View Full Version : please donīt dare watching this...

03-19-2009, 05:57 PM
movie... itīs so awful.... I only recommned it if you suffer from insomia or something as itīs so frekingly boring, long and has no sense at all.... AT ALL...

please donīt go see Watchmen... seriously donīt you ever make that mistake!!!

03-19-2009, 06:31 PM
LOL! I saw it, the day it came out, and didn't think it was that bad. But I also had my boyfriend whispering in my ear explaining what was going on and letting me know how it differed from the comic book.

If I had no background information beforehand I wouldn't have had a clue what was going on. Rich (bf) was very concerned after reading it how they'd ever make it in movie form, especially once he found out the director mainly does action films.

The movie really did feel like the entire 2+ hours, and I never felt emotionally connected to the characters.

03-19-2009, 06:42 PM
I read the Graphic Novel (friend loaned it to me) and I liked the novel, so I do plan to watch the movie. :)

The novel is long, so it doesn't surprise me that the movie is long. And it's not your average 'super hero' movie (complaints I've heard). It's very much an anti-hero movie.

03-19-2009, 06:46 PM
This film is supposed to have a lot of good special effects, right? I have
not seen it yet.

03-19-2009, 06:48 PM
I had no clue whatsoever... I felt it so sloooooow.. but thought it was the intro so we knew what was all about and that... but no... that was the whole movie like... I was a second close to falling asleep :p ...

and the dialogues were like ... "what?"...

we were about to walk out but we were in the middle adn for not disturbing people we stayed.... I rather have disturbed them and gone elsewhere ;)

03-19-2009, 07:10 PM
I could not agree more....Worst movie I have ever paid money to see!!!

Suki Wingy
03-19-2009, 09:46 PM
Now I'm going to have to see it! My dad had the graphic novel but I don't know if I'll read it. (lazy)

03-19-2009, 10:33 PM
Well I saw it. I'd give it a C. Way too long and way too much unnecessary a** :eek::rolleyes:
I'm glad I saw it cause I'd NEVER be able to read the novel and I thought the story was intresting. It could have easily been shorter and I didn't feel any connection with the characters. I found it interesting that they found actors that looked like other actors to play the roles. I totally thought the Comedian looked like Robert Downey Jr and Rarchack (sp?) looked like Danny Bonaduce! All the others looked like other actors as well! LOL!
I saw it in IMAX and out of an audience of about 50 (on a Thurs AM!) I was the ONLY woman in the theatre :confused:LOL.

03-20-2009, 10:32 AM
I saw this with my husband, who is very much into comics, superheroes, storylines etc. The movie seemed like it was 5 hours long and we actually LEFT. I have only ever walked out of a movie once before in my life, and it was my husband's idea to go! I was running out right behind him. HORRID movie for me, and I usually like things like that, but it was just REALLY not a good movie to me.

finn's mom
03-20-2009, 10:53 AM
I still plan on seeing it, I have heard a lot of good things about it. I don't know that I'm rushing out to a theater, but I do want to see it.

03-20-2009, 11:09 AM
I actually really liked it! LOL. I went and saw it a second time :P

03-20-2009, 12:10 PM
My husband loved the graphic novel and saw the moving opening day. He ranked it as one of his all time favorite movies. I said to him "I'm glad you liked it, but I still have no interest in seeing it". He replied "well, that's good, you'd hate it". I think it's just one of those movies that appeals to a certain people. It's not one of those movies that has something for everyone. Some will LOVE it, others will HATE it.

(By the way, I really expected to open this thread and get Rick-rolled.)

03-20-2009, 03:39 PM
I really didn't like it. It was far too gorey and gruesome for my liking. They really made it too gruesome, in my opinion. I even had to close my eyes for a few parts. I don't like to have to do that.

My hubby liked it but didn't love it. I didn't hate it but I certainlly wouldnt ever see it again. It was too long and the gore was just way too over done. They didn't need to make it that gorey and gruesome. Yuck.

finn's mom
03-20-2009, 04:30 PM
I really didn't like it. It was far too gorey and gruesome for my liking. They really made it too gruesome, in my opinion. I even had to close my eyes for a few parts. I don't like to have to do that.

My hubby liked it but didn't love it. I didn't hate it but I certainlly wouldnt ever see it again. It was too long and the gore was just way too over done. They didn't need to make it that gorey and gruesome. Yuck.

Was it over the top gorey like "Kill Bill" was or it is really realistic? I can handle gore if it's really truly over the top. I have a harder time watching a movie like "Braveheart" than I do some of the nasty horror films, simply because it's so much more realistic.

03-20-2009, 06:49 PM
"Was it over the top gorey like "Kill Bill" was or it is really realistic?"

I think it was more violent than gorey. All the violence is shown in super slow motion from several angles. I couldn't watch Kill Bill because of the gore. I couldn't watch Ali or Fight Club cause I really don't like seeing people get hit. :rolleyes: I didn't mind Braveheart because I think it showed historically how really horrific those times were. I will admit to closing my eyes thru some of it though.:p