View Full Version : german shepherd

03-14-2009, 09:01 PM
I was wondering if any of you have a german shepherd? My brother got one about a week ago and he's a boy and we're trying to decide whether to name him Max or Jasper... We read lots about them but I just wanted to know if someone has one and how do you like him/her? Thanks!! Genny;)

03-14-2009, 09:48 PM
I do not personally have a German Shepherd, but we had several while I was growing up. So I've been around the breed for years.
They are very smart loving dogs. My sister had four at one time. They all, but one, lived to be around 15 years old. They are prone to hip dysplasia, but with proper care can still lead a long happy life.
Be prepared for stereotypes. Many people look at GSD's as "aggresive" simply because they are a common breed used by police.
As for the name, that's entirely up to your brother. Both Max and Jasper are good names. I like Max better, but probably only because I've had a cat named Jasper. :p

I hope we get to see pictures of Max/Jasper soon. ;)

03-15-2009, 12:20 AM
thanks..yeah I liked Jasper better because we use to have a cat named Max but my brother was too little to remember him so that doesn't bother him about that. He likes Max best though.
I'll try to send pics when I can. He isn't the usual black and tan shepherd though he has an almost solid bllack face and just a little brown under his eyes and his legs are brown, but he's black all over---he's gorgous...We got to see his mom--she had the usual markings..we didn't get to see his dad though...this is so sad but on christmas day the owners woke up and the puppy's father was dead--they said he had choked on a ham bone. They gave us pics of him though and he's solid black....his name was Max too though so we thought it might be kinda cute to name him after his father...