View Full Version : Grooming my 19 year old Pidgie Pie

03-24-2009, 05:56 PM
This ol' gal is feisty, let me tell you! She lets me brush her until I get to the hindquarters and then it's "hands off"! She'd already begun to develop mats close to the skin and no amount of gentle brushing would get them out so I bought an electric razor at Pet Supplies Plus, watched the DVD and decided to shave just her hindquarters. At her age, I don't want to anesthetize her just to have her groomed, especially seeing that she has cardiomyopathy, so I figured I may as well give it a whirl. I'm not concerned that she look like she just came from the groomer's because if she did, everyone would ask if the groomer was drunk. ;)

Anyhow, Pidge had already had enough by the time I did her right hindquarter and then she began batting the razor out of my hand. Doing that w/a brush is one thing but if the razor drops and gets broken, well, I can't have that. So I decided to leave the left side for tomorrow. I don't want to stress her. Sigh. This Fur Posse really has had me jumping through hoops this last year or so. Aw, it's ok, they're my furkids. I just want them to be happy and healthy. Right now, Pidge is sitting on the back of the sofa, her green eyes daring me to touch her. :D

03-24-2009, 06:11 PM
AWWWWW Pidgie Pie, just think how much better you will feel with all those nasty mats all gone.
It's too bad Medusa that you can't get someone to hold Pidgie for you while you clip her.

We have to do Nugget and Willy from time to time and believe me, 4 hands are better than 2.

03-24-2009, 06:33 PM
AWWWWW Pidgie Pie, just think how much better you will feel with all those nasty mats all gone.
It's too bad Medusa that you can't get someone to hold Pidgie for you while you clip her.

We have to do Nugget and Willy from time to time and believe me, 4 hands are better than 2.

I know what you mean. I wish that I had someone here but I don't and it's possible that it would stress her too much anyhow. Oh well, one hindquarter down, one to go. LOL At least I can brush the rest of her so she won't need to be shaved in a lion cut again, poor girl.

03-24-2009, 06:58 PM
Thats great :)in a way that at 19 Pidgie Pie:love::love: has that kind of spunk, but she must look odd with sides that dont match!!!:eek::eek:
We are hoping that you can finish Pidgie Pie Tomorrow!!!

03-25-2009, 09:14 AM
I shaved the other hindquarter this morning. While Pidge was asleep, I set everything up and she was still groggy when I shaved her. I hated tricking her like that but she wasn't as feisty as yesterday, so it went quickly and smoothly. Now she's even on both sides. It looks patchy but at least she doesn't have painful mats and she won't have to be put under to be groomed. I brushed her all over when I was finished shaving her and that's when she became angry and swatted at me and tried to bite me, so I quickly finished up. She's back in her spot on the back of the sofa, probably thinking "Now, where was I? Oh yes, sleeping until Mom so rudely awakened me!"

03-26-2009, 04:49 PM
LOL at your last sentence.

It's good that you are at least able to brush her Mary, even it's for a short time. A little each day will go a long way. Don't worry about her being uneven from being shaved. Just do a bit at a time before she turns to bite you. She's still a pretty girl, no matter what.

03-26-2009, 05:12 PM
What? No pictures? :D

Come on Pidge - lets see!!!!:)

03-26-2009, 05:23 PM
What? No pictures? :D

Come on Pidge - lets see!!!!:)

I'm ashamed and embarrassed to admit that when my computer got that last virus, my camera software was uninstalled, so I need to install it again but I don't want to do anything w/this temperamental computer until I finish up my taxes, which will be this weekend.

You really can't tell anyhow; I only shaved a small portion of each of Pidge's hindquarters. She's always been so good about letting me brush her; it's just this past year that she's gotten so cranky about it. I can brush her now for maybe a minute, then she turns on me. :p

03-26-2009, 09:31 PM
I'm sure Miss Pidgelet is feeling alot better, now that the mats are not pulling on her skin. I hope she 'forgives' you soon. ;)

03-26-2009, 09:56 PM
What a wonderful and patient FurMom. When I worked at the vet clinic, I was always SO glad to see older pets that were well-groomed (cats and dogs). It tends to be something people let slip as pets age and the results can be rather horrific.

Glad sweet Pidge has matching breeches now!

Laura's Babies
03-26-2009, 10:25 PM
It has taken me this long (2 years) to get Boo to accept being brushed. I think she finally realized how much better it makes her feel. I have never seen a short haired cat get so knotted up like she does! I wouldn't DARE try to shave her but I think it would help her a lot.

I am amazed that she allowed you to get near her with clippers. I would never try that with Boo or my hands would be shredded!

03-27-2009, 05:33 AM
I am amazed that she allowed you to get near her with clippers. I would never try that with Boo or my hands would be shredded!

The DVD that came w/the clippers said to turn it on and hold it near her so that she gets used to the sound and isn't startled, so I did and it seems to have worked, for a minute anyhow.

I've also noticed that my Boo doesn't really want to be brushed either. I guess maybe it comes w/age because he's 18. He's a short hair but he gets mats at his hindquarters, too. It must be because that's where they sit. (Just guessing) My RB Peeka was the same way; she was a short hair, Boo's sister, and her hindquarters always matted. She wasn't as old when she went to the Bridge, though; only 14.

Anyhow, Pidge has forgiven me but if I touch the spots where it's shaved, she whips her head around. There are no sores or anything so I guess she simply does not want to be bothered. I can't blame her. There are times when I don't want to get my hair done and be fussed w/either.