View Full Version : Ophelia

03-16-2009, 05:02 PM
My all-time favorite picture of my little gal. :love: Taken back when she was just a wee one.

With a very heavy heart I am here to report that my little Ophie passed on this morning. Last night (or rather super early this morning) before I headed to bed I did my normal check-up on the rats and ferrets. I usually give out treats during this time and noticed that Ophelia would not eat hers. She took it from me but was disinterested in it. I did not think too awfully much about it, thinking she had probably just finished eating, and I said goodnight.
Before heading off to school today I popped in to say goodbye to the critters to find that Ophelia had peacefully passed on. For those who are not familiar, she had recently been diagnosed with a walnut-sized tumor on her ovaries. She did not have much longer, but we celebrated her life up to the very last moment.
She would have been 3 years old at the end of this month.

I am very tempted to say that she was my heart rat. From day one I was just totally submerged with fondness for this little gal. If you would have met her in person you would understand. I could trust letting little kids hold her because she had such a phenomenal temperment. She was fearless, too! She climbed curtains, showerhead nozzle attachments, pant legs... just about anything. She was very much like a little dog in the way she acted. I always used her when converting others into rat-lovers.

The last picture taken of her. You could see how the blood clots ceased part of the circulation in her tail. No matter what, she still had the will to live.

:love: Rest Easy, my little Ophie! :love: I know you are having a blast up at the RB with all of the rat-pack that has gone before you. Don't get into too much trouble!

03-16-2009, 05:38 PM
That first picture is just adorable! I'm sorry about your loss, but I am sure that Ophelia had best possible life that a wee little rat could have with you. It is hard letting them go, but it is comforting to know that they are not suffering anymore.

03-16-2009, 06:04 PM
I'm so sorry about Ophelia.:( She sure was a cutie. May she Rest in Peace.

03-17-2009, 01:03 AM
So sorry to hear about your beautiful sweet girl Ophelia.She lived a long wonderful loved life with you.(((HUGS)))
Rest in Peace Dear Ophelia

04-01-2009, 03:06 PM
So sorry to read that you lost your 2 little ratties so close together.

RIP little ones!

04-01-2009, 03:59 PM
Rest in peace, little one!

Miss Z
04-06-2009, 01:00 PM
When I saw 'Ophelia' in the memorial section I was hoping with all I have that it wasn't your little girl. :(

I'm so sorry, Courtney. It's horrid that rats are so besieged by tumours. She was an absolutely adorable little thing and her pictures always made me smile, I just regret that I haven't been around much the past year or so as I've probably missed a heap of them.

She lived a wonderful life with you. When you said 'No matter what, she still had the will to live', that totally reminded me of Tia. For such little creatures, rats are incredibly powerful, both physically and emotionally in my opinion. They just never give up being there for you, right up to the end.

Rest in peace sweet rattie girl, you'll be missed. :( :(

04-08-2009, 06:20 PM
Thank you all for the replies, I truly appreciate it. ((((Hugs))))

For such little creatures, rats are incredibly powerful, both physically and emotionally in my opinion. They just never give up being there for you, right up to the end.

That could not be more true. :) I think that is what makes it so hard to fathom living without the little buggers.