View Full Version : A Gift from Sassy

03-24-2009, 10:58 PM
On one of the coldest of recent days, I got home from work and let the cats out to play. A few minutes later I heard a commotion in the underbrush, and Sassy appeared, dragging something large. It turned out to be a rabbit, quite dead and frozen solid. Sassy dragged it clear up the back steps and left it there.

I'm sure Sassy didn't kill it, though I'm equally sure he would love to take the credit for it - the rabbit was almost as big as he is. Considering the weather we'd been having, the poor thing probably perished of hypothermia.

Anyway, I got this picture of Sassy with his trophy, then carefully put the rabbit in the garbage. Sassy was furious, and who can blame him? He brings home this splendid haul, a magnificent dead rabbit, and I put it in the garbage?! Sickening ingratitude.

Don Juan's mom
03-25-2009, 02:40 AM
What, no wabbit stew for Sassy? :rolleyes:

03-25-2009, 07:04 AM
I'm glad I have indoor kitties. The only "gifts" I have to deal with are cat toys left at the bedroom doorway in the morning. :)

03-25-2009, 08:32 AM
Yuck. I am happy my kitties are inside and do not bring these sort of "presents" Do you worry about the dead rabbit possibly having a disease? :(

03-25-2009, 08:55 AM
Awww , that Poor Little Bunny.
We know that Miss Hoppy is there with her Wings of Silver and Gold to see that Poor Little Creature of God and make sure that hes with the Animal Angel Army.
That must be horrible to freeze in that manner but Buggs will be warm and happy forever and have nothing but salad bars and vegetarian restaurants to look forward to.
And you will see Buggs One Fine Day and Buggs ans Sassy will be Good Friends.
One Fine Day.