View Full Version : Glad to be back posting...

03-14-2009, 11:47 AM
Long time no post…..
I’m Back…

Lots of things have been happening here. I can’t remember my last time posting but many things have changed, some good, some bad.

First we lost our 15 year old GSP to a heart attack, it was very sudden very gentle and peaceful and it broke our hearts.

Bear our lab/bc mix with Cushing’s disease is not doing very well, we are pretty certain it’s only a matter of time before we have to send her to the bridge, which will break my heart, she is my soul dog.

On the upside, we have 2 new pups Sam and Sunshine; they came to us from Grayson Humane Society in KY, scared to death when we first got them. Training is going slow because they are still very jumpy. Even the slightest correction is enough to send them cowering and shaking in the opposite direction. They are doing much better than when they first came. Sam is an old soul, very gentle and passive. Sunshine is pushy, and although very submissive to humans, she is a bully with the other critters, but she is learning.
You can see their video’s on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfzaGum1X10&feature=channel_page

Bit by bit we are getting the house in order, we have fitted new radiator covers, laid new flooring, and redone the kitchen counters.

I published my pet recipe book, which was 2 years in the making.

I also opened up a Bonanzle booth with everything from dress rings to pet toys. http://www.bonanzle.com/booths/flip195
So that’s why I have not been around much.

Daisy and Delilah
03-14-2009, 12:23 PM
Welcome back!! I'm sorry about the loss of your beautiful GSP. What a cutie. I'm sorry about Bear too.:( She looks like a total sweetheart with that cute facie. I hope she gets better. It's good to see your new pups. They're both adorable. Thanks for saving them!!

No wonder you've been MIA. You've had alot going on. Don't be a stranger.:)