezers to keep me busy.

I would love to see more photos of all of your furkids when you can post them.
Tigs and Spot look like they are doing great.:)

03-29-2009, 02:10 AM
It's great to see you posting again.:) I'm sorry to hear about your losses.:( Congrats on your second child. They're both adorable.:) I don't know if I had 6 furkids the last time you posted or not. They're all doing well except that Starr is still battling his IBD/Colitis problems so he'll have to be on medication for life. I hope to see you around here more often.:)

Killearn Kitties
03-29-2009, 05:36 AM
I forgot to say, our Samantha was Cat of the Day last November!

Samantha's Cat of the Day page (http://catoftheday.com/archive/2008/November/04.html)

03-29-2009, 06:59 AM
Hi, it's good to see you back! :) Sorry to hear about your losses, but happy to see you added to your skin family. :D What darlings!

Not much news here - Fister will soon be 13 and has slowed down a bit, but seems in good health. :) He's easier to handle too. ;)

I recently joined a Cat-sitting exchange group and have already catsat one (see Malcolm thread! - http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=151031&highlight=malcolm). I have two more lined up.

03-29-2009, 09:00 AM
Welcome back! So it's the good news/bad news scenario but that's true of most of us. What a lovely family photo!

Laura's Babies
03-29-2009, 11:25 AM
Gee! I missed you!!! Glad to see you back!!! You were here when I joined so I have missed you!!! ((((HUGS))))))

Congrats on the new baby, what a lovely family you have!! Sorry about your losses tho, we miss those that leave us. :(

I don't remeber how long you have been gone so a brief catch up.. I have another kitty, Boo, that was my Mom's baby when she passed away in 99. She had been with my sister since until they moved from Florida to Washington state and we thought she was to old for that long trip so she now lives with me. That was rough going at first since she was very unhappy at being here but now she is just onre of "the girls".. My Big Boy Chester now lives full time with his Rie who always kept him while I am at work so he is a VERY happy boy now that he don't have to come here when I am off. He LOVES his Rie!!

Amy is still Amy (my little CH girl), she is doing fine. Giz is still a hoot and keeps life interesting. She has matured a lot and has become a lap cat now but still full of mischief. Samantha is even more of a velcro baby that ever and just so sweet, always by my side or in my lap loving me.

I am still working on the river and life is great for me right now..

Happy to see you back and hope you hang around! WE MISSED YOU!! :love:

04-03-2009, 04:30 PM
{Hugs to everyone} Lovely to hear of all your news. I'm going to have to do a lot of reading to catch up on everything I have missed :)

Jen, Of course I will post a picture (or five) of Annie. I am going to bug DH to get some new pictures of all my fur babies. Finally the garden is getting some sun, so we might be able to get some outside pictures :)

04-03-2009, 05:17 PM
Hi! I saw your post in General and was like, "what the heck? She is back???" I can't remember when you left...I think I already had my son, J. He is 4.5 now, and a little pistol. We have 6 cats, only 1 is probably new to you, Arizona...she came to us December 2007, and is one fat little girl now. I lost Tenny and Georgia to organ failure, in May 2005 and February 2007, and then Dakota inbetween, in December 2006. Life was not good for us. Though, we were blessed with a true miracle in my neice, Sam. Her story is on here, somewhere. Long reading, but, all good in the end.

I am so sorry about your losses. And, so thrilled about your two beautiful children. Hope to hear more from you.

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-05-2009, 11:30 AM
HEY !!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back!!
I've missed that siggie you have: a pen writing "PIF" :)

Congrats with the new baby!! You have a daughter & a son now, that is what we call here a "kings' wish"!!
I am so sorry about your 2 losses....:(

I have no idea how long you've been gone....?? My bunny Billie & Guinea pig Jasper have both gone to the RB too now.... :(

But my 4 "Girls" are all doing fine, and they all send you a nose kissie :love::)

04-05-2009, 11:36 AM
Welcome back. You have cute kids but I think Tigs and Spot are even cuter.;) (After all this is a CAT website) Can we see pictures of the others?

04-05-2009, 11:41 AM
I also forget exactly what you were not here for, but I lost dearest Lucas and Rutherford. may they RIP.

I had a very special foster named BraveHeart who also went to the bridge.

Mr Meow and Natasha have become sort of permanent fosters (still technically fosters, but I have no intention of letting them go)

04-05-2009, 11:44 AM
I do not think we have ever met, but hello!!! Your family is lovely!!! Hope you will be able to spend some time with us, sounds like you know many of the people who post!!! Sandra

04-05-2009, 01:13 PM
You may have been away - but certainly not non-productive. Just look at your wonderful children. That is a great family picture - your little boy is just precious.

Welcome back - and be sure to keep us up to date on your kitties.

I still am the House of Orange - come on over for proof all over my furniture!

Rascal is now 13 and Annie and Emma turned 7 on March 26th. It is hard to believe I have had the girls this long. Rascal is my heart kitty - but Emma seems to really like that role too - Annie cares only about food - her food - Rascal's food and Emma's food and if there is none left she is very vocal about complaining until the situation is resolved.