View Full Version : I just don't understand...

03-16-2009, 03:21 PM
I stopped by the Humane Society yesterday on my way to my best friend's house, to let them know how well Murphy has settled in.

I walked around looking at the cats when I came upon 3 kids (I say kids cuz they're younger than me, but they were actually 18, 20 and 15) admiring a beautiful kitten named Pumba. I started talking with them and come to find out, their grandfather took both of their cats from the home (the grandfather lives with them and the kids parents) and surrendered them without them knowing it. They have been trying to get the kittens back (there were 2 littermates, one of whom got adopted, unbeknownst to them). It seems, according to the kids, the grandfather suffers from either dementia or Alzheimers.

I spoke with them at length and they told me that they have the surrender papers and want their cat back. The HS wouldn't give them Pumba back without them paying an adoption fee. They also said that she had just come back spayed and needed time to recover. Where better a place to recover than home with loved ones???

I was furious!! I immediately called Channel 3 news and spoke with some ditz in the newsroom. She tried to turn it around and make it about the grandfather driving while he has Alzheimers. I had the kids talk to her and she kept getting back to the fact that state law says anyone suffering from Alzheimer's shouldn't be driving. I got on the phone and told her if it were a hoarder with 20 cats in their house, they'd have a news truck parked out front. It was no use and we wound up hanging up on this idiot.

I told the kids to pay the adoption fee (which they planned on) get the cat the hell outta there and then contact the media. The CT Humane Society HATES negative publicity.

What I don't understand is, if giving this cat back to their owners frees up cage space for another needy cat, WHY NOT???

I wished them luck and hope they did get Pumba back.

*a side note* As I was walking out, I was curious about what one of the volunteers had in her hand. She had a beautiful albino rat named Albert!!! He and I bonded instantly. But, feeding my cats is far more important right now than overloading my measily income with another mouth or two to feed.


03-16-2009, 03:25 PM
How strange and sad. The staff at the Humane Society should be made aware of this man - picture and name behind the counter, as well as any other local places he might take the cats. Encourage the kids to get the kitty a microchip, just in case it happens again.

Alzheimers is tricky - you can take away his driver's license, but he may not remember its been taken away, and decide to drive anyway.

03-16-2009, 03:26 PM
I can see if they wanted the price of the surgery, plus maybe a bit of an extra fee...but if they wanted the whole fee, someone there doesn't have a heart.

I hope Grandad gets checked out...that's a scary thing to do!

03-16-2009, 06:12 PM
Thats sad as a man with alzheimers may not remember the traffic rules or when to start and turn.
I agree that the new people who run the Huamne Societys are often more concerned with the rules. The Humane Society where I live has replaced the older people with younger ones who are computer literate , but I dont think have the same feeling for the animals.
Thats great that Pumbas in a home now.
And we hope that Little Rat finds his place in the sun too.

03-16-2009, 06:49 PM

I DO have an empty tank that's screaming "I'm lonely, please give me a rat or two!!"

But, alas, I just can't right now. I did tell them that if they don't get adopted to call me and I'll foster them.

Scooter's Mom
03-16-2009, 08:09 PM
How much does it cost to feed a rat for a month?

03-16-2009, 08:59 PM
It's not just the food. You've got bedding, treats, etc. I just can't afford another mouth to feed.

As a dear friend always tells me, "You have to learn when to say, 'I'd love to but I just can't' "

03-16-2009, 11:15 PM
I'm dealing with that now. My boyfriend and I were at a local Humane Society looking for a cat for his cat when I saw the most beautiful kitty! He has been there forever because, he is not a kitten, he is overweight, and he has had surgery for a prolapsed anus. None of this bothers me, but the financial does. I can afford it...now. But I do have one of my boys who is on special diet and meds and that costs. Still, my heart would be broken if this fiine boy was euthanized. I will go back later this week when my mind is made up. I want him, though.

03-17-2009, 10:46 AM

Thank you for thinking of taking him in. There are SO many older cats that are passed over because it's kitten season and they're old and have health probs.

Keep us posted.