View Full Version : The Cat Owner Personality Profile Test

09-23-2002, 11:45 AM
This is similar to the "are you a slave to your cat" quiz but the way the scores are added up is interesting :)


What kind of cat owner are you?
Cats show us humans their affection for us by purring
and rubbing, and other body language. How do you
express your love for your feline(s)?

Research shows that there are three basic "cat"-egories
of cat owners, or rather the cat-owned types. Take the
following test of 20 YES or NO questions to see where
you stand.

Answer the questions HONESTLY with a simple "yes" or
"no" and I will tell you how to score yourself at the
end of the test. Okay, here we go.....

--1. Do you allow your cat to sleep with you?
--2. Do you allow your cat to eat at the table with you?
--3. Have you ever dressed your cat with special clothes
or costumes?
--4. Have you ever bathed with your cat, shower or tub?
--5. Do you keep a night light on for your kitty to see?
--6. Is your cat considered a part of the family?
--7. Do you brag about your cat to other people?
--8. Have you ever called your cat and talked to it on
the answering machine or talked to it on the phone?
--9. Have you ever broken up a romantic relationship
because of a cat?
--10 Do you talk gibberish or baby talk to your cat?
--11. Do you carry more pictures of your cat than you
do of your family?
--12. Do you take sick days off from work to tend to a
sick cat?
--13. Have you ever taken Fluffy to work with you?
--14. Have you ever dressed kitty up in costume and gone
trick or treating?
--15. Do you try and take kitty wherever you go?
--16. Do you celebrate your cat's birthday with a party?
--17. Have you ever felt you and your cat can read each
other's mind?
--18. Do you feel that your cat needs day care because
kitty gets lonely?
--19. Have you ever taken a special vacation so that
kitty could come along and have a vacation too?
--20. Do you cook actual meals for kitty to eat?



Give yourself one point for every YES response that you've
give. (No points for any NO's) When done, total up the
points and then find out what type of owner you are, based
on the score sheet below:

--If you scored 10-20 points: YOU ARE A CAT CHERISHER.
A cat cherisher is a devoted cat lover who considers
kitty to be one of the family. You will go out of
your way to treat your cat with special privileges
that normally would go to a family member. You are
most likely to baby talk to your cat, arrange vacations
and carry pictures of your cat in your wallet or purse.
More than 68 percent of pet owners fall into this

--If you scored 5-9 points: YOU ARE AN INDEPENDENT CAT OWNER.
As an independent cat owner, you consider your cat as
one of the family, too. However, you do not spend as
much time and emotional energy on your cat as a "cherisher"
does. You will let your cat sleep with you, but are less
likely to watch a TV show for kitty's benefit, talk to
your cat on the answering machine or take kitty out in
a costume to trick or treat. You most likely have children
at home.

--If you scored 1-4 points: YOU ARE A POSSESSOR.
As a possessor, you believe that a cat is just an animal
and don't bother to give kitty any special treatment. Most
of you also have children living at home. This may
be the reason for a lack of personal involvement with
a cat. Only 5 percent of pet owners in this survey fall
into this possessor category. (Thank goodness!)

09-23-2002, 12:21 PM
I'm a cat cherisher

09-23-2002, 02:42 PM
I'm a cat cherisher, too. (Although I kind of suspected this even prior to the quiz. ;) )

Thanks. That was fun.

09-23-2002, 04:04 PM
I am with Amberlee, I suspected I might be a bit of a cherisher! They are such funny creatures. I am immediately suspect of anyone that doesn't like animals (esp. cats) though, as a single woman with 6, they look at me kinda strange, too!:D

09-23-2002, 04:08 PM
I'm a cat cherisher too!

You know...most applied to me, but some didn't that I'd like to try...hmmmm....Halloween is coming up! :) :D :)

09-23-2002, 04:11 PM
Me too. cat cherisher...Was there ever any doubt? I believe just about everyone on this board falls into that category. We are not cat owners...we are cat ownees....for why else would we heed their every purr and command?!