View Full Version : Mr. Kiki

03-19-2009, 10:34 AM
Hi Everyone,
Just came back from the vet, my sweet KiKi (slightly smushed) is not well. He is the black Persian and the sweetest soul I have ever encountered on this earth. I have known hundreds of animals in my 50 years, probably over 40 cats and this angle is the most loving and kindest. He has lost a pound and the vet said his kidneys were small. http://mail.yimg.com/a/i/mesg/tsmileys2/17.gifhttp://mail.yimg.com/a/i/mesg/tsmileys2/17.gif Blood work was taken and I will have the results tomorrow, I have heard those words before and it was kidney failure for our sweet Cassie-girl that time. It broke all of our hearts, Steve cried like a baby, honest, tears, sobbing for our sweet Cassie kitty. Now if we lose our KiKi, it's almost too much to bare. He is the lap cat, the cuddlier, the one who wants to be as close as he possibly can to you, his face to your face, kisses are delivered on your nose and love pours from his eyes while the purring rings in your ears. Please send prays for this sweet little kitty. The world would be so much emptier without all the love he gives.


03-19-2009, 11:23 AM
We have had 3 cats with advanced (but not total) renal failure-- two Siamese and a shorthair: The LEAST successful case lived two and a half years (from age 18 to age 20-1/2) on sub-cutaneous fluids, happy, active, healthy, and loving life; one lived FIVE wonderful happy years that way. DO NOT DESPAIR, especially if your Persian is a friendly mellow lap-cat! It can be dealt with! They used to just lie stretched out on my legs while I had my feet on a table, and I would hang an IV bag of WARMED (to cat body temp or close) lactated Ringer's solution on the door behind me and give the cat fluids sub-cu. (in the loose-skin area behind the scruff) while skritching her under the chin and petting her and she would purr and lie there and be totally happy-- a couple of hours for the fluid to be absorbed and she was good as new and VERY happy and active! It works wonderfully-- so don't give up hope! Your little friend may have a LOT of good years left, and I DO mean GOOD years!! Those cats were totally happy, 100%, no 'suffering' involved whatsoever...... believe me......
Wait and see what the blood-work and the vet say......

03-19-2009, 12:12 PM
bowlkat is right - there are very likely ways to give your Kiki more years of good life!

03-19-2009, 01:08 PM
Nowadays, this is hardly a death sentence. Our Tomas lived for several years with the right diet and care. He was diagnosed around 15-years-old and finally succumbed to kidney failure at 21! Do not despair!

03-19-2009, 02:36 PM
Filou now lives 4 years on subcutaneous fluuids one time a week. So I agree to Bowlkat. Don't despair!

03-19-2009, 02:44 PM
If you'll recall, Monica, my RB Puddy lived w/CRF for years and was on subQ's in the beginning twice a day and after she had one kidney removed, she even went off subQ's for a while. Your vet says that Mr. Kiki's kidneys are small? Well, Puddy lived w/only one kidney for quite some time and that one had nephritis and was the size of a pea instead of a kidney bean as it should have been. So try not to take a fatalistic outlook about this. Mr. Kiki could have lots of time left yet. How old is he?

03-19-2009, 06:50 PM
Our Norton is 17+ years, and has been a kidney cat for over 5 years. Norton get his sub q fluids every other day, I cannot say he likes it, but tolerates it, is a better description. Norton REFUSES to eat the kidney diet, he loves his Pet Promise, and his in between round of a bit of Fancy Feast. Norton get cheesecake on his birthday, and we hope he has many many more....Mr. Kiki may have many more years with you....

03-19-2009, 08:36 PM
Thank you all for all the good advice and support. Means the world. Kiki is such a sweetheart, when the vet was listening to his heart and lungs he turned and kissed her nose. :love:
Our sweet Cassie had kidney failure and died in the hospital a week after being diagnosed, so of course I was thinking the worst. But thanks to all of you dear friends I can go to sleep with hope. Hugs to all, Monica

03-19-2009, 08:55 PM
Well, please let us know what the verdict is- and I'm SURE, from what I see here, that there will be LOTS of good "tips" here on whatever the vet prescribes-- let us all know, we'll be pulling for your fur-child!

03-19-2009, 09:14 PM
Thank you all for all the good advice and support. Means the world. Kiki is such a sweetheart, when the vet was listening to his heart and lungs he turned and kissed her nose. :love:
Our sweet Cassie had kidney failure and died in the hospital a week after being diagnosed, so of course I was thinking the worst. But thanks to all of you dear friends I can go to sleep with hope. Hugs to all, Monica

The same thing happened to my RB Peeka. It was acute renal failure, different from chronic renal failure. Acute comes on fast and is often fatal. Chronic RF cats can live a long time. :)

03-20-2009, 08:40 AM
Mary is correct. Acute is a sudden onset, while chronic goes on for awhile!!! Norton is happy that you got a good night's sleep. Please keep us posted on how your Mr. Kiki does...

03-20-2009, 08:43 AM
Here is an EXCELLENT site that I have used for reference over the years: www.felinecrf.org . Helen is a very nice lady and when she has the time will answer your email....I hope you will find the info helpful...

03-20-2009, 01:08 PM
Hoping for some good news about Mr KiKi. What a gorgeous boy! :love:

03-20-2009, 02:43 PM
I hope Mr. Kiki is going to be ok. Prays being sent.


03-20-2009, 02:57 PM
The "CREW" is sending thier prayers for Kiki and you. We hope that all turns out well.

03-21-2009, 07:54 PM
Thank you all for your kindness and support concerning our little Mr. KiKi.
The vet called this morning and the blood work all came out normal. No diabetes, no liver or kidney no hyperthyroid.
Next Thursday he will go back for xray to check, heart, lung and stomach.
Thank you again. I so love that slightly squished face of his.