View Full Version : Coda is HOME!!!!!!

03-15-2009, 08:13 PM
Everything went wonderfully!! We were early arriving at Ron's house to pick him up, but when we turned onto the street, I seen the vehicle he was traveling in with the wonderful Iowa plates on it! Ron and his sister greeted me at the door, then lead me down into the basement area where Coda was hiding under a bed. I called for him and didn't get a response, I called again as I got onto my knees to look under, still nothing. But when he seen that it was REALLY me.....he came a purrin'!! The 5½ hour drive home, he stayed on my lap, purring, kneeding, and sleeping! As I entered the house, Heidi was on top of the washer (her usual greeting spot) she seen him in my arms, reached her nose out for a sniff and gave only 1 hiss. Coda had no reaction to her at all! I took him to the bathroom to get him out of his harness she tried to follow but I shut the door on her. After removing his harness, I opened the door he imediately began to explore with Heidi just following and watching. No hissing, no growling! He is now under our bed with her watching silently and curiously. If a spat begins, I'm prepared to close him into our room and set up a litter box for her. I'll get some pics posted as soon as I can. And I'll probably make a new account since I'm no longer MissingCoda!! Thank you all for your good wishes and prayers they brought about a miricle for us!!!!

P.S. Did any of you know that there is a little clothing store in Regina, Saskatchewan named CODA??? It was right next to the station we stopped at for gas on the way down to Oxbow!! I looked up at saw it, I cried! I felt that it was a good omen to look up and see my baby's name on the wall!

03-15-2009, 08:16 PM
How WONDERFUL!!! And he knew it was you and came out purring! :D

And also how great that Heidi is just following him around...they may wind up best buds sooner than anyone thinks!

WELCOME HOME, Coda! Maybe you and your new sister can do some running around and you can wear off some 'baby fat'! ;)

Hugs and kisses to your boy! :love::love::love:

03-15-2009, 08:25 PM
Yay! This is very good news! Welcome home, Coda! :D

03-15-2009, 08:25 PM
Excellent news!! I'm so glad that he is finally home with you. Thanks for keeping us posted about his progress. I didn't know about the store named Coda, but I do know people that live in Regina. Small world.

03-15-2009, 08:29 PM
Good news that he's home!

And you don't have to make a whole new account. I can change your username - send me a PM with what you would like it to be.

03-15-2009, 08:46 PM
Aww, I've been looking forward to seeing this thread. I am so glad he is finally home with you. And it's great that Heidi and him seem to be getting along so far. Having a cat that can't stand the other one is not fun. It is stressful. But it sounds like your house is stress free. Yipee!! :D :D

03-15-2009, 10:41 PM
Oh, I am so happy that Coda is truly home!!! I hope you both enjoy this special time together:love: Give Coda a big hug and kiss for me, okay?

03-15-2009, 11:02 PM
I will make sure to give him some special lovin's from eveyone. I am so totally blown out of the water by how well this is all going! Neither cat is confined to any particular area. We've been home for a little over 3 hours, and there hasn't been so much as a growl! Heidi has been following his every move (3 feet behind him at all times) just watching him. He decided he wanted to introduce himself, turned around and walked straight toward her, she respond by backing up (keeping 3 feet between them). He didn't push it, after attempting to approach her 3 or 4 times, he turned around and walked off!! She promptly followed (3 foot rule in effect!) LOL. Two hours in, he was comfy enough to lay in the middle of the kitchen floor and begin grooming himself. Heidi has now shortened the 3 foot rule down to inches from his tail. She's FASCINATED by his tail (must be because she doesn't have one!) to the point she almost pounced at it. I even caught them laying on the bed, opposite ends, but both in bed none the less. I'm thrilled with how quickly and easily this is going! Although I still expect at any moment she could decide he touched something of hers and flip out. Well, back to watching the bonding session!!

Prairie Purrs
03-16-2009, 01:16 AM
I'm so glad that Coda made it home safe and sound and that the introduction to Heidi is going smoothly!

03-16-2009, 07:05 AM
Oh happy happy joy joy happy happy joy! Doing the happy feet dance here! What great news and everyone is getting along, too. Wonderful! Welcome, Coda! A lot of prayers sure went up for you. :love:

03-16-2009, 07:42 AM
So glad to hear that Coda is home with you at last. :) I couldn't imagine having to be separated from my babies. :( I hope the transition continues to go well.

Welcome home Coda!!! :D

03-16-2009, 09:02 AM
What a wonderful happy ending. Now we hope Coda and Heidi continue to get along :)

03-16-2009, 09:38 AM

03-16-2009, 10:17 AM
Congratulations to the newest Canadian immigrant :D:D

I am so glad that things worked out well for the trip but also for the introductions. Now we just need to see some pictures...;)

03-16-2009, 01:30 PM
We are now at the 18 hour mark of Coda being home. The night went extremely quiet! Mot long before I went to bed, I caught Heidi batting playfully at that facinating thing growing out of Coda's butt (his tail) while he laid there just twitching it lazily. But as soonas he looked at her, she backed off to her decidedly safe distance. I slept out on the couch, Coda slept on the floor next to me, Heidi slept on her daddy's footstool (3 feet away lol). When my fiancee got up and around for work, Coda INSISTED that he be petted by his new daddy! The only thing that is upsetting Coda is the noises from the main house. The landlord has young kids that are always running up and down the stairs, which from here sounds like someone trying to tear through the walls! He'll adjust to those ghostly sounds eventually, but for now they send him running for the bedroom. I'll put the recargable batteries on the charger after I finish this post and see if I can't catch a pic or two before the camera eats them. Hopefully I'll have some pics to post on my next update.

03-16-2009, 01:35 PM
Glad to hear everything is still going well!

BTW - I got fed up with rechargables in my digital camera and switched to Lithium batteries. They last an AMAZINGLY long time. (MORE pics of Coda and Heidi! :D ) Plus, all batteries can be recycled - here are some depots in S'toon.



Even the ones that say rechargable batteries may very well take the other kind too...so ask. :)

03-16-2009, 02:34 PM
Just found this first pic on my fiancee's computer. This is where Heidi loves to greet us when we come home, and where she first encountered Coda.
Just snapped this one of Coda laying on our bed looking like King of the Castle! He looks so regal!!
Heidi seen him laying on the bed like that and was not 1 bit happy! She was in the kitchen, looked at him napping in the bed, and hunched up with her ears flat! She didn't make a noise, and he never opened his eyes to look at her. But she made sure I knew she didn't like him in HER bed! This last shot is her after the hunching, she went to the door, and has been watching for him to come out of the bedroom.
As for the battery situation, until work pics up for my fiancee, we have to settle for the rechargeable batteries. His hours rely on good weather.

03-16-2009, 02:44 PM
WELCOME HOME CODA!!! So glad he's back where he belongs.


Coda's look says it all!! "WELL!! That's THAT!!"

03-16-2009, 03:13 PM
I cannot get over how handsome Coda is!! How did you ever make 9 months without him? Your fiance must be really special.

03-16-2009, 03:33 PM
Welcome home, Coda!! I'm so glad to see that your home again. Your a very handsome boy too. :D

03-16-2009, 03:50 PM
Finally got a couple pics with Coda and Heidi in frame together!!
First one is jus Coda settling down for a nap on the couch.
Enter Heidi! Sneaking up to check him out.
Now circling around behind him.
I TRIED to get the pic of her climbing silently up onto the back of the couch, but as soon as she got there, she walked very quickly out of frame. If you notice the lovely piece of purple material hanging of the scratching post, That was at one time my most expensive article of clothing I had ever owned! Now it's an extremely expensive cat blanket!! About a month ago, Heidi raided the closet and ATE a huge hole out of that lovely cashmere sweater!!! She now has an $80.00 blankie!!

Prairie Purrs
03-16-2009, 04:03 PM
Sweet Coda looks like he's been there forever!

And Heidi has excellent taste in sweaters. ;)

03-16-2009, 04:20 PM
:love: Woo Hoo Many Congrats on Coda is finally Home FurrEver.. Both babies are so Adorable..

03-16-2009, 04:27 PM
And The Siamese Angel Five have officially adopted Coda and will be his Guardian Angels from this day on.
What a Handsome Fellow and we know that Coda and Heidi will be Cuddle Pals soon.

03-16-2009, 05:14 PM
I cannot get over how handsome Coda is!! How did you ever make 9 months without him? Your fiance must be really special.

My reply to this is, yes Dave is a WONDERFUL man! I've never had a man in my life that could compare to him! He loves cats! The cat loving men are too few and far between! He takes his kids out to the Humane Society on his weekends with them, he and the kids volunteer their time to give the shelter animals some attention. He has come home on more than 1 occasion and said how hard it was to walk out of their without a cat that they had played with. But this place is so small, and he knew Coda would be here eventually, so he had to resist the urge. He knew how torn up I was about having to leave Coda in Iowa to take the bus up here, and reassured me every time I would cry about it that Coda would get up here as soon as we could find a way! He just called home to let me know he would be a little late tonight, and HAD to know how the kitties were getting along.

03-16-2009, 06:22 PM

NO mention of a can of tuna or special treat to welcome Coda home?:eek:;)

03-16-2009, 06:26 PM
What GREAT news!! Glad all seem to be going so smoothly....

03-16-2009, 06:58 PM
Ohhhhhhh what FABULOUS NEWS!!!!!!

Well, hello, Coda, welcome home, Coda.
It's so nice to see you back where you belong!


03-16-2009, 07:10 PM

NO mention of a can of tuna or special treat to welcome Coda home?:eek:;)

Coda did get some kitty treats, but he seems more interested in checking the place out, and SLEEPING! All that traveling has just pooped the poor guy out. Matter of fact, he was just on the living room rug snoozing, got up and moved back to the couch for another nap. I'll be glad when his "car lag" is over. Although I am so happy to see him settle in so quickly! The whole "This is where I belong" attitude, I didn't expect to see that for atleast a few days. But I saw it within 2 hours. He'll quickly learn the treats schedule I'm sure. It's usually every night within 15 minutes of daddy getting home.

03-16-2009, 07:42 PM
LOL!! We just had a nice little play session!! NOTHING thrills Coda as much as a newspaper tent!!! I went down to the recycle bin and grabbed him a newspaper, it's now all over my living room, but he was having a BLAST! Although Heidi doesn't seem to know what to think of his literary fascination or his playful behavior!!

03-16-2009, 11:23 PM
I know what you mean. My boyfriend is a cat lover and has always had at least one! I got him a kitten for his birthday this year and you would have thought I gave him the Hope Diamond! Men like that are rare. He loves my cats, too. I have a cat, Ming, who looks so much like Coda it's scary. Tony always tells me how beautiful Ming is and how much he loves Buddy, the birthday present.

Pinot's Mom
03-17-2009, 07:59 AM
Congratulations on getting Coda home and settled so quickly! Heidi is certainly being gracious!:D

03-17-2009, 08:18 AM
Now I'd just like to get some real sleep. The couch is NOT comfy! Coda came to me last night and told me it was time for bed. BUT, while I was shutting everything down, low and behold Heidi decided that it was the purrfect moment to begin really playing with Coda!! It was adorable!!! They were playing a game of tag. I would have left them to play and went to my comfy, cozy bed BUT on 2 of the chases into the living room, Coda stopped in front of the tv and eyed above it like he would pounce. I don't think I want him knocking over or scratching the flat screen tv. His new daddy might get a lil upset if the two of them broke one of his favorite toys! So it was the couch for me once they settled down again. Any rambunctious activity would wake me so I could save the TV. I'm reallly tired but glad that Heidi has let down her 3 foot vigil. Maybe I can get some good pics today of them in their early stages of becoming good friends.

03-17-2009, 05:27 PM
I'm so happy that Coda made it safely to your home and that he has settled right in.:)
I love the photo of him on your bed.
That is great that Heidi likes him so much and that they get along great already!
You have two adorable cats in your home now so I expect to see lots more photos of them together.:D
Give Coda and Heidi both hugs and kisses from me.:love: