View Full Version : Catnip toys!!

09-23-2002, 09:46 AM
All my cats love anything that has catnip in, Toby doesn't eat catnip but he would play with his toy catnip toy mouse. Sabrina and Joey like eating catnip. They go nuts for that stuff, it makes my cats go wild after they eat that stuff. Does anyone else buy there cats catnip toy mouse and do they co crazy when they are playing. Do they like eating catnip?

09-24-2002, 06:05 AM
my cats love catnip. I like to buy the handmade baby booties or other catnip filled squares that our shelters make for fund raising. The cats lick them until they are soaking wet or they chew on a corner until they make a hole. Needless to say, i go through a lot of toys that way.

09-25-2002, 07:06 PM
catnip is a type of hemp and hemp is a kind of cannabis

(i know this from my horticulture class;) )

during a friend's chemo treatment her cat would sample the pot she had on hand for the nausea.... same results--running frantic
cat. The funny part was the preamble to the running, a stretch, with the aerodynamic ears and the huge pupils...and all around the room....

09-25-2002, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
catnip is a type of hemp and hemp is a kind of cannabis

(i know this from my horticulture class;) )...

??? Maybe I'm being too literal here (not a first...) but catnip belongs to the mint family, not hemp???

09-26-2002, 05:36 AM
3 of my cats love catnip, but my abyssinian could care less about it. He will sniff the catnip toy and walk away. This is the first cat that I've had that doesn't react to catnip.

09-26-2002, 08:50 AM
Toby, he likes Catnip toys but he wouldn't eat catnip. He just it and walk away but my two cats like eating catnip. Sabrina she won't play with a catnip toy at all. There are some cats that don't like that stuff and then are some who love that stuff.

09-26-2002, 05:04 PM

i stand corrected........i remember a run on catnip toys once when
it was thought that smoking catnip would get you high.....they are similar in growth....

i was playing with catnip on that day....

09-29-2002, 03:17 PM
I purhcased a catnit ball, that comes apart and you fill the inside with catnip. Of all of my furkids, only about 3 of them like the stuff. Otherwise they don't bother to play with it.


10-01-2002, 05:24 AM
My Maya is also going berserk when I give her a new catnip mouse !! She takes it between her front paws , and tries to pull the head of ........... ! Poor mousie ..................;;


10-01-2002, 02:32 PM
Baby doesn't care about catnip but she is still a kitten. Minnie didn't like it either when she was a kitten but now she loves it. She has a little pillow with Catnip in it and she licks it to death and then rolls around on it. It is hilarious..

10-01-2002, 02:37 PM
Kittens to respond to catnip as they get older then they react to catnip. I heard that catnip wasn't good for kittens that you shouldn't give catnip to kittens until they are adults.

10-01-2002, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by I_love_cats
Kittens to respond to catnip as they get older then they react to catnip. I heard that catnip wasn't good for kittens that you shouldn't give catnip to kittens until they are adults.

I heard that too, and it was a real struggle to find cat toys for Cassy and Sassy when they were kittens. Both developed into real catnip lovers, though. Now it is a real treat at our home to have catnip parties for the 'kids'.

10-01-2002, 05:09 PM
I heard that the reason not to give catnip to kittens had to do with them choking on the dryness of the substance...so to give it to them in little doses...:confused:

Sara luvs her Tinky
10-02-2002, 12:16 AM
Jupiter loooooves catnip... I don't have any pics of him playin in it (YET) ...
Tinky likes it o.k. ..... I think she has become immune to it... but I have a pic of her ...

Tinky and catnip rabbit...

10-02-2002, 03:00 PM
We grow our own catnip in our back yard. All of our cats enjoy sitting in the plants, rolling on it and eating the leaves. Its a perennial that comes back if the winter isn't too cold (and our winter's are usually pretty mild).

We've made our own catnip toys by drying the leaves and filling old socks.

Our cats are very spoiled.


The Cat Factory
10-05-2002, 02:33 AM
All my cats go crazy for catnip except for Twinkles and the new baby Hercules. I buy my cats Catnip Buds, they're made by a company named Kooky Kat, it is grown locally and is only sold in British Columbia, Canada I think. It is the worlds best catnip because Beautiful British Columbia has the perfect enviroment for it to become very potent.
Here's a picture of the catnip buds. If you live in Canada look for these, they make my cats crazy!

Check out their website!

Kooky Kat (http://www.kookykat.com/pals.htm)

All Creatures Great And Small
10-22-2002, 03:37 PM

11-15-2002, 07:16 PM
My two cat's Katie and Simba love catnip! I bought Katie and Simba a Cat Nip pillow from a company called Krazy Kitty and they love that pillow so much they end up fighting over it, but when Simba gets a hold of the pillow he digs at it, so that's when I have to take the pillow away from him. Simba is such a funny cat, he knows where I hide the pillow... he watches me, and next thing you know he opens the door to the hutch with his paw and takes the pillow out. What a smarty pants!

I also just bought Katie and Simba a Cat Nip bag, and my goodness is that ever funny to watch, Simba loves to carry it around in his mouth and Katie chases him until he drops it. lol

11-15-2002, 07:57 PM
Does anyone grow their own catnip? I had a friend give me a little snippet of her plant and my cats went bonkers!!

11-16-2002, 06:00 AM
Bastet goes mad for catnip - I love the stuff because she has a play in it and then falls asleep for a few hours *laughs*. Its a blessing for aby owners who need peace and quiet when convalescing from illness! She eats it too. I don't know if its ok for her to do that, does anyone know?

She loves her catnip mousies and loves rolling in the stuff as well. She smells all minty fresh after that!

All Creatures Great And Small
11-16-2002, 12:59 PM

11-16-2002, 06:57 PM
My abys show no interest in catnip but they're only going to be a year old on Christmas Day. Maybe they're still to young. In any case they don't really need anything to make them more active or crazy. Valium....maybe would be better, for me that is !!!:rolleyes:

smokey the elder
11-17-2002, 07:35 AM
Some cats like catnip and some don't. Bosun, my foofy tortoise shell, loves it on her scratching pad. In fact that's her reward for letting me comb the mats out of her fur. She growls and growls, then runs over to her scratch pad to wait for her 'nip!

The Cat Factory, the stuff in that bag looks like an illicit substance.;)

11-18-2002, 07:47 AM
I had a lot of Cat Nip plants in my backyard. Katie and Simba go for the Cat Nip plants over the Cat Nip that was bought in the store. Fresh is the best!

The only thing that is wrong with having the Cat Nip plants growing in the backyard is that it attracts all the cat's around the area to my house. lol

11-18-2002, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by All Creatures Great And Small

The thing I love about all the kitties I've known is this particular move they make when they're playing with their toys - if the toy is just sitting there on the floor, they will deliberately walk OVER it, and just "happen" to step on it with their back paw, which makes them have to turn around and fall onto the toy and start beating the snot out of it. Every kitty I've known did this, and it never fails to crack me up. :D

I KNOW!!!! It is like, "hey, where did that toy come from? It just attacked me"!!!! All of mine do this, and it is so funny to watch.

11-22-2002, 09:05 AM
I envy you! :)
we don't have here this type of mint, I am sure, Juni would enjoy it.
But I give her from time to time Valeriana pills (they are natural) and she really likes them. I have to break them in two parts, because of the glaze the pills are covered with she cannot smell the Valeriana.
I will ask a friend to bring me some seeds from US.

11-24-2002, 07:39 AM
Catland, where did you get the seeds to grow your catnip? I have a few containers of the stuff in their "accessories box". Are there seeds in raw catnip that is purchased at the pet department in stores?


All Creatures Great And Small
11-24-2002, 10:57 AM

smokey the elder
11-25-2002, 08:18 AM
At the Westchester cat show this weekend there was this vendor of enormous cat trees who had the best catnip. I'd gotten one sack last year and it lasted about a week. It's called Dr. Pussum's Best, pure 'nip sewn into about a 3 inch square bag. This year I got 5 bags and am doling it out. This stuff comes from Vermont. Diamond is the worst nip head of the bunch.

11-26-2002, 10:51 AM
Our cats LOVE the stuff. We get these catnip cigars from a local pet store for Noah...he LOVES them. They are made of really sturdy fabric, so they can't break and lose it's "power". :)

Here, you can get catnip in any garden section. They sell it as an herb.