View Full Version : dirty ears

03-21-2009, 12:05 PM
Havoc had ear mites when I got him and both cats were treated, but Havoc's ears just seem to stay dirty. I cleaned them at home a couple weeks ago and then had the vet clean them again when I took him in last weekend (3-14.) No ear mites were found on this re-check. They told me to just keep cleaning them regularly until all the gunk worked its way out. I cleaned them this week also and they are dirty once again. Any ideas? Can anyone recommend a good ear cleaner that is commercially available? I can buy the stuff the vet sells (Keto-T or something like that) but it's a really big bottle. The stuff I got was some generic cat ear cleaner I found at Fred's, because that was the first I found. Maybe it's working and there's just a lot in there and will take time to get it all out? Ears do not stink, are not irritated and he is not shaking his head a lot.

03-21-2009, 12:55 PM
Can anyone recommend a good ear cleaner that is commercially available? I can buy the stuff the vet sells (Keto-T or something like that) but it's a really big bottle.

Mineral oil on a q-tip!

Try that! and good luck!

03-21-2009, 02:11 PM
My Vet recommended Glcerin which is inexpensive , but it worked well on Juke Joint Joseph and My Princess the Purrfect both of whom like Havoc seem to have ears that never seem to get clean :love::love::love:
We pray that Nahocs ear are soon as pink and sparkling as can be soon!!!

03-21-2009, 02:17 PM
Our little girl Lindy Lou was so infested with ear mites that I thought it would never end. The vet said he has never seen such an infestation of ear mites like that before. Lindy Lou was going nuts with shaking her head and scratching. But thankfully after two treatments and lots of cleaning the ears, she is finally rid of these nasty parasites. But even after the vet confirmed she had no more ear mites, her ears were always dirty also. I just cleaned them once a day with baby oil on a cotton ball and within a few weeks, no more dirty widdle ears.:D

So don't be discouraged, just keep cleaning them daily and they will gradually be dirt free.:)

03-21-2009, 06:29 PM
That would probably be the T8 Keto Flush.

According to the label instructions for T8 Keto Flush:

INDICATIONS: For gentle flushing and cleansing of skin and ears in such conditions where an antibacterial and antifungal formulation is indicated.

From what I've seen at work we only use that one if the pet actually has an ear infection or an ear environment that is favorable to get one.

There are MANY OTC cleaners and home remedies out there, but honestly I've seen too many of them be the wrong thing for that particular pet's problem and cause more harm than good (alcohol for bacterial infections, reactions to ingredients, etc).

If your vet has actually given your cats a clean bill of health for the ears (no mites or infections) then it most likely is either a wax build up, or remaining ear mite debris working it's way out, which can take awhile.

Several of my cats have cronic dirty ears, or just one ear even. No infections, no earmites, and I just have to clean some cats ears more often than others. I don't use cleaners for them just plain old cotton balls and Qtips.

If the pet's ear debris is excessive or cronic but no infections or mites our vets tend to use these two products for just cleaning.

Vet Solutions Ear Cleaning Solution - only available through vets and is strictly an ear cleaner for non infected ears.

OtiFoam Ear Cleaner - also for non infected ears to loosen up wax and debris for easier cleaning with a Qtip or cotton ball.

If it was me, I'd call your vet and ask if you even need a cleaner and if they think your cats would benefit (or tolerate) a regular weekly cleaning with a cleaning solution.

Either they would have one you can stop in and pick up or be able to recommend one that is suitable for your cats.

03-22-2009, 09:13 AM
T8 Keto, yeah that was it. Vet didn't say his ears were infected in any way, there just happened to be a bottle of that flush in the exam room already. Guess I'll just keep at it and hope I'll eventually get everything out. I used to have some aloe ear cleaner for my dog but I gave it away after she crossed the Bridge several years back. I wish I could remember where I got it. It did great and was for cats and dogs if I recall.

unfortunately there is not a "pet" store close by. I'll see what I can find at TractorSupply, they seem to have some hard-to-find stuff sometimes.

03-22-2009, 09:23 AM
Your kitty's ears might just be a little sore due to all the earmites. I use an ear cleaner that also helps heal and control itching. Can't remember the name but it does work and can be found at any pet store.