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View Full Version : Everything's Amazing, Nobody's Happy

finn's mom
03-17-2009, 01:35 PM
Jess (k9soul) shared this on another site, and I LOVE it! This is so my mentality about life in general.


03-17-2009, 05:13 PM
LMAO! Very good!

03-17-2009, 05:47 PM
Someone just posted the same video on another board I belong to. Loved it and I totally agree! I remember growing up having ONE phone which was a rotary phone attached to the wall. If you wanted to talk on the phone you had to sit in the chair next to it. And banks...I haven't gone inside a bank in years! Times sure do change. Sometimes I think things were better though when life was simpler. What do you think?

finn's mom
03-17-2009, 06:04 PM
Well, I still go into banks. It's part of my "exercise" routine...I avoid drive-throughs unless it's really horrible weather. I also park in the farthest parking spot possible anywhere I go, unless, again, it's terrible weather. I also line dry stuff, and if weren't so stinking hot here most of the year, I'd walk to my close errands more often.

I do remember one time sitting in a plane on the runway for five hours (the flight was shorter, haha) and just thinking that too many people complain about stuff like that. I didn't have fun, mind you, but flight is still a blessing.

I totally agree with this guy's view, and liked that he didn't hold back. I had a few good belly laughs!

03-17-2009, 06:37 PM
When I read the title I thought of that video clip. Then I opened it and it was the video clip. It's so true, isn't it. Justin and I often find ourselves quoting the part about the airplane.

03-20-2009, 12:12 PM
That was good. Thanks for sharing.

03-21-2009, 07:12 AM
Loved it! :D Thanks Kari.

03-21-2009, 05:27 PM
"Is the speed of light too slow for you?" Love it! Thank you for sharing it!