View Full Version : Anyone know of a group to help pay a vet bill?

03-26-2009, 11:19 AM
Apr 25th is Digi's vet apt to get checked for Heartworms, get the heartworm/flea meds & I need the flea stuff for Cash too.. I'm sooo screwed!!! :(

I'm already trying to sell many of my belongings, & some of the pets *cries*... I'm never going to get enough in time to pay for this vet bill & I can't skip it either.

Does anyone know of a group that could help pay for this upcoming vet bill (money goes directly to my vet, NOT me)? I think it'll be about 200.00CAD or less as I don't need all the months for the heartworm/flea stuff.. I just need enough for atleast 1-2 month, so I can create a savings again (I have no credit cards to help, I rely 100% on my small paycheque)...

Cash can wait for his first vet visit, hes a 9-10yr old indoor cat only, & isn't having any issues. So he should be fine until I can save up enough for his visit.

If anyone knows of a group & needs my vet info, here is their website:
http://www.bloormillvet.ca They know who Digi is, shes the only Digi there.

Can't believe I've lower myself to begging, this is embarassing

Lori Jordan
03-26-2009, 06:26 PM
I'm sorry i have seen this to many times before,If you cannot afford the animals you have why do you keep getting more?What happend to the last bunch of animals you had?!?!

Im not trying to be rude,But come on...

03-26-2009, 07:31 PM
I'm sorry that you don't have any money for the vet bill, but everyone is hurting. I just had to finish paying off Jake's vet bill for his death for 200 dollars, and had to pay another 180 today for spring shots and teeth checks for my other two horses. Pets are not cheap. I doubt you will find any group willing to give away money for regular maintenance vet care. Most groups only do that for emergencies. I know you had to spend a lot on Digi to get her well, but we are all in a pinch right now and most groups do not donate for regular vet care. I hope you figure it out.

Not to mention, you really could wait a month or so to do it. It's not THAT warm up there right now.

Scooter's Mom
03-26-2009, 08:03 PM
I wish I had some extra to help you out, but with me about to have surgery and be out of work for a bit, I can't.

I'm sorry others don't understand that you just had an emergency with Digi... and that you took Cash in as a kindness to an older kitty. You're a blessing to Cash, and to Digi. I know it will work out in the long run. Hang in there and keep your head held high.

03-26-2009, 09:03 PM
Sorry I wish I had some suggestions for you....but I'm only familiar with Care Credit.

I agree with Vela. Maybe you can put it off for a month since this month is particularly tight with your finances. It's gotta still be a bit cold for mosquitoes...right?

03-27-2009, 06:46 AM
I'm sorry i have seen this to many times before,If you cannot afford the animals you have why do you keep getting more?What happend to the last bunch of animals you had?!?!

Im not trying to be rude,But come on...

I was affording the animals I had just fine. Digi had an emergency 3 weeks ago the took ALL my savings & some of my bill money.

What last bunch of animals are you talking about?

My ONLY personal pets are Digi, Cash, Axle, Lilly & the smaller fish + 2 Plecos... The rest are ALL Rescues.. so they come & go all the time...

If your going to judge me becuase my Rescues come & go... I don't even know how to reply to that cause thats stupid.

03-27-2009, 06:51 AM
I wish I had some extra to help you out, but with me about to have surgery and be out of work for a bit, I can't.

I'm sorry others don't understand that you just had an emergency with Digi... and that you took Cash in as a kindness to an older kitty. You're a blessing to Cash, and to Digi. I know it will work out in the long run. Hang in there and keep your head held high.

Thank you

I don't want PTer money, I was just asking if anyone knew of a group that I could get help with for this one vet visit :)

& ya its warm here.. I saw a dog covered in fleas 3 weeks ago! I kept Digi away in hopes she wouldn't catch them... nasty little buggers they are! lol

We have greenish grass here too.. or atleast in my area... its kinda weird.. I'm use to there being a ton of snow ont he ground... but this heat is nice, I've been wearing a sweater & t-shirt for nearly 4 weeks now...

The apt isn't until Apr 25th.. it'll be much warmer by then