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03-25-2009, 03:30 PM
I have wanted to see the western movie "3:10 to Yuma". I like Christian Bale and saw that the movie has finally hit the PPV channels...

So how's about a western themed Thursday, some cowboy hats, pistols and pony rides out back.

I think we can Whiskey, sasparilla or root beer for the DOTD?

Oh, I think I'll get a clydesdale for the Orc to ride?


03-25-2009, 03:44 PM
I don't do guns (or pistols), but I'm sure "blue" will be thrilled.............:eek:

I'll take a root beer thanks.

03-25-2009, 03:49 PM
saw that movie a while ago...;)

mind if I ride the "pony" too.. hehe

03-25-2009, 04:17 PM
saw that movie a while ago...;)

mind if I ride the "pony" too.. hehe

Andale! Arriba!


No need to worry, they are cap guns. Don't want the ORC to get a real gun, eh?

One root beer!


03-25-2009, 04:41 PM
Yay! Pony rides! I'll ride the Clydesdale - horses and Orcs don't like the smell of each other, so we'll just have him haul bales of hay for the horsies!

Ya mean I kin trade my snow boots for cowboy boots? Yipee!

03-25-2009, 07:13 PM
Yay! Pony rides! I'll ride the Clydesdale - horses and Orcs don't like the smell of each other, so we'll just have him haul bales of hay for the horsies!

Ya mean I kin trade my snow boots for cowboy boots? Yipee!


foorwear optional, travel at your own risk!

One A ticket ride?


Oh I forgot, Beer for the horses!

03-25-2009, 08:24 PM
3:10 to Yuma was a story by one of my favorite authors, Elmore Leonard.

Got any bacon infused bourbon?

Cinder & Smoke
03-25-2009, 09:41 PM
Hey Sir BarKeep ~

Ya'll got any Ice Creme to *float* in the Root Beer?
Root Beer FLOATS are super Yummie! :cool:

Do we have BIG Red Wagon to hitch up behind da Klydesdale Pony?
Load up a kupple tubs of ICE fur da RB Barrel and da Ice Creme -
an we got's our own mobile Soda Fountain.
Be a big hit wiffa nayburhood kidz!


03-25-2009, 09:55 PM
Hey Sir BarKeep ~

Ya'll got any Ice Creme to *float* in the Root Beer?
Root Beer FLOATS are super Yummie! :cool:

Of course!

On RBF with a pony ride?



One BIV?


03-26-2009, 12:59 AM
Hey yall! I have some bbq rib sandwiches...pretty darn tasty if you ask me. Anyone want one? Id like to ride the Clydesdale too, if Orc wouldn't mind.

Pinot's Mom
03-26-2009, 08:31 AM
BBQ Rib Sandwich & Bacon Infused Bourbon? Can't go wrong there! ...and a ride on that wagon would be nice! I'll wear the appropriate attire; we'll do a "boot scoot boogie"! :D

03-26-2009, 01:25 PM
BBQ Rib Sandwich & Bacon Infused Bourbon? Can't go wrong there! ...and a ride on that wagon would be nice! I'll wear the appropriate attire; we'll do a "boot scoot boogie"! :D


BBQ sandwich and BIB and a bib!;)


Thanks for the sandwiches and a ride for you!


03-26-2009, 03:17 PM
We are under a winter storm advisory. Western KS is already under blizzard warnings. :eek: :(

We are supposed to get between 3 to 6 inches of snow (or more) by Saturday morning. Of course, thunderstorms with freezing rain will kick the mess off tomorrow.

My lilacs are just sitting on the branches. I wait all year for them. They better not die or Mother Nature and I will have ISSUES!!! :(

I need some yummy onion rings and a cherrry limeade and anything else you got to cheer me up!!! :(

03-26-2009, 04:08 PM
:eek: WoW a Western Thursday.. Thats feels like home for us Texans.. Ok I found a Clydesdale Horse for Orc.. Also here is my Western Texan Kitty..



Of Course here is the Texas Moose


03-26-2009, 04:25 PM
Hi! It's great to be at Thursdays again! RICHARD, could I have a big root beer float? I brought twenty gallon hat for Orc, a ten gallon hat was too small.

03-26-2009, 04:27 PM

I look like the Texas moose when I wake up!

The cat is really funny and very handsome!


Some onion rngs, a Cherry Limeade and I'll put the Blues Brothers movie on the Big screen........


03-26-2009, 05:19 PM

Some onion rngs, a Cherry Limeade and I'll put the Blues Brothers movie on the Big screen........


Thanks, I'll need a double of everything. Weather just on. 6 to 10 inches is what they are calling for right now. I'm hoping they are wrong. :(

It's so hard for me to get dug out!

03-26-2009, 05:23 PM
Hi! It's great to be at Thursdays again! RICHARD, could I have a big root beer float? I brought twenty gallon hat for Orc, a ten gallon hat was too small.


We could have used the ten gallon hat as a punch bowl!

ONE RBF for David and the ORC...I put new batteries in the remote, so kick up your feet and hang loose.

03-26-2009, 05:59 PM
It's sunny and 70's here and supposed to be warmer tomorrow. May I have a root beer float, please? :cool:

03-26-2009, 06:12 PM
Could I have a brown cow, please? (that's a root beer float with chocolate rather than vanilla ice cream)

We're supposed to have rain tonight, rain tomorrow and snow over the weekend. Tulips have just started putting up leaves and the forsythia bush in front of my building has a few tiny yellow flowers just starting to open up. I don't want snow :(

03-26-2009, 06:41 PM
Hey Richard:
Is that a pistol in your pocket or.......:D **slaps hand over mouth**

Save a pony, ride a cowboy....that's my theme. :eek:

I'll take whatever is on tap and quick. My boss from hell is having a bad day.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

03-26-2009, 06:44 PM

Bacon flavored Bourbon, Brown Cows OH MY!


Of course, An RBF for you!

And more warm weather!


LOL, That's my flask o' whiskey!


03-27-2009, 10:46 AM
Oh, I have been sitting on that horse outside saying "giddy yup" and nothing happens.

Uh, anyone have any quarters?:p

03-27-2009, 10:51 AM
:p We will get Orc to get his Clydesdale for you to ride.. Yes Orc she will need help getting on that bigg horse.. :D
Oh, I have been sitting on that horse outside saying "giddy yup" and nothing happens.

Uh, anyone have any quarters?:p

03-27-2009, 11:59 AM
:p We will get Orc to get his Clydesdale for you to ride.. Yes Orc she will need help getting on that bigg horse.. :D


Gini's 'blonde' is showing......Here, let me open up the register and get her some tokens!


03-27-2009, 12:21 PM
Gini's 'blonde' is showing......Here, let me open up the register and get her some tokens!DONE! What???? Gini's blonde???? :eek::p

smokey the elder
03-27-2009, 01:48 PM
Mmmm...root beer float! I haven't had one of those in years. I think it's time to remedy that, pretty please?:)

03-27-2009, 02:20 PM
What???? Gini's blonde???? :eek::p

She's got lost on the way home from work.....;)


RBF? With the long handled spoon and a straw?
That's whiskers!:D


03-28-2009, 11:38 AM
:eek: We are having an entire winter's worth of weather today.
We are under flash flood warnings because of all the thunder storms plus a winter storm warning because of the snow storm that's on the way!!!

I fixed shepherd's pie for lunch. I'll share!

Bring on the hot chocolate too! :D

Killearn Kitties
03-28-2009, 12:32 PM
MOFF, that sounds awful! Winter is certainly hanging on this year. It is quite bright with us, but when I went out earlier, the wind was absolutely freezing! I had to look out my gloves again. It is nearly the end of March - this isn't funny any more. I will certainly join you in shepherd's pie and hot chocolate.

03-28-2009, 02:03 PM
I'll go in for some pie and hot choco....

Let me pour you all some?


IT's way too warm out here for this time of year, almost 80!:eek:

03-28-2009, 03:02 PM
This is what it's doing here right this minute! :D

03-29-2009, 01:08 PM

Gosh, did a washing machine explode?:eek:

Warmer thoughts sent your way!


03-29-2009, 01:44 PM
I noticed the movie "3:10 to Yuma" was on Cable and was about
to watch it again, but... I do not like sad endings. :(
I'll pass on the whisky but the sasparilla is ok with me with a bit of

momoffuzzyfaces the picture you took is beautiful but COLD!!

03-29-2009, 02:04 PM
What a beautiful photo MOFF, what crazy weather we are having across the nation.

Should we all turn off our lights when it is 3:10, Richard?

03-29-2009, 02:44 PM
What a beautiful photo MOFF, what crazy weather we are having across the nation.

Should we all turn off our lights when it is 3:10, Richard?

I think we can do that...for an hour at least!:D


Now I have to watch it!

Some sasparilla and a scoop of vanilla?



The only time we see white in the trees is around high school grad time...someone gets their house teepeed!

03-29-2009, 02:49 PM
Well, my redbud tree wished it didn't see any white! Looked more like Christmas than spring.

We had about inches but because the ground was so wet from all the thunderstorms that morning, lots of it melted. Of course, it all turned to ice later that night.

Sun is out and in the 40s today so it's all melting. I haven't gotten brave enough to go check on the lilac bush. It had tiny baby lilacs on it yesterday! :eek:

I would love a cherry vanilla coke and some onion rings to go with my NASCAR race! :D

03-29-2009, 06:21 PM
RICHARD: KYS, Now I have to watch it!>>>>>>>>>>

OOOPS! I thought you were going to watch the movie the
day you posted this thread.
I hope I did not ruin it for you. :(

Pinot's Mom
03-29-2009, 09:13 PM
Just to make things stranger...

We had a mixed day of clouds and semi sun - moderate temps... then, this evening we were preparing for grilled beef and IT HAILED!! No warning, no nothing, all of a sudden we had hail, then a torrential short downpour.'

Happy Spring!!:p

03-29-2009, 11:05 PM
Just to make things stranger...

We had a mixed day of clouds and semi sun - moderate temps... then, this evening we were preparing for grilled beef and IT HAILED!! No warning, no nothing, all of a sudden we had hail, then a torrential short downpour.'

Happy Spring!!:p

Come on. ;)

I have grilled on New Years Eve in 32 degree weather. It wasn't hailing but I refused to let Mom Nature get in my way!:eek:

The 64,000 dollar question?

What did you have as sides?:D:eek::cool:

Pinot's Mom
03-30-2009, 08:09 AM
:) The menu was Grilled Filet, Asparagus & Salad with a nice Pinot Noir (from a vineyard with the same name as our last name) in honor of our kitty Pinot's Gotcha day! Dessert was a Ricotta/Almond pudding with Amaretto sauce - all quite good!:D

03-30-2009, 10:17 AM
:eek: WoW Gosh this all sounds so Good.. We will be right over..:D

:) The menu was Grilled Filet, Asparagus & Salad with a nice Pinot Noir (from a vineyard with the same name as our last name) in honor of our kitty Pinot's Gotcha day! Dessert was a Ricotta/Almond pudding with Amaretto sauce - all quite good!:D

Pinot's Mom
03-30-2009, 10:43 AM
:D Come on by! I do so love having a husband that cooks! :):love:

03-30-2009, 01:45 PM
:D Come on by! I do so love having a husband that cooks! :):love:

Guys are tough, we'll cook under any conditions!:D:eek:

Gosh, we don't do anything that extravagant here at the bar!

03-31-2009, 01:36 PM
Gosh, we don't do anything that extravagant here at the bar!
I think we should today, it's KK's Birthday!! :D I'll drink to many more happy years for Karen, but hold on a bit... let Karen decide what today's drink is. ;)

03-31-2009, 03:54 PM
I think we should today, it's KK's Birthday!! :D I'll drink to many more happy years for Karen, but hold on a bit... let Karen decide what today's drink is. ;)

I'll drink to that?

I was baking a choco cake for fun.....Do you think that will do?

03-31-2009, 04:01 PM
I'll drink to that?

I was baking a choco cake for fun.....Do you think that will do?

:eek: You bake cakes Richard?? WoW I am impressed.. Yes Richard I think the Cake will do as long as you put Choco in it..:D

03-31-2009, 11:37 PM
:eek: You bake cakes Richard?? WoW I am impressed.. Yes Richard I think the Cake will do as long as you put Choco in it..:D

It's the box, add eggs and oil kind, but no one has died eating them!


04-01-2009, 12:04 AM
May as well use this before I whipe my drives. Link (http://bacolicio.us/http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?p=2137265#post2137265).

04-01-2009, 01:10 AM
May as well use this before I whipe my drives. Link (http://bacolicio.us/http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?p=2137265#post2137265).

Super big arse fries with that?


Pinot's Mom
04-01-2009, 07:18 AM
I thought that bacon was supposed to be infused into Bourbon - oh, wait, that was last week! :)

04-01-2009, 04:46 PM
I thought that bacon was supposed to be infused into Bourbon - oh, wait, that was last week! :)

Once it gets printed on the wall, you can order it anytime!