View Full Version : Eli's trip out west! [pic heavy]

03-15-2009, 05:03 PM
J, Eli and I went on a little vacation from 2/28 to 3/8... Starting in MO, we drove to Colorado, then Arizona and then back home. Was almost 3k miles!

Eli comfy in the car. He just hung out in the back seat, which was covered in a sheet (to prevent a huge hairy mess -- which actually worked!!).

J's brother lives in Co springs so that was our first stop.

They just recently adopted a 17mo old chocolate lab named Dakota.
Eli and her got along really well.


While in Co Springs, we went to Garden Of The Gods (again) and walked the dogs while her brother and sister-in-law did a photo shoot (his profession). J got a few good ones of both dogs.







After Colorado Springs, our next stop was The Grand Canyon and then on to Tucson, AZ.

Sunset near CO-AZ state line.


Grand Canyon (PS I'm the brunette)


03-15-2009, 05:04 PM

It was about 930-10am when we got there. My mom says it was much clearer than when she was there.. but we thought it was still really hazy.


Then we went to Tucson.. and apparently we didnt take ONE picture while we were there! Eli got to go to a dog park there and make some friends.

Then we began our trip home!

Eli being happy 'cus we're headed back!

We stopped by White Sands National Monument in New Mexico.


Here's a group shot of us. =)

Eli really enjoyed it there because he could run around and chase his leash. I thought we had it on video... but nope!

He was VERY happy when we got home last Sunday night. He was very happy to see his sister and brother, who were being watched by J's mom.

Hope you enjoyed! =)

03-15-2009, 06:58 PM
Looks like loads of fun!!! I can't wait to take vacations with my pups.

03-15-2009, 08:38 PM
I love that picture of him sleeping in the backseat! He looks totally relaxed!

03-15-2009, 08:38 PM
Awesome pictures! We haven't seen you guys around in awhile, the other two babies aren't good trip takers, eh? Eli sure handled a 3000 mile trip WELL! :eek: That sure sounds relaxing and nice though, and those pics are breathtaking. I love the one of Elis head in the square rock :D

03-15-2009, 09:50 PM
Thank you!! I'm around, usually just replying to others posts. On our last trip to CO we took Zeke and he did well. This time was Eli's turn. He's also been having some back problems/muscle spasms, so I wanted him with us just in case. Also, Zeke and Eli don't get along all the time. Zeke likes to go for Eli occasionally, so we dont like to leave them together unattended.

Eli definitely did good on this trip, all except for the eating part. I'd say he lost a few pounds, because he doesnt eat when he's uncomfortable. We even started buying wet food and he wouldnt always eat it. Picky little man.

03-16-2009, 09:08 AM
great pics!! looks like a wonderful trip:D
Eli is a cutie!

I went to Colorado Springs about 5 yrs ago and man that is a beautiful area!!
Pikes peek is somethin to see that's for sure! scary driving up and down though, could never do it myself