View Full Version : A House Cat thinks of His Momma Cat , and wonders where she is.

03-16-2009, 04:48 PM
I read this in a book Diary of a Cat by Leigh W Rutledge and it made me think.
It is a first Cat Diary written by a Handsome Orange Cat.

I wonder what beacme of my Mother.
Did anyone take her in? Did she ever find a fireplace and a food dish of her own?
Whenever I think of her , I see a skinny young Alley Cat old before her time.
Her fur was orange and gray , and her eyes were emarald green. Her trilling was melodic and whenever she called all five of us came running- we could hear her voice anxious and beautiful , from far away.
I remember how safe I felt with my nose buried in her belly. Sne smelled of mustard weed and dust.
She was a very good Mother to us all.
Where is she now?What I wonder is she doing at this exact moment.
I will never know.
It isnt true that Cats are not sentimental.
It just looks that way sometimes because we are so experieced at accepting the inevitable. Seperation, flea baths , distemper shots-it all happens whether you want it to or not.
That made me sad and I Pray for All The Animal And Human Moms, many who do not get a fair deal in life.

03-17-2009, 09:32 AM
I know that the Found Cats Families come to visit and they all have a great time going around to Metros the 24 hour Super Market foir a take out picnic and love that thier loved one had thier place in the sun!!!